Massive Warning: Control and Arrest Operation Imminent!

In the spirit of transparency, the handles I have used only 3 handles since 1998 when I registered for the very first time on EliteFitness or anabolex. They were very different places back then.

Those are 2 of the top 3 worst boards the Community has every known.* is the 3rd but this short list is in no particular order. EF birthed evo. The scum bags wanted a bigger piece of the scam gravy train. That story is for another thread.

Handles I've used: biggerben69, biggerben692000, and geogroup.
Wow, I remember you from Anabolex. That place used to be good, really good, until it became a retarded shill haven with Gemelli and his bots. The off topic section where we just talked shit all the time was fun too.

Now every fucking post is, “bro use naps,” “bro use domestic supply.” Fucking weird.
Wow, I remember you from Anabolex. That place used to be good, really good, until it became a retarded shill haven with Gemelli and his bots. The off topic section where we just talked shit all the time was fun too.

Now every fucking post is, “bro use naps,” “bro use domestic supply.” Fucking weird.
any idea how Dylan took over Anabolex ?
any idea how Dylan took over Anabolex ?
The board changed ownership a couple of times. Before it became the dump it is now it was an Aussie board. At some point after Evolutionary was introduced anabolex became the cesspool we now see.

They created a post saying that @Stanfordpharma1 was scamming. It was clear to anyone except the greenest greenhorn that it was made up. The author claimed to have sent cash(think I have that right?) and received nothing. Stan has never taken cash. That made no difference to the MEMBERS there.

The membership is made up of guys who rep for the paying sources there. They all post saying things like "Only order from anabolex approved sources like Naps"....another...."Never had a problem when ordering from so and so". They are after the brand new member's money.
The board changed ownership a couple of times. Before it became the dump it is now it was an Aussie board. At some point after Evolutionary was introduced anabolex became the cesspool we now see.

They created a post saying that @Stanfordpharma1 was scamming. It was clear to anyone except the greenest greenhorn that it was made up. The author claimed to have sent cash(think I have that right?) and received nothing. Stan has never taken cash. That made no difference to the MEMBERS there.

The membership is made up of guys who rep for the paying sources there. They all post saying things like "Only order from anabolex approved sources like Naps"....another...."Never had a problem when ordering from so and so". They are after the brand new member's money.
Every post on Anabolex is almost the exact same. They always trash high quality sources on MESO with obvious bullshit replies.

Every damn reply is some variation of “use approved sources,” “bro use naps,” “bro use domestic supply,” or some variation of praising the “approved sources,” “bro Qingdao Sigmal is a scam,” “bro stay away from Meso.”
I don't see China deciding to straighten up and play fair. They will play on both sides of the fence as they always do. They will pretend they are doing something while they sucker big pharma in and steal their technology. Its amazing that these companies never seeing it coming and keep falling for the same BS.
Not sure if you're familiar with the federal system? Its a fact that Misriah cooperated with the prosecuting US Attorney for a sentence reduction. I've listened to a lot of guys say that they didn't have to snitch on anyone to cooperate and receive a sentence reduction. Its always the guy who believes he's always the smartest guy in the room and that he can talk in circles enough to talk his way out of the uncomfortable situation he's in. I'm not talking about when he's in his bedroom exchanging dm's and answering questions on a forum. I'm talking about when the rep of whatever race you happen to be gets around to introducing himself and its time to check your paperwork. Its best for all involved to get it done and over with the day you get to whatever institution it is he's at. That way the guy hasn't gotten to be to friendly with anyone and hasn't told too many stories. Its gets dangerous when guys get their feelings involved. Guys don't like being lied to.

You don't have a lot of control over many things in prison. You do have control over who you're going to live with. That's as far as living with sex offenders and rats. Its not going to happen anywhere except FPC's(federal prison camp) and some low security institutions such as Terminal Island in CA, for example.

Guys strive to end up in a FPC(camp). There's supposed to be no violence or politics. Things don't usually happen but when they do a bunch of guys will be shipped out and peace will be restored. Guys with short sentences, guys at the end of long sentences who have worked their way down by lowering the custody points, and first time white collar crooks who don't have multi million dollar restitutions hanging over their heads. Bernie Madoff was a guy with no violence and zero criminal history but he stole enough money that his sentence was forever. To be in a camp you have to have less than a 10 year sentence.

There are no fences or walls surrounding the camps. Psychologically, it makes a big difference to inmates. Guys can and do simply "Walk Away". Its not classified as an "Escape" because there's nothing stopping you from walking away. At night after midnight there can be only 1 corrections officer on duty for that grave shift. How can they be expected to have any control. At camps, guys police themselves and each other. If someone or a group decides to push politics, for example, there will be several "kites" dropped off naming inmates involved. A quick investigation happens and most likely the guys responsible will be shipped to an institution where they can politic all day and night if they want.

Its best to keep your head down and stay out of the way. I met a dentist at the last federal halfway house I was at. His name is Damian. I haven't spoken to him in a while but we still keep in touch. He developed a prescription pain pill addiction while he owned a dental practice in a wealthy part of So Cal. His wife was his office manager so she had access to the financials of the office. This made it difficult for him to take the $$ he needed to satisfy his appetite for opiate pain meds. He got the idea one day while eating a quick lunch outside of a restaurant that was next door to a bank. Who would think a dentist would rob a bank on his lunch break? Bank Robbers are a different breed to begin with. But one who moonlights as a dentist is way far out. He was successful 3 or 4 times before someone watching the news recognized him and made a call ending his wild crime wave.

Well, Damian used a note and no gun to rob the banks. That coupled with him having no prior criminal history kept his sentence to around 7 years. A woman testified that she had been scared for her life. This made his crime violent and kept his custody points high enough to keep him out of a camp. He found himself at a low security institution where you will find all the sex offenders. There are so many that they are mostly tolerated by inmates. You don't have to tolerate them but there will be hell to pay if you take matters into your own hands.

One particular child molester really bothered Damian, He and 2 other inmates decided to take out their frustrations on the guy and beat him pretty badly..or pretty good depending on how you see things. They made an example out of my dentist friend. He was shipped off and had no idea where he was going until he pulled into Beamont, Tx...infamously known as "Bloody Beaumont" for the extreme and seemingly constant violence going on there. He made it home.

Damnit, I got carried away again. My point was that if a guy received a sentence reduction he has to tell them EVERYTHING he knows about his crime. If they even THINK he's not being 100% truthful and is holding something back they pull the deal. They don't need proof its just gone. Misriah knew Panda better than anyone breathing. He turned on his friend, Its nothing new. I've seen Fathers tell on their sons and vice versa. Its a sad state of affairs.
Not sure if you're familiar with the federal system? Its a fact that Misriah cooperated with the prosecuting US Attorney for a sentence reduction. I've listened to a lot of guys say that they didn't have to snitch on anyone to cooperate and receive a sentence reduction. Its always the guy who believes he's always the smartest guy in the room and that he can talk in circles enough to talk his way out of the uncomfortable situation he's in. I'm not talking about when he's in his bedroom exchanging dm's and answering questions on a forum. I'm talking about when the rep of whatever race you happen to be gets around to introducing himself and its time to check your paperwork. Its best for all involved to get it done and over with the day you get to whatever institution it is he's at. That way the guy hasn't gotten to be to friendly with anyone and hasn't told too many stories. Its gets dangerous when guys get their feelings involved. Guys don't like being lied to.

You don't have a lot of control over many things in prison. You do have control over who you're going to live with. That's as far as living with sex offenders and rats. Its not going to happen anywhere except FPC's(federal prison camp) and some low security institutions such as Terminal Island in CA, for example.

Guys strive to end up in a FPC(camp). There's supposed to be no violence or politics. Things don't usually happen but when they do a bunch of guys will be shipped out and peace will be restored. Guys with short sentences, guys at the end of long sentences who have worked their way down by lowering the custody points, and first time white collar crooks who don't have multi million dollar restitutions hanging over their heads. Bernie Madoff was a guy with no violence and zero criminal history but he stole enough money that his sentence was forever. To be in a camp you have to have less than a 10 year sentence.

There are no fences or walls surrounding the camps. Psychologically, it makes a big difference to inmates. Guys can and do simply "Walk Away". Its not classified as an "Escape" because there's nothing stopping you from walking away. At night after midnight there can be only 1 corrections officer on duty for that grave shift. How can they be expected to have any control. At camps, guys police themselves and each other. If someone or a group decides to push politics, for example, there will be several "kites" dropped off naming inmates involved. A quick investigation happens and most likely the guys responsible will be shipped to an institution where they can politic all day and night if they want.

Its best to keep your head down and stay out of the way. I met a dentist at the last federal halfway house I was at. His name is Damian. I haven't spoken to him in a while but we still keep in touch. He developed a prescription pain pill addiction while he owned a dental practice in a wealthy part of So Cal. His wife was his office manager so she had access to the financials of the office. This made it difficult for him to take the $$ he needed to satisfy his appetite for opiate pain meds. He got the idea one day while eating a quick lunch outside of a restaurant that was next door to a bank. Who would think a dentist would rob a bank on his lunch break? Bank Robbers are a different breed to begin with. But one who moonlights as a dentist is way far out. He was successful 3 or 4 times before someone watching the news recognized him and made a call ending his wild crime wave.

Well, Damian used a note and no gun to rob the banks. That coupled with him having no prior criminal history kept his sentence to around 7 years. A woman testified that she had been scared for her life. This made his crime violent and kept his custody points high enough to keep him out of a camp. He found himself at a low security institution where you will find all the sex offenders. There are so many that they are mostly tolerated by inmates. You don't have to tolerate them but there will be hell to pay if you take matters into your own hands.

One particular child molester really bothered Damian, He and 2 other inmates decided to take out their frustrations on the guy and beat him pretty badly..or pretty good depending on how you see things. They made an example out of my dentist friend. He was shipped off and had no idea where he was going until he pulled into Beamont, Tx...infamously known as "Bloody Beaumont" for the extreme and seemingly constant violence going on there. He made it home.

Damnit, I got carried away again. My point was that if a guy received a sentence reduction he has to tell them EVERYTHING he knows about his crime. If they even THINK he's not being 100% truthful and is holding something back they pull the deal. They don't need proof its just gone. Misriah knew Panda better than anyone breathing. He turned on his friend, Its nothing new. I've seen Fathers tell on their sons and vice versa. Its a sad state of affairs.

Man, you should write a movie script.
So much drama, twists and turns.
Good story telling.
Netflix awaits.