Mast e & test e add NPP?


Hello all,

I’m looking at some feedback on my cycle add ons. Currently I’m on the following regiment:

Test e 100mg EOD. 300week
mast E 125mg EOD. 375 week
HCG 250-500iu EOD 1000iu week
Aromasin 12.5mg weekly as needed
Armidex just have on hand
GH 3iu daily
And a ton of supplements I won’t even list them all

Plan is to run the above for 12 weeks and then switch to test p/mast p for 4 weeks before hitting PCT with clomid/nolvadex

Currently I’m on day 32 of the cycle.
Stats started at 176 10%bf and I’m now 190 6’2 15-16%bf 45 years old good precycle bloodwork. I seem to really gain water weigh pretty heavily but dandelion root knocked some of that back down although I still seem very puffy. I’m adding some telmastrin next week to bring my BP back to it’s old range annd hopefully knock down some more water. I was going thinking of adding NPP in a small 100-200mg week amount for joint support and further growth. I’ve never taken it but have tried Deca before with decent results. I’ve got new bloodwork coming up in a few days. Bieng older I want this to be gentle hence my concept of seeing where my new bloodwork lands me and then potentially adding NPP or Deca even. Or I could just stick to the current plan and just run mast/test/GH the whole way. Thoughts?
Why are you holding so much water? On a moderate dose of test and mast and a low dose of gh you shouldn’t be having issues with water retention unless your diet is shit. I would try to figure that out before adding in more compounds. Especially with 12.5 mg aromasin a week alongside 300mg of test. Do you usually need that much ai?
Hello all,

I’m looking at some feedback on my cycle add ons. Currently I’m on the following regiment:

Test e 100mg EOD. 300week
mast E 125mg EOD. 375 week
HCG 250-500iu EOD 1000iu week
Aromasin 12.5mg weekly as needed
Armidex just have on hand
GH 3iu daily
And a ton of supplements I won’t even list them all

Plan is to run the above for 12 weeks and then switch to test p/mast p for 4 weeks before hitting PCT with clomid/nolvadex

Currently I’m on day 32 of the cycle.
Stats started at 176 10%bf and I’m now 190 6’2 15-16%bf 45 years old good precycle bloodwork. I seem to really gain water weigh pretty heavily but dandelion root knocked some of that back down although I still seem very puffy. I’m adding some telmastrin next week to bring my BP back to it’s old range annd hopefully knock down some more water. I was going thinking of adding NPP in a small 100-200mg week amount for joint support and further growth. I’ve never taken it but have tried Deca before with decent results. I’ve got new bloodwork coming up in a few days. Bieng older I want this to be gentle hence my concept of seeing where my new bloodwork lands me and then potentially adding NPP or Deca even. Or I could just stick to the current plan and just run mast/test/GH the whole way. Thoughts?
I'm currently doing this same cycle. I'd say throw the npp in. It has increased my appetite considerably, and joints do actually feel better. I was a little worried about using a 19 nor at first bc I'm prone to anxiety/depression and to be fair I have experienced a small increase in anxiety but totally manageable.

By using test/mast/npp you have all the pathways to grow covered. Highly recommend and this is a cycle I will keep coming back to.
Why are you holding so much water? On a moderate dose of test and mast and a low dose of gh you shouldn’t be having issues with water retention unless your diet is shit. I would try to figure that out before adding in more compounds. Especially with 12.5 mg aromasin a week alongside 300mg of test. Do you usually need that much ai?
Could be the weekly HCG
Your weekly dosages are off
EoD =every other day injections
There are 7 days in a week
Test E 100 mg EoD = 350 mg/wk (not 300)
Mast E 125 mg EoD=437.5 mg/wk (not 375)

Might not seem like a big deal but simple math is important
Your weekly dosages are off by 87.5 mg (almost 100 mg off each week)
That’s with only two compounds
If you decide to add NPP at 200 mg per week your EoD injection volume will be 60 mg for a total of 210 weekly
(Not whatever your math would of given you lol)
At 100 mg per week 30 mg EoD for 105 weekly
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Your weekly dosages are off
EoD =every other day injections
There are 7 days in a week
Test E 100 mg EoD = 350 mg/wk (not 300)
Mast E 125 mg EoD=437.5 mg/wk (not 375)

Might not seem like a big deal but simple math is important
Your weekly dosages are off by 87.5 mg (almost 100 mg off each week)
That’s with only two compounds
Damn I missed that. Yeah that’s kinda important haha
Wow! Great replies and I’m going to adjust my doses to the following:

Test e 74 mg eod
Mast e 105 mg eod
HCG 300iu eod

As far as the water it’s might be diet as I came off 2 years of keto for this cycle. I’m still trying to figure out my body’s idea carb consumption. I seem less watery when I restrict real carbs to my first two meals; things like rice, quinoa, oats ect. Then go back to veggies and meat like I’m used to for the next three.

It could also be HGH as I’ve heard water retention is common. I expected none with mast/test.

As far as aromasin I have taken 5 doses so far at 12.5 mg only because I had sensitive nipples and massive water retention. I’m stopping till I get my bloodwork at the end of the month.

My guess is diet for water and I just might need way less carbs. I’m aiming for 400gm a day based off my reading but it’s a shock since I used to consume under 60gm a day. Maybe I can still grow on 200gm a day carbs?
Actually quick question about adjusting doses at the 35 day mark. Do you think I should drop them down to my original goal level? I’ve been slowly working up from 200mg week level till now but obviously went over my target or 300/375 test/mast?
Wow! Great replies and I’m going to adjust my doses to the following:

Test e 74 mg eod
Mast e 105 mg eod
HCG 300iu eod

As far as the water it’s might be diet as I came off 2 years of keto for this cycle. I’m still trying to figure out my body’s idea carb consumption. I seem less watery when I restrict real carbs to my first two meals; things like rice, quinoa, oats ect. Then go back to veggies and meat like I’m used to for the next three.

It could also be HGH as I’ve heard water retention is common. I expected none with mast/test.

As far as aromasin I have taken 5 doses so far at 12.5 mg only because I had sensitive nipples and massive water retention. I’m stopping till I get my bloodwork at the end of the month.

My guess is diet for water and I just might need way less carbs. I’m aiming for 400gm a day based off my reading but it’s a shock since I used to consume under 60gm a day. Maybe I can still grow on 200gm a day carbs?
Just how are you gonna measure out test e at 74mg? And mast at 105mg? I'm VERY interested how you'll draw this into your pin.
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Just how are you gonna measure out test e at 74mg? And mast at 105mg? I'm VERY interested how you'll draw this into you're pin.
Yeah I agree

Just a helpful tip for OP:

I always do EoD or ED injections, blast or cruise and what I have found works best is to find the most rounded number (either to 0.1 or 0.05 ml) that gets you closest to your desired weekly total.

The weekly total can be an odd number because you are not carefully measuring your weekly total. You are carefully measuring your EoD injections though.

For example if you want 300 mg weekly total of test I would do:
Assuming Test is 200 mg/ml
80 mg per injection EoD (0.40 ml)
This will give you a weekly total of 280 mg
Or you could do:
90 mg per injection EoD (0.45 ml)
This will give you a weekly total of 315 mg

The 0.40 ml or 0.45 ml will be much easier to accurately draw into the syringe

You’re not going to accurately draw, on a consistent basis, a random amount like 41.5 ml. That why this way is more practical and accurate
You won’t need to do this for weekly injections but when you break your injections down to EOD or ED you get some obscure numbers
Wow! Great replies and I’m going to adjust my doses to the following:

Test e 74 mg eod
Mast e 105 mg eod
HCG 300iu eod

As far as the water it’s might be diet as I came off 2 years of keto for this cycle. I’m still trying to figure out my body’s idea carb consumption. I seem less watery when I restrict real carbs to my first two meals; things like rice, quinoa, oats ect. Then go back to veggies and meat like I’m used to for the next three.

It could also be HGH as I’ve heard water retention is common. I expected none with mast/test.

As far as aromasin I have taken 5 doses so far at 12.5 mg only because I had sensitive nipples and massive water retention. I’m stopping till I get my bloodwork at the end of the month.

My guess is diet for water and I just might need way less carbs. I’m aiming for 400gm a day based off my reading but it’s a shock since I used to consume under 60gm a day. Maybe I can still grow on 200gm a day carbs?
Simple math. If you're Injecting eod just multiply the dose by 3.5
So 50mg x 3.5= 175mg per week
I was planning on the following if I switch back to my original dosing concept:

.3/.55 ml. For 74/105 Mg. Since test e is 250/1 and mast e is 200/1
I was going to keep using the ml markers but maybe round up the .3ml and .6ml eod.

My last dose was .4/67 ml for 100/135 mg

I’m still wondering if I should drop back down now that I’ve been on the higher dose for 13 days or keep it as is. Honestly. Almost 800 mg just sounds like way more than my concept of 675 and it makes me slightly more nervous
I was planning on the following if I switch back to my original dosing concept:

.3/.55 ml. For 74/105 Mg. Since test e is 250/1 and mast e is 200/1
I was going to keep using the ml markers but maybe round up the .3ml and .6ml eod.

My last dose was .4/67 ml for 100/135 mg

I’m still wondering if I should drop back down now that I’ve been on the higher dose for 13 days or keep it as is. Honestly. Almost 800 mg just sounds like way more than my concept of 675 and it makes me slightly more nervous
I'm out. You've gotta be trolling
- .3 would be 75mg
- .55 would be 110mg
Even I can do the dam math in my head for crying out loud dude!
Yep I miss wrote that for some reason. On my log it’s 75/110, sorry I posted that wrong but feel free to stop responding. For anyone else I do really appreciate your advice and I’m still looking for feedback on dropping back down or not.
Yep I miss wrote that for some reason. On my log it’s 75/110, sorry I posted that wrong but feel free to stop responding. For anyone else I do really appreciate your advice and I’m still looking for feedback on dropping back down or not.
Why don't you just make life simple?
Test 100mg (.4cc) eod= 350mg week
Mast 100mg (.5cc) eod= 350mg a week
Fuck the npp
Test, mast, and hgh should be all you really need for 6'2" 190lbs. Not sure why you hold water. The mast should have taken care of that. Maybe it's the hgh, everyone's different. But I see no reason to add npp and all the possible sides that come with.
I'm only about 2 weeks into a cycle of test 350mg, mast 350mg, and tren 70mg per wk and I feel fucking awesome. Even if I drop the 70mg of tren ( probably will in a few wks) I'd be happy with my dosages and making gains.
And somethings wrong with these stats...176 10%bf and I’m now 190 6’2 15-16%bf

According to this you gained all fat and water in a month on gear?