Masteron question

Yes, the availability of transplants is not a excuse to needlessly lose a good head of hair that can be easily preserved by dialing in the correct fin/dut and minox dose, then two side effect free pills a day.

Transplants, if you're lucky, can be ok, often less than ok, and not close to keeping the hair you have. The sad irony is, you must go on fin/dut anyway for a successfully transplant,

Exactly. Losing your hair because you don't wanna use finasteride or dutasteride and then deciding to go for a transplant makes zero sense.

One because after the transplant if you continue using peds and without fina or duta you're most probably gonna lose all the remaining OG hair and stil look balding and two if you do a transplant and decide to use 5ar meds then why don't take it in the first place to avoid the cost, the pain and all the annoying thing from the transplant. For those who don't know much about the subject, i can hear it..but for all the rest i think there's no excuse.

After seeing couple of my friends going to Turkey and what they had to endure i said to myself there's no effing way i'm doing this to myself. But now i'm past the point of reversing my receeding hairline and balding with 5ar (also i'm terrified of the side effects and if you're already afraid the placebo hits hard) so i'm just waiting for the time to pull the plug and shave it.
I think that if someone is genetically prepared to hair loss and want play with anabolics steroid , he's playing with windmills.....
Exactly. Losing your hair because you don't wanna use finasteride or dutasteride and then deciding to go for a transplant makes zero sense.

One because after the transplant if you continue using peds and without fina or duta you're most probably gonna lose all the remaining OG hair and stil look balding and two if you do a transplant and decide to use 5ar meds then why don't take it in the first place to avoid the cost, the pain and all the annoying thing from the transplant. For those who don't know much about the subject, i can hear it..but for all the rest i think there's no excuse.

After seeing couple of my friends going to Turkey and what they had to endure i said to myself there's no effing way i'm doing this to myself. But now i'm past the point of reversing my receeding hairline and balding with 5ar (also i'm terrified of the side effects and if you're already afraid the placebo hits hard) so i'm just waiting for the time to pull the plug and shave it.

This gets a lot of hate, but some consider hair loss vs boner loss. Disagreements about erectile dysfunction with finasteride. I'd rather maintain dick function, given there are other good options for hair health.
This gets a lot of hate, but some consider hair loss vs boner loss. Disagreements about erectile dysfunction with finasteride. I'd rather maintain dick function, given there are other good options for hair health.

Huh, tell me about that..i've said this exact thing many times here, i'm on the same boat with you.

I made a decision when i started gear and that was not to touch 5ar meds. Note, balding had already started before touch gear. Now after 1,5 year on gear and with the latest positive research about microdosing duta i wonder if i did right, but for me now is kinda late to change my mind because damage has already been done.

I had a trial with keto shampoo, RU and minoxidil but even if they helped a little i'm not the person who has the patience to do this routine 365 days a year or spend all that money (which in daily basis equals something like 3 IU of HGH for me) so yeah, i'm just waiting for my hair start looking enough funky to start shaving it. I have a last bottle of RU that i'm gonna run with primo soon but even 150 Mast i had on cruise for 2 months without any hair aid it made my situation worse.
If you’re too self conscious about going bald, flights to turkey aren’t that expensive….just saying. And for a few more dollars you can hire some beautiful companions to make the stay more enjoyable.
Mmm exploitative sex tourism how cool
This gets a lot of hate, but some consider hair loss vs boner loss. Disagreements about erectile dysfunction with finasteride. I'd rather maintain dick function, given there are other good options for hair health.
It’s not hair loss or boner loss though, it’s hair loss or a small percent who get psychosomatic boner loss.
Ehi, dimmi di più... Ho già detto questa stessa cosa molte volte qui, sono sulla tua stessa barca.

Ho preso una decisione quando ho iniziato a usare Gear, ovvero non toccare i farmaci 5ar. Nota, la calvizie era già iniziata prima di usare Gear. Ora, dopo 1 anno e mezzo di Gear e con le ultime ricerche positive sul microdosaggio duta, mi chiedo se ho fatto bene, ma per me ora è un po' tardi per cambiare idea perché il danno è già stato fatto.

Ho provato con shampoo chetogenico, RU e minoxidil, ma anche se mi hanno aiutato un po', non sono la persona che ha la pazienza di fare questa routine 365 giorni all'anno o spendere tutti quei soldi (che ogni giorno equivalgono a qualcosa come 3 UI di HGH per me), quindi sì, sto solo aspettando che i miei capelli inizino ad avere un aspetto abbastanza funky per iniziare a raderli. Ho un'ultima bottiglia di RU che userò presto con Primo, ma anche 150 Mast che ho avuto in crociera per 2 mesi senza alcun aiuto per i capelli hanno peggiorato la mia situazione.

you wrote started aas 1,5 years agò and hair loss was from before?
I am 54 years old....
i use gear since 11 years, i used a lot of test (until 1 gr) , winny, oxa, TREN (tren at least 12 times....).
My hairline regressed 2 cm since i started (@42 years old) but i have my hair.... theese few cm less of hairline are most probably for my age then for aas use....
and i dind't used anything i didn't use 1 $ for this pourpose....
If you MUST loosa hair: you will loose air......
That's insane. It's not a symptom linked to Minoxidil in any formulary I can find.

It sounds like they were completely unfamiliar with it and stumbled across something. Did you choose a provider with "hair loss" as the symptom?

You're the first person out of many I've ever heard of being denied.

Sorry for the wasted fee, I'm certain of you try somewhere else like GoodRXCare youll get it.

Also, mention you "used it several years ago without issue" whenever requesting any med.
GoodRX refused to prescribe oral minoxidil. FYI for anyone else: don't waste your money on the appointment.

Nurse was kinda bitchy when I asked why they don't prescribe it. She only offered finasteride and refused to provide an explanation for not prescribing OM.
You're right. Type 1 5-AR conversion happens right inside of follicles, a terrible place for DHT production, and Fin doesn't help with that.

The prob with Duta is that .5mg is the lowest dose you could go, because they're gelcaps, and that's way too much for many guys, inducing sides.
With a half life of up to 5 weeks, dutasteride can be dosed once a week without the need to split tablets. My serum DHT dropped in half with 0.5mg once a week.