Medical dosage of anadrol

So I’m considering running the higher end of my recommended medical dosage for my weight, I’ve never gone over 250MG anadrol a day but with the higher end of medical dosage being 5MG/KG of bodyweight a day I think I’m going to throw 650MG Anadrol a day to start my next cycle, anyway my question being, I always liked my orals pre workout but will 650MG be too much all in one go ? Should I split the dosage up ?

Cheers for the advice in advance
Ok so in the past I’ve argued that we are way too weird about anadrol in particular. Moreso Reddit but just as a generality. They talk like 25mg anadrol for 4wks will give instant liver failure, when medical literature cites that one can generally take doses far higher and longer than that used by our community with negligible side effects.

The other half of looking at medicinal uses is that this is a game of risk:reward. An AIDS patient (as a random, but common example) will have a different risk:reward profile than a healthy bodybuilder. If they don’t receive this (or whatever) medicine they may die, thus it’s favorable for them to take the medicine even if it damages systems of their body. With us though we aren’t risking death or organ failure if we don’t use anabolics, so 0mg is the optimal dosage and the further above that the worse you’re hurting your body.
Ok so in the past I’ve argued that we are way too weird about anadrol in particular. Moreso Reddit but just as a generality. They talk like 25mg anadrol for 4wks will give instant liver failure, when medical literature cites that one can generally take doses far higher and longer than that used by our community with negligible side effects.

The other half of looking at medicinal uses is that this is a game of risk:reward. An AIDS patient (as a random, but common example) will have a different risk:reward profile than a healthy bodybuilder. If they don’t receive this (or whatever) medicine they may die, thus it’s favorable for them to take the medicine even if it damages systems of their body. With us though we aren’t risking death or organ failure if we don’t use anabolics, so 0mg is the optimal dosage and the further above that the worse you’re hurting your body.
See that’s what I was thinking, I appreciate being careful and appreciate that we all want to be as safe as possible but medically we’ve demonstrated people can handle WAAY more than 50-100MG a day but that’s still the narrative that anything over this dose is lethal, how many people have actually explored how much weight/strength can be gained from near medical dosages ! Even so I think maybe 650 might be a little high but I’m gonna do some more research and re post question !

But for higher anadrol dosages do they need to be split or fine all in one go ?
See that’s what I was thinking, I appreciate being careful and appreciate that we all want to be as safe as possible but medically we’ve demonstrated people can handle WAAY more than 50-100MG a day but that’s still the narrative that anything over this dose is lethal, how many people have actually explored how much weight/strength can be gained from near medical dosages ! Even so I think maybe 650 might be a little high but I’m gonna do some more research and re post question !

But for higher anadrol dosages do they need to be split or fine all in one go ?
Have you even touched aas before? You sound like a complete newbie who shouldn't be using peds yet.

Please stop before you hurt yourself.
Have you even touched aas before? You sound like a complete newbie who shouldn't be using peds yet.

Please stop before you hurt yourself.
If you don’t mind me asking, what was so wrong with the question ? Yeah I’ve used AAS previously, this isn’t a crazy question, not talking about grams of anadrol a day, what I was asking about is if anyone has tried the medical dosage of anadrol, not a crazy dosage no one has ever heard of, a medical dosage which has been documented previously, which does happen in a medical circumstance, with minimally documented side effects
Yes, medical dosage recommendation/limits of Anadrol are insane.

Nobody in the AAS world uses Anadrol at hundreds of milligrams if they want to live. Your first run of Anadrol should be 25-50mg. And use it at the end of the cycle, not the beginning.

500mg of Anadrol a day is gonna cost a fortune anyways, and your liver.
Yes, medical dosage recommendation/limits of Anadrol are insane.

Nobody in the AAS world uses Anadrol at hundreds of milligrams if they want to live. Your first run of Anadrol should be 25-50mg. And use it at the end of the cycle, not the beginning.

500mg of Anadrol a day is gonna cost a fortune anyways, and your liver.
Okay perfect thank you, it’s a no-go for medical dosage then haha, I’ve ran it a few times now at quite a bit higher than that, I find that dbol really fucks with my appetite so I always go with anadrol now, cheers
Yes, medical dosage recommendation/limits of Anadrol are insane.

Nobody in the AAS world uses Anadrol at hundreds of milligrams if they want to live. Your first run of Anadrol should be 25-50mg. And use it at the end of the cycle, not the beginning.

500mg of Anadrol a day is gonna cost a fortune anyways, and your liver.
Any need to spilt dosage ? I’ve found quite a bit of conflicting information on that
If you don’t mind me asking, what was so wrong with the question ? Yeah I’ve used AAS previously, this isn’t a crazy question, not talking about grams of anadrol a day, what I was asking about is if anyone has tried the medical dosage of anadrol, not a crazy dosage no one has ever heard of, a medical dosage which has been documented previously, which does happen in a medical circumstance, with minimally documented side effects
If you read the inserts of this medications and the recorded dosages done on the patients you will be amazed on how high they are. Think age patient doing 1 vial of serostim a day, that's 18units.

Now, think critically, are you an aids patient? Can you afford it? Are you advanced physique wise or does it make it worthwhile gains to health detriment ratio?

Remember Nasser apparently popped 10 tabs a day, so there's that.

So to sum it up, nobody here is stupid enough to even try medically recommended dosages, maybe some tried to titrate up but most feel the toxicity beyond 150mg per day.
650mg of Anadrol a day?!

I mean.. don’t do it.. but do it for science. Please keep us updated and give your girlfriend/boyfriend your details to logon here so they can tell us how fucked you are.
i am pretty sure the toxicity is overblown but on 650mg a day i dont know how i could eat anything.
i know a lot of guys running 150-200mg for 12-16 weeks and they havent died yet. in my opinion, 50-75mg is a good dosage to start and get a feeling
bro if you can handle 650mg of anadrol a day you are a god walking amongst us mortals. Shit I dare you to try that and come back and tell us how you feel. haha anadrol is POTENT as fuck bro I feel like a sack of dog shit on 50mg a day the longest I was ever able to run that rat poison was about 2 weeks and I started getting nose bleeds and experiencing severe depression. If you somehow survive this cycle please tell me how it was im curious. No giving you shit just telling you anadrol is very strong drug .