Medical dosage of anadrol

If you read the inserts of this medications and the recorded dosages done on the patients you will be amazed on how high they are. Think age patient doing 1 vial of serostim a day, that's 18units.

Now, think critically, are you an aids patient? Can you afford it? Are you advanced physique wise or does it make it worthwhile gains to health detriment ratio?

Remember Nasser apparently popped 10 tabs a day, so there's that.

So to sum it up, nobody here is stupid enough to even try medically recommended dosages, maybe some tried to titrate up but most feel the toxicity beyond 150mg per day.
this exactly. those dosages are used to treat severe anemia I think for anadrol. these people are very ill and probably dying so take that with a grain of salt when you see medical dosages. it just dopant apply to a man who's healthy trying to build muscle with the drug and not even using it for the medical purpose of it. I believe anadrol is used to treat anemia.
The big thing I struggle with is everyone sais don’t go over 50MG …. But medically its dosed by weight, so how can you tell 120KG person to run even a remotely similar dose to someone that’s 90KG when medically the dosage would be at absolute minimum
120kg - 240MG
90KG - 180MG
I can stomach 250MG pretty comfortably with no hit to my appetite, so I’m considering pushing it a little, okay maybe 650MG is too far but I don’t see a reason we can’t be running 300-400 a day if I’m not getting the negative health markers ? I mean if a 50KG anemic girl can run 250MG a day for 6 months you’re telling me a 130KG man can’t stomach a similar dose for 6 weeks ?
The big thing I struggle with is everyone sais don’t go over 50MG …. But medically its dosed by weight, so how can you tell 120KG person to run even a remotely similar dose to someone that’s 90KG when medically the dosage would be at absolute minimum
120kg - 240MG
90KG - 180MG
I can stomach 250MG pretty comfortably with no hit to my appetite, so I’m considering pushing it a little, okay maybe 650MG is too far but I don’t see a reason we can’t be running 300-400 a day if I’m not getting the negative health markers ? I mean if a 50KG anemic girl can run 250MG a day for 6 months you’re telling me a 130KG man can’t stomach a similar dose for 6 weeks ?
This is treatment for medical conditions and the side effects said in the articles are in part with what we expect. We want the anabolic portion of the med without a medical need... we have great results at 50 to 100 mg being the common. Do you feel the ROI is worth it?
The big thing I struggle with is everyone sais don’t go over 50MG …. But medically its dosed by weight, so how can you tell 120KG person to run even a remotely similar dose to someone that’s 90KG when medically the dosage would be at absolute minimum
120kg - 240MG
90KG - 180MG
I can stomach 250MG pretty comfortably with no hit to my appetite, so I’m considering pushing it a little, okay maybe 650MG is too far but I don’t see a reason we can’t be running 300-400 a day if I’m not getting the negative health markers ? I mean if a 50KG anemic girl can run 250MG a day for 6 months you’re telling me a 130KG man can’t stomach a similar dose for 6 weeks ?
hey man if you can handle a lot of anadrol and you feel good on it then go for it. It agrees with you then. I can say that you are lucky because most guys don't agree with anadrol haha im for sure one of them. Id have bloods pulled forsure to check how much damage was done to the liver or kidneys. I also think the toxicity is over blown a lot but still 250mg a day is a lot.

edit: just my opinion I would never recommend over 100mg a day and NEVER recommend anyone try 650mg a day. 100mg a day you're going to get the most you can from anadrol. the two weeks I ran anadrol at 50mg a day I was growing so fast it was scary and my strength was going up daily. even on way less food cuz I can't eat on those cyanide pills
Does 100mg of drol not turn everyone's stomach into a volcano? I'm popping omeprazole daily now and thinking about going twice Daily, I can't imagine 650mg, I bet you'd be injured bad quickly.
seriously 50mg of anadrol made me feel like shit after 10 days and didnt really see any gains nipples felt weird too. will never try again.
It's the best steroid in existence for gains, I'm seeing a lot of people say superdrol is, but over the last 5 years I've alternated both a lot of times and in my opinion it's anadrol, right now I'm just running a short blast of a full dose of both, idk how my kidneys are still in range as high as my BP is but I guess there was a study that showed gh to give kidneys ultra filtration power, and I'm on a ton of gh. My muscles are so tight I can barely even move, I'll sit there for 15 minutes trying to get up the nerve to put my socks on, I can barely lift my leg far enough to clean my feet in the shower, I get massive back pump just from standing up sometimes, but it's killer when I hit a set.
It's the best steroid in existence for gains, I'm seeing a lot of people say superdrol is, but over the last 5 years I've alternated both a lot of times and in my opinion it's anadrol, right now I'm just running a short blast of a full dose of both, idk how my kidneys are still in range as high as my BP is but I guess there was a study that showed gh to give kidneys ultra filtration power, and I'm on a ton of gh. My muscles are so tight I can barely even move, I'll sit there for 15 minutes trying to get up the nerve to put my socks on, I can barely lift my leg far enough to clean my feet in the shower, I get massive back pump just from standing up sometimes, but it's killer when I hit a set.
15 mins aint shit ive sat there for hours sometimes days even trying to muster up the courage to put my god damn socks on . im pissed my ex left me. seriously
15 mins aint shit ive sat there for hours sometimes days even trying to muster up the courage to put my god damn socks on . im pissed my ex left me. seriously
Im not big, but right now I walk around all stiff as fuck with that big-guy kinda walk, it's pretty lame. What was the deal breaker with the girl? I'm having to yell "UUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!" As I get up off of the couch just to get up the motivation to do it. I can get in a little cardio and weightlifting but I spend most of the day kind of paralyzed, never seen anything like this as far as pump/fullness/and gains though, I do very little at 217lbs now and am deficit at 4500, the gear really does burn calories, I think it's through body heat and just being able to put more nutrients to work in recovery of damaged tissue, along with my whole system just being ramped up more, like my resting heart rate is 100 instead of 60, that's gotta burn more calories right there alone.
Im not big, but right now I walk around all stiff as fuck with that big-guy kinda walk, it's pretty lame. What was the deal breaker with the girl? I'm having to yell "UUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!" As I get up off of the couch just to get up the motivation to do it. I can get in a little cardio and weightlifting but I spend most of the day kind of paralyzed, never seen anything like this as far as pump/fullness/and gains though, I do very little at 217lbs now and am deficit at 4500, the gear really does burn calories, I think it's through body heat and just being able to put more nutrients to work in recovery of damaged tissue, along with my whole system just being ramped up more, like my resting heart rate is 100 instead of 60, that's gotta burn more calories right there alone.
Oh I cheated on her many many times hahah jk but we just didn't click man she didn't train at all so it was never going to work. she never went to the gym. but its nice to have someone help with certain things like she would wipe my ass for me a lot. miss that, people dont understand the struggle of wiping your ass when you're a massive beast.
Im not big, but right now I walk around all stiff as fuck with that big-guy kinda walk, it's pretty lame. What was the deal breaker with the girl? I'm having to yell "UUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!" As I get up off of the couch just to get up the motivation to do it. I can get in a little cardio and weightlifting but I spend most of the day kind of paralyzed, never seen anything like this as far as pump/fullness/and gains though, I do very little at 217lbs now and am deficit at 4500, the gear really does burn calories, I think it's through body heat and just being able to put more nutrients to work in recovery of damaged tissue, along with my whole system just being ramped up more, like my resting heart rate is 100 instead of 60, that's gotta burn more calories right there alone.
wait so you just yell UUUUUUPPPP when you get off that couch? that's fucking hardcore bro not gunna lie. like how loud do you yell it? we talking like full force yelling maxed out?