medications for trenbolone induced hypertension


New Member
Hi, just wondering about the experience of others with trenbolone and high blood pressure. I seem to be pretty sensitive to tren induce hypertension and tried an ARB inhibitor (telmisartan) without much relief. I was wondering if any here have had success with other anti-hypertensive medications.

Also, as a side note, has any one tried sildenafil (viagra) for androgen induced high blood pressure? Lastly, has any one used eplerenone? It is a medication similar to spironolactone without, purportedly, the anti-androgen effects of spironolactone. Spironolactone, according to some, would be most effective for lowering steroid induced high blood pressure but of course, it carries with it the risk of developing gynocomastia from the suppression of androgens.

I am not looking for non-medicated measures.

Thank you.
Keep your diet clean, that should help
at least some.

When I was on 600mg or over, mine would go
up to 135 over 80 or 85 and I could feel the
veins in my head. Mine is naturally low . 110 over 60
so Tren doesn't bother me there, but if it did raise it
too much, I might take it out and run something else.

OR if you really must run it, then possibly the Tren A for a shorter time.

Did you ever try Drostenolone P or E? That might raise it too but not sure

Sorry couldn't be of much help, just really wanted to mention
i was once placed on this stuff for pain from a trapped nerve, it left me extremely mentally confused, dehydrated me unbelievably and shattered me with lethargy. i would not advise it under any circumstance....
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im on a much less severe medication for the nerve pain, called gabapentin. its in the same family of medicines but carries less side effects. amitriptyline is another...