Meditrope Blacktops - Serum - 2023-05 - by CEDIMAT


New Member

In 2019, I bought 3 Meditrope Blacktops kits (#72) from @tp2013 The Provider, for therapy replacement because I suffer from GH deficiency from a pituitary adenoma. I used 2.5 kits and I was waiting to have a test before buying more. But COVID arrived, the world, and mainly labs got complicated, so I forgot about it.

Finally, I (F38) had my blood tested before the HGH shot at 8:00 am and again two hours after a 2ui injection at 10:00 am.

PRE: 0.14 ng/mL (0-8)
POST: 5.05 ng/mL


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2hrs after injection is not the best time frame to take gh serum levels, if you waited a bit longer it is likely to come back higher. If this wasn't a intramuscular shot then that is another reason for a low test result.
2hrs after injection is not the best time frame to take gh serum levels, if you waited a bit longer it is likely to come back higher. If this wasn't a intramuscular shot then that is another reason for a low test result.
I didn’t said it was a low result test. I did what I wanted to do: to test my GH levels before and after (2h) getting 2iu, and I am fine with the results/levels. Maybe you misread my post, I am not a bodybuilder bro.
I didn’t said it was a low result test. I did what I wanted to do: to test my GH levels before and after (2h) getting 2iu, and I am fine with the results/levels. Maybe you misread my post, I am not a bodybuilder bro.
Yeah but this is a low test result afaik. That's why I said its better to shot it intramuscular 3.5hrs before the blood is drawn.
Yeah but this is a low test result afaik. That's why I said its better to shot it intramuscular 3.5hrs before the blood is drawn.
Maybe for normal people, this is a low test result. But for me, a person who has been able to reach a level above 3 ng/mL only after extreme hypoglycemia ("symptoms of hypoglycemia, including tachycardia, anxiety, sweating, faintness, weakness, dizziness, nausea, hunger, drowsiness, confusion, headache, and impaired speech and vision". Summary: You feel like you're dying, so your pituitary goes into emergency mode), during an insulin tolerance test (ITT), which forced my pituitary to produce the most that it could produce, and it produced an "awesome" peak of 7 ng/mL, to fall to 3 ng/mL 30 minutes later, then to 2 ng/mL (+30min) and 1 ng/mL (+30min). So 5 ng/mL is WONDERFUL for me.

If the max "expected" level for a normal person in my lab is 8 ng/mL, and I am a person with GH deficiency who gets a basal level of 0.1 ng/mL because my pituitary is producing shitty levels of GH, and I got 5 ng/mL (of 8 ng/mL) after 2iu and 2 hours. I am COMPLETELY fine and HAPPY with 5 ng/mL, because I just wanted to know if those vials had HGH and compare my basal levels to the post-shot levels, AND I don't have 4.5 hours to spend them seated in that place.

When I buy my next batch, almost sure I am going to do only the post-shot test, so I don't have to wait there, and it could be a 3-hour-ish post-shot test.

Thanks for your concern and advice.
Yeah but this is a low test result afaik. That's why I said its better to shot it intramuscular 3.5hrs before the blood is drawn.
I found that the expected levels are around 4 ng/mL after 2h of a 1mg subcutaneous injection. In my case, it was a 0.66mg subcutaneous injection and I got 5 ng/mL, so it is not a low test result.


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I found that the expected levels are around 4 ng/mL after 2h of a 1mg subcutaneous injection. In my case, it was a 0.66mg subcutaneous injection and I got 5 ng/mL, so it is not a low test result.
Again, I am talking about intramuscular injections, if you injected subcutanous then the peak will not be as high. So yes, it is a low test result for intramuscular injection. Not sure if you even understand what I am talking about because I said that in all of my posts and yet you upload a chart to show subcutanous injections and intranasal graphs of hgh.
What’s the opinion or consensus on intramuscular inj for HGH. Was thinking about switching from subq. Is there any downside or different protocols to be aware of.
Again, I am talking about intramuscular injections, if you injected subcutanous then the peak will not be as high. So yes, it is a low test result for intramuscular injection. Not sure if you even understand what I am talking about because I said that in all of my posts and yet you upload a chart to show subcutanous injections and intranasal graphs of hgh.

Maybe you should stop assuming things, ask them, and read better.

GH replacement therapy patients take subcutaneous injections (and since post #1, I said I am a GH replacement therapy patient taking a dose for GH replacement therapy). So, coming here to tell me, "Not sure if you even understand what I am talking about" when the one who doesn't understand what I AM talking about is you, it is kinda pedantic...

So I am showing a fucking graphic about subcutaneous injection because I take subcutaneous injections.

I didn't ask anything when I posted; I posted this in case someone like me, with Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD), arrives at this forum, as I did, and does a search about it. Nobody else thought this post needed assistance, so go be pedantic about IM injections to a thread where people are taking IM injections and asking for assistance.
2hrs after injection is not the best time frame to take gh serum levels, if you waited a bit longer it is likely to come back higher. If this wasn't a intramuscular shot then that is another reason for a low test result.
Have you seen my QSC HGH posts? I’m not sure if these are subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.

It went into the stomach, very little body fat, but tiny 31 gauge needles. Probably subcutaneous, right? Does this affect the absorption of HGH?

Bloods were taken roughly 3 hours after injection.

I am interested in hearing your opinion on the best time to get HGH testing done.
Again, I am talking about intramuscular injections, if you injected subcutanous then the peak will not be as high. So yes, it is a low test result for intramuscular injection. Not sure if you even understand what I am talking about because I said that in all of my posts and yet you upload a chart to show subcutanous injections and intranasal graphs of hgh.
Not sure what made you think this--it goes against any research I can find comparing sc vs im administration.

"The im group had peak and integratedconcentrations of plasma hGH of 43.1 ± 8.8 and 93.1 ±16.6 ng/ml, respectively, compared to 43.1 ± 11.1 and109.0 ± 36.1 ng/ml for the sc group"

Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 11.47.37 PM.png

RUSSO, L., & MOORE, W. V. (1982). A Comparison of Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Administration of Human Growth Hormone in the Therapy of Growth Hormone Deficiency. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 55(5), 1003–1006. doi:10.1210/jcem-55-5-1003

That being said I do vaguely remember another study that seemed to imply IM had a larger peak but then sc continued to remain in the body for longer/chemical half life was different. Or maybe it was the opposite. I can't find this.
Not sure what made you think this--it goes against any research I can find comparing sc vs im administration.

"The im group had peak and integratedconcentrations of plasma hGH of 43.1 ± 8.8 and 93.1 ±16.6 ng/ml, respectively, compared to 43.1 ± 11.1 and109.0 ± 36.1 ng/ml for the sc group"

View attachment 264057

RUSSO, L., & MOORE, W. V. (1982). A Comparison of Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Administration of Human Growth Hormone in the Therapy of Growth Hormone Deficiency. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 55(5), 1003–1006. doi:10.1210/jcem-55-5-1003

That being said I do vaguely remember another study that seemed to imply IM had a larger peak but then sc continued to remain in the body for longer/chemical half life was different. Or maybe it was the opposite. I can't find this.
Whoa. I’m gonna try SC injections. Thanks!
Whoa. I’m gonna try SC injections. Thanks!
Don't expect a notable difference. The error bars overlap, so there's no significant difference in GH serum, which is what the authors said. Feel free to read through the comparison though--you can use scihub.

I find subcutaneous so much more comfortable though, so I recommend it based on that.
Have you seen my QSC HGH posts? I’m not sure if these are subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.

It went into the stomach, very little body fat, but tiny 31 gauge needles. Probably subcutaneous, right? Does this affect the absorption of HGH?

Bloods were taken roughly 3 hours after injection.

I am interested in hearing your opinion on the best time to get HGH testing done.
Yes. IM HGH has peak serum levels in ~2hr. Sub-Q is 4 hrs respectively.

Go sub-q for GH