Meek Injecting Mlz


New Member
Ok guys so I pinned my ass today for the first time. First I loaded the hcg into the slin pin. I had a little air in the end near the needle, so I gently pushed it out til a drop came out the needle. Then I cleaned off an area on my upper quad and went in. I didnt even feel it so thats a good sign but damn those slin pins are tiny. Then I cleaned it again with an alcohol swab.

Then it was time for my Test E 300mg in the ass. I loaded the syringe with a 22g (think Im gonna buy some 18gs) and the same thing happened I got an air bubble at the tip by the needle I even pulled back past the 1ml mark and still had air so I am pretty sure I didnt get the full dose but fuck it live and learn right? Ill get it right next time. I switched the needle to a 25g, then I pushed the plunger to get rid of the air til a drop came out the tip. Then in front of the mirror I cleaned off an area in the upper right side of my right ass cheek and with no hesitation pushed that bitch in...pffft didnt even hurt. But was annoying how long it took to get all the oil in. About 45 seconds. And then I was done. That shit didnt hurt one bit. It was more sore while pushing the oil in but it more or less reminded me of the feeling of getting a shot in my ass by the doctor when I was young. I cleaned both injection areas again with an alcohol swab. And that was it. My wife said I was upstairs for not even 5 min. Haha hope all other injections go this smooth.

After I came down stairs I popped 2 10mg Tbols and ate my pre workout meal. Maybe its just placebo but I killed it at the gym today I seriously felt better than I ever have. I know I shouldnt be feeling the Test yet. So maybe it was the Tbol? Most people I have talked to say they can feel the Tbol in 3 days but I def felt completely different, happier and waaaay more energy. My lifts were good as well. When I got home I showered and cleaned my injection spots again with an alcohol swab.

But I have 1 question when should I start to take my arimidex? I was thinking to take .25mg tomorrow and then E3D. I dont wanna crash my e2 but I also dont want to wait until I have gyno signs either. I have arimidex from the Pharmacist so I have heard its strong as hell. Anyway just giving an update. And thanks for all the info and help from everyone on this board.
Subbed. Nice to see you prepared this well for your first cycle. You're probably having a bit of placebo effect, but I'm not going to kill your vibe homey. That euphoric feeling is DEFINITELY your bomb-ass tbol!!! And if it's not, imagine how badass you'll feel in a couple days. You already have my adex suggestion. Hopefully, some more experienced guys will chime in. Good luck man
Try running hot water over the barrel of the syringe for a minute or two, it'll thin out the oil. However, some gear is thicker and just takes time to go in. Be patient, you're good.
Great thanks guys. Yea I thought about running warm water over it but was too excited hahaha so I will def do that next time. And yup the euphoric feeling is crazy. I was so happy all day. Cant wait to see what the next 12 weeks will bring. Today was chest day. Tomorrow is back super stoked and cant wait!
Best of luck man! You'll be happy. Nice call on the Tbol.

I would wait a few days to start the adex, as tbol isn't nearly as estrogenic as Dbol.
@Wunderpus thanks bro and yea thats why I chose Tbol cause it doesnt convert to e2. Also I heard its easier to keep the gains u get from it. So Im hoping Ill grow good from this. I think I will wait til next week to start my adex. Thanks for ur comments.
Alright so I woke up today with my ass sore. Was a little sore last night at the injection spot. But now its sore a little above it. Right at the top of my ass. There is no redness so thats a good sign. Im just wondering why its sore above the injection spot. Maybe cause the oil spread out? Anyway its not unbearable or anything. Just giving an update.
Ok guys just got back from the gym. This shit is fucking crazy!!! I am def feeling the Tbol. I fucking killed it for 1.5 hours non stop I moved up like 10 kilos in weight every set did sets of 15-15- 12-12-10-10 and did about 7 different exercises with about 30-45 seconds rest between sets. I seriously have never done this good in the gym in my life. And its only day 2. And everybody was staring at me like...well like I was on steroids lol. Maybe just my paranoia but I dont give a fuck. I feel amazing!!! Yesterday may have been placebo but today was totally different. I cant wait til the Test kicks in!!! Anyway time to shower and feed my face! Peace bros.
Today was leg day and it was amazing! Leg press was maxed out at 355 for 5 reps thats the most I ever did. Darius's pharmacom Tbol is off the chain man. Im seriously feeling like I can take on the world right now. And my hunger is increasing too Im up to 4200 cals a day and already feel like Im growing. Im gonna increase my Tbol next week from 40mg a day to 60mg. If I knew steroids were this fucking good I would have done them years ago hahaha
Today was leg day and it was amazing! Leg press was maxed out at 355 for 5 reps thats the most I ever did. Darius's pharmacom Tbol is off the chain man. Im seriously feeling like I can take on the world right now. And my hunger is increasing too Im up to 4200 cals a day and already feel like Im growing. Im gonna increase my Tbol next week from 40mg a day to 60mg. If I knew steroids were this fucking good I would have done them years ago hahaha

Things look great, thank you for sharing all the info!
Omg i pinned my left ass cheek today and I couldnt stop the needle from moving while it was inside. I am in so much fucking pain. Gym went great again today but when I got home the pain kicked in. It hurts so fucking bad. I gotta figure out a way to inject without hurting my self but the glute is so hard to hit right especially with my left hand. Im gonna try my quad on monday just cause I can see it better. Im sure it will hurt but Ill be able to keep the needle from moving at least. Im gonna use my heating pad hopefully that will help a bit. Christ my ass hurts!!!!!
Ok guys today was shoulder day killed it for 1.5 hours straight. Also Im only 5 days in on darius's phramacom Tbol strength is going up, calorie intake keeps climbing and I just weighed myself this morning. I gained 4 pounds already I started at 176 and Im at 180 now. That was morning weight too. Im seriously fucking raging. I feel great and Im happy and have a great sense of well being. Im upping the Tbol on Monday. Im at 40mg now and will up it to 60mg. Cant wait. I also started my arimidex today as I was feeling a little bloated had some oily skin and thought my right nipple looked puffy. I took .25mg this morning. Not sure if the Test would be doing this already as I have only pinned twice. Anyway just an update. Feeling great and cant wait to see what next week brings!
@rawilliams21 My diet was at 3500 cals a day when I started but shit its over 4000 now. I have 8 meals a day (7am) whey shake with 100g brown rice powder and an apple (9am) 250g cooked brown rice 1 apple 50g pb (10am)gym (1130am)shake with 2 bananas and 50g peantut butter. (1:30) 250g cooked brown rice 100g veggies 200g meat 50g pb (3:30) whey shake with 50g pb 100g brown rice powder and 100g veggies. (5:30) 200g cooked brown rice 30g almonds 100g veggies 200g meat.
(7:30pm)200g meat 150g veggies 20g pb. (9:30) cassien protein shake with 20g pb apple.

A lot of food but im still pretty lean so Im feeling pretty good. Cant wait to up the dose.
@rawilliams21 My diet was at 3500 cals a day when I started but shit its over 4000 now. I have 8 meals a day (7am) whey shake with 100g brown rice powder and an apple (9am) 250g cooked brown rice 1 apple 50g pb (10am)gym (1130am)shake with 2 bananas and 50g peantut butter. (1:30) 250g cooked brown rice 100g veggies 200g meat 50g pb (3:30) whey shake with 50g pb 100g brown rice powder and 100g veggies. (5:30) 200g cooked brown rice 30g almonds 100g veggies 200g meat.
(7:30pm)200g meat 150g veggies 20g pb. (9:30) cassien protein shake with 20g pb apple.

A lot of food but im still pretty lean so Im feeling pretty good. Cant wait to up the dose.
Solid bro. Hope your gear treats you well man.