Meek Injecting Mlz

Today is an off day as well as tomorrow. Feeling like I want to hit the gym anyway haha its hard to rest on this shit. Monday is chest again cant wait.
Today I pinned my quad didnt hurt while doing it and I def was able to keep the needle more steady. But it is starting to hurt a bit now. I upped the dose of the Tbol today. From 40mg to 60mg. And the gym was crazy today I couldnt get myself to leave. Before I knew it almost 2 hours had past and I still had shit tons of energy. But I forced myself to leave cause I had to eat. But the amount of sets I did I couldnt even say I lost count after 20 lol. But my weights are going up and Im def looking bigger in the mirror.

About my Test e from Pct-shop. I hear most people say they dont feel it until 4-6 weeks and maybe its still placebo but on the days when I inject it feels like a rush like that feeling u get in ur stomach when u get really excited. And it lasts for about 2 days getting a little weaker on day 3 until I inject again then the feeling is back. Weird feeling but I love it. Just curious as to anyone elses experience with this. I have read a few people say their shit kicks in after a week or 2. Anyway shit is good and Im loving it.
My quad hurts so fucking bad. I can barely bend my leg. I am def not pinning quads again. Sticking to glutes. The injection spot isnt red but next to is is a little pink. No fever or sweats so thats a good sign but fuck it hurts. Gym was good again today. Still moving up in weight and happy so far with the results only after 1 week.
Quads are hit and miss man!! Some people can tolerate it and some can't.
I only pin my quad if I really need a place to hit, and I make sure I get leg day taken care of before I do.
@Cmxer32 yea leg day is tomorrow for me. I think Ill see how it feels tomorrow and if it hurts too much maybe a light leg work out or I might do arms instead and legs the next day. Quads suck IMO.
For me I only pin the top right of my quad. I divide my quad in half vertically and half horizontally and pin top outer part. Flex to find the muscle and then relax my leg and lay it straight and pin.

I find pinning on the day of leg day or going on a walk helps with soreness. But then again glutes have zero pip, for me at least.

Good log man. Keep it up.
@crofthths Yea my shit is in bad condition right now. It is pink right next to the injection spot. Was just a little pink this morning now its getting bigger. And its swollen. I pinned the side of my quad. And the pink area is near the top closer to the center of my quad. The injection hole doesnt hurt at all but Im trippin out thinking it might be an infection. But Im super sterile with my procedure. Maybe its just virgin muscle? Have u ever had this?
Ok guys just got back from the gym. This shit is fucking crazy!!! I am def feeling the Tbol. I fucking killed it for 1.5 hours non stop I moved up like 10 kilos in weight every set did sets of 15-15- 12-12-10-10 and did about 7 different exercises with about 30-45 seconds rest between sets. I seriously have never done this good in the gym in my life. And its only day 2. And everybody was staring at me like...well like I was on steroids lol. Maybe just my paranoia but I dont give a fuck. I feel amazing!!! Yesterday may have been placebo but today was totally different. I cant wait til the Test kicks in!!! Anyway time to shower and feed my face! Peace bros.
I drink my tbol with OJ and grapefruit juice. I can swear that make me feel stronger or make the tbol or dbol more powerful. But it cold be a placebo affect.
Ok guys today was the craziest day I have had yet!!!!! Monday I pinned my quad and the gym was good but def not as good as all of last week and the same went for yesterday was good but was def not feeling it like last week. I started to think because of the pain in my leg maybe the test e got stuck and didnt hit my blood stream. Last night I took some asprin for the pain in my leg. And in the middle of the night I started really feeling it in my sleep I woke up a few times and was grinding my teeth like crazy. My leg was still pink when I woke up but the swelling went down and the pain was less. So I decided to say fuck it and hit legs anyway. Pffft I fucking nailed it today. Leg press went up 40 pounds and did 2 sets of 10 so was 395. I was a raging bull all over again. More than before. Did a few sets of 15 at lower weight but not much lower. I really need to start logging my weight for each set and exercise. The test is def hitting me. Because I see no other reason why for the above. Anyway Im feeling great now. And pain in my leg is less now too after I worked legs. Yesterday I also emailed pct-shop guy to ask about his filtering process and a few other things. Anytime I email him he always responds within a few hours. He recommended I use a 23g needle from now on as he said the oil can concentrate in one area and take longer to disperse into the blood.Also another member here recommended that as well. I also searched around to see the reasoning behind using a 25g and could only find that it only cuts back on scar tissue. Fuck that I dont really care about that if Im only pinning my ass from now on. Cant believe I have another inject already tomorrow. But Im excited to try a 23g. Anyway shits good. And Im stoked to find out how well this test is dosed. But I live in europe so I am having a hard time finding a blood test that shows anything past 1500 which is pissing me off. Anyway if anyone has info about this please let me know.
Ok so my leg is almost completely better glad I stuck with leg day yesterday. Today I pinned my glute again but this time with a 22g needle. And fuck man that was the easiest pin so far. Fuck a 25g. Im never using a 25 again. Im sticking with the 22g. Absolutely no pip at all so I guess it wasnt the gear but Ill know for sure about the pip tomorrow. But by this time of day last time I pinned my glute it was hurting like hell already. And I feel nothing now.

I switched my arms and shoulders day today was shoulders tomorrow arms. Arms were still a bit sore from back day so giving them an extra day to heal. And gonna stick with this from now on. I killed shoulders weight just keeps going up every week on everything. Im loving it. Still doing high reps 15-15-12-12-10. Feeling great the pump is insane and Im so fucking hyper all the time. Not to mention horny as hell. I was getting a boner on the way to the gym today lol. Every woman I saw my dick starting growling like a wild animal with a mind of its own haha. Fucked my wife 4 times yesterday and could have gone more but she couldnt take it. So I jacked off before I went to bed last night. Anyway shits great and Im lovin it. Keeping my arimidex at .25mg every day I inject so far no sides. Might up it later on. Still eating like a horse too. Anyway bout my meal time. Just updating.
What were you pinning with before 21g or 25g? Glad to hear switching worked for you but could it just be your technique is improving?

sounds like that shit is kicking in good and proper now bro, cant wait to get to that stage :)
@hammertime I was pinning with a 25g before. And Im pretty sure it was the needle as yesterday my hand was moving all over the place. And still almost no pain. I do feel it. But its not like before. With the 25g I had to push so hard on the plunger it took forever. This time it just went right in nice and smooth. And yes I def feel like the test is kicking in. But I felt it on the first day. It was like a rush like that weird feeling u get in ur stomach when ur really excited about something then about 10-15 min later Im so hyper and ready to take on the world. Haha. Anyway Hope things are going good for u man.
Yea man its better everyday having trouble sleeping now. I wake up middle of the night with the feeling of chemicals raging through my veins. I dont mind it cause i still have alot of energy throughout the day. But its a strong feeling of hyperness in the middle of the night.
Update for yesterday. It was arm day and I killed it. I always have a hard time leaving the gym on arm day and chest day. But i did 20 sets for biceps and 20 sets on tris. Then ended with an extra 4 sets of 50 reps on each. Damn i was blown up. I couldnt stop looking at myself in the mirror. Everyone was staring and its clear now at this point I am on drugs lol. I even heard people talking about me haha fuck it. It was a great day and I feel amazing! 2 rest days now but I think ill do a 30 min run today just to get rid of some of this extra energy.
Ok had 2 off days with a 30 min walk Saturday. Just got home from the gym and today was chest day. Bench is going up consistently and my workout is easily 1 hour 45 min now. Consistently adding weight, reps, and sets. Went really good today and and I am really noticing the weight gain now. Im at 187 as of this morning but not sure how much is water weight. Pinning is easier and easier. And my hunger is still through the roof. Beginning of week 3 and going strong.