Meek Injecting Mlz

Nice bro yes Im def gonna have to up my cals for sure probably a few times before the cycles over.....cant believe the changes Im seeing already.
Nice bro yes Im def gonna have to up my cals for sure probably a few times before the cycles over.....cant believe the changes Im seeing already.
Pretty remarkable eh? Gains should slow after a while...well typically but who really knows since everyone is different.
Yea it is man. So the gains dont stay consistent? I read most dont see gains til week 6 from test e. I used a Tbol kick start and only 2 weeks left of that. I just this week really started feeling the test. I felt it before probably second pin but not like I am now. Im bouncing of the walls and can feel the shit coursing through my body. I cant stop stop talking lol. And I feel like I have more energy than I have ever had. Im hoping my gains stay consistent. I will have some test e left over if I do 600mg a week I have 3 10ml vials so was thinking about increasing it towards the end.
Yea it is man. So the gains dont stay consistent? I read most dont see gains til week 6 from test e. I used a Tbol kick start and only 2 weeks left of that. I just this week really started feeling the test. I felt it before probably second pin but not like I am now. Im bouncing of the walls and can feel the shit coursing through my body. I cant stop stop talking lol. And I feel like I have more energy than I have ever had. Im hoping my gains stay consistent. I will have some test e left over if I do 600mg a week I have 3 10ml vials so was thinking about increasing it towards the end.
The gains will 'typically' pack on a lot at first but as your body grows accustomed to everything they "should" slow. That does not mean they will 100% per say. But if you say were gaining 3-5lbs a week by week 10-12 you might only be throwing on 1-2 lbs weekly. Which isn't really that bad honestly. Gains are gains to me every pound counts, but i'm working to compete next year.
Yea def bro Im going crazy. I got only 2 weeks left of the Tbol. And all I keep thinking is fuck I dont wanna say goodbye to the Tbol haha. But it will be all gone so thats probably for the best.
Fuck you Meek. My T is kicking in, i come on here to take my mind off the deviant sexual thoughts ive been getting only to be confronted by THAT avatar. Fuck you Meek. :D
@hammertime Haha thats my wife:) cant say enough how super proud I am of that pussy. Shes Moroccan. And let me tell u, not only is it next to impossible to be with a Moroccan girl when ur a white non Arabic American. Its even more impossible to marry one:) But shes not religious at all so that shit didnt bother her. But that pussy is the best I have ever had in my life.

And why do u care about ur sexual deviant thoughts? Go smash something maaaaaane!!!

My wife can barely walk I been hittin that shit so much lol.
No fucking way is that your wife! If it is then i apologise for the thoughts i had about ruining both those holes :p

Seriously that is some piece of ass. Does she have a sister for a Scotsman?

On a more serious note, im not getting the same feeling in the gym you are at the min. Kinda makes me wish id went for a bigger dose of test :( im hoping them feels kick in around week 6. Only thing im getting for now are raging erections that wake me up at night and filthy thoughts about peoples wives :D i shit you not i gave the old boy a friction burn the other day :D
Lol yes thats her! Shes hot isnt she? Haha and no problem about the thoughts she has men drool over her all the time. Then they see me lol. Yes she has a sister but shes married also with 3 kids so. Haha
Man I love hearing how your first cycle is going. This is the kind of cycle I wish every first timer would have. The only problem is you are now hooked and will always want all your cycles to feel like your first one. Anyways, congratulations on finding some great gear and having the time of your life! Enjoy.
@Flounder thanks bro Im really happy too. I also wish everyone could have a good first cycle. But I owe it all to Meso members for helping sift through all the bullshit thats out there. And I owe u a great deal of thanks too my friend for all ur good advise. Today is arm day bout to have my second meal in an hour and hit the gym. Thanks for everything brother!
Omg I fucking killed arms today. The pumps just get better and better. Strength is going up like crazy and Im like a monster when I got my pump going. People that never even talked to me before are trying to shake my hand when they leave the gym. Lol. Pretty strange IMO. its like wtf u didnt say shit to me when I just looked like a normal guy trying to make natural gains. But as soon as u see me blowing up ur my friend now. Lol. Anyway today was crazy the pumps in my arms were actually painful today. And I couldnt even get full contraction at one point so I had to wait a little extra time between exercises til the pump went down some. By the end of the workout it was almost impossible to put on my jacket. And even harder to drink my post workout shake. But hey Im loving how I look and how Im growing. Now 2 days off to get ready for week 4. It seems like its going so fast. Im sure it will be over before I know it. Gonna do some light cardio tomorrow and a full day of rest on sunday. Now its time to get in my next meal.
Short update for yesterday. Did a 30 min run and my god I got a HUGE pump just from running LOL. my wife never sees me after I get back from the gym cause shes usually at work. Well yesterday she was home cause it was saturday and she said I like twice as big then from when I left. Lol yep I was sweaty as hell and of course horny as fuck so when I got home I fucked in the kitchen doggystyle. Then when I went to take a shower she joined me and I smashed that shit again lol. Im lovin life right now guys. Back at it tomorrow .....chest day my favorite!
Ok guys so Im freaking the fuck out!!!!! But in a good way. I checked my weight today. And Im at 196!!! Wtf? How is that even possible??? I weighed myself last week same time in the morning and weighed in at 187. Today 1 week later Im at 196. Im confused. I even calibrated my scale to make sure it wasnt off. And its not. Is it possible to gain 9 pounds in 1 week?? I upped my adex a few days ago and have been pissing like a race horse. And Im not noticing much fat gain at all. And my diet is extremely clean. This shit is crazy. But hey no complaints at all. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced gains like this before. I was expecting maybe 5 pounds a week at most. But 9? If someone can elaborate on this for me it would be great. Could it be my gear is over dosed? Is that possible from a ugl? And if so would it increase gains?

Anyway today was chest day. Did about 26-28 sets today just for chest including my high rep burn out sets at the end. Strength is increasing like a mother fucker and I dont see any end in sight. I slammed 80 pound dumbell presses for 2 sets of 15 then moved up to 85 at 2 set of 12 and 1 set of 10. sometimes I feel the full contraction better on dumbell presses than from the bench press. After that went to decline bench at 4 sets of 15 and 1 set of 12. Then did incline dumbell press at 75 pounds for 5 sets of 15. Then finished with 4 sets flat flies and incline flies. And of topped it off with a few sets of 50 both incline machine press and regular machine press. Could have kept going but I needed to get some nutrients in my system.

All in all I am really happy with my results so far and ready to smash back tomorrow. :))))))
Damn I miss my first cycle! I remember calling in sick just to go to the gym. Haha keep up the hard work my friend.