Meek Injecting Mlz

Ok so im up 6 pounds from last week and loving it i weighed in at 202 this morning. Gained 3 pounds less than last week but im still super happy with 6 pounds in 1 week. Today was back smashed 30 sets. And i am loving the strength I have. Tomorrow is legs ready to kill it.
Well when I started at my leanest point i was at 3700 cals at about 8-10% body fat with a surplus of about 500. But as I grew i added more every week. And its hard to tell now exactly what it should be because i have water weight and my body fat went up by about 3 % so I just make sure whatever my weight is including water weight and body fat that I do my caloric intake by that weight. For instance. Im at 202 now. So i make sure im eating a little over 2 g of protein per pound of body weight so I got some room to grow. And 2.5-3 grams of carbs per pound of body weight and the rest fats. As of now I am at about 5000 cals a day. Even if my body fat goes up a bit I dont really care. Its pretty easy for me to burn it off when Im done. Never had a problem losing fat. As long as Im eating over what I should be I know Im growing.
Yes I have but as I said in my above lost my tdee was done at the beginning from my leanest point and now that I have added water weight and a small percentage more of body fat its pretty much useless at least in my opinion. so thats why I just go by my current weight. Not a problem for me to burn fat but I havent gained much so whatever fat I gain. Ill drop that shit like a ton of bricks within 2-4 weeks easy. But thanks for the link.
Yes I have but as I said in my above lost my tdee was done at the beginning from my leanest point and now that I have added water weight and a small percentage more of body fat its pretty much useless at least in my opinion. so thats why I just go by my current weight. Not a problem for me to burn fat but I havent gained much so whatever fat I gain. Ill drop that shit like a ton of bricks within 2-4 weeks easy. But thanks for the link.
Ah ok I get it. Do you keep track of your daily food calories and all? Or do you just have set meals that you know equal "x" amount of calories, carbs, protein...etc?
I'm addicted to myfitnesspal app and it really threw my diet in to perspective for me.
I have heard of my fitness pal but i have forgotten to check it out. Thanks for reminding me. And yes I keep track of my cals for the day sometimes i go over but I dont really care haha as long as I hit my daily requirments of carbs pro and fats Im good. I dont usually worry about trying to stay as lean as possible when I bulk because when Im done I burn it off. But im gonna download fitness pal and see whats up with that. Thanks.
I have heard of my fitness pal but i have forgotten to check it out. Thanks for reminding me. And yes I keep track of my cals for the day sometimes i go over but I dont really care haha as long as I hit my daily requirments of carbs pro and fats Im good. I dont usually worry about trying to stay as lean as possible when I bulk because when Im done I burn it off. But im gonna download fitness pal and see whats up with that. Thanks.
No problem man. It really helps or at least it helps me out a lot. You can change macro's and stuff also on there to tailor it to your needs.
@rawilliams21 ok so i downloaded that app and I have to say Im not really impressed. First I am not a fan of 1g of protein per pound of body weight tried that and for me it doesnt work. I religiously take in 2 g per pound of body weight when I gain and 1.5 when I cut.

Also I put in my current weight and it told me a ridiculously LOW amount of calories. Even for a very active person which I am not I go to the gym and then work from home all day. The sedentary option which I am is even more ridiculously low.

But this is all my opinion. If it works for u by all means keep using it. But when Im gaining a shit ton of weight and not seeing much difference in body fat levels that means Im gaining muscle. And my shit is huge now. Obviously there is a lot of water weight but not all of it. But thanks for pointing it out. But what Im doing is def working and if its not broke i wont fix it haha
No problem man. It really helps or at least it helps me out a lot. You can change macro's and stuff also on there to tailor it to your needs.

I use it too. The barcode scanner is so handy. Also do iifym.
@rawilliams21 ok so i downloaded that app and I have to say Im not really impressed. First I am not a fan of 1g of protein per pound of body weight tried that and for me it doesnt work. I religiously take in 2 g per pound of body weight when I gain and 1.5 when I cut.

Also I put in my current weight and it told me a ridiculously LOW amount of calories. Even for a very active person which I am not I go to the gym and then work from home all day. The sedentary option which I am is even more ridiculously low.

But this is all my opinion. If it works for u by all means keep using it. But when Im gaining a shit ton of weight and not seeing much difference in body fat levels that means Im gaining muscle. And my shit is huge now. Obviously there is a lot of water weight but not all of it. But thanks for pointing it out. But what Im doing is def working and if its not broke i wont fix it haha

Yeah dont use MFP to calculate your shit, just use it for tracking your macros and adding up what you're eating. Try the iifym calculator on you can customise absolutely everything, get your numbers then put these into MFP as your goals. I usually go on the mfp website to enter the macros iifym gives me then it syncs to the app automatically for tracking. i only ever use the diary and nutrition sections of the app. Helps hugely.
@rawilliams21 ok so i downloaded that app and I have to say Im not really impressed. First I am not a fan of 1g of protein per pound of body weight tried that and for me it doesnt work. I religiously take in 2 g per pound of body weight when I gain and 1.5 when I cut.

Also I put in my current weight and it told me a ridiculously LOW amount of calories. Even for a very active person which I am not I go to the gym and then work from home all day. The sedentary option which I am is even more ridiculously low.

But this is all my opinion. If it works for u by all means keep using it. But when Im gaining a shit ton of weight and not seeing much difference in body fat levels that means Im gaining muscle. And my shit is huge now. Obviously there is a lot of water weight but not all of it. But thanks for pointing it out. But what Im doing is def working and if its not broke i wont fix it haha
You can change all that. lol. That's what I did...I downloaded it said wtf...and figured out how to change all that. I get what you're saying bro. You're right if it ain't broke don't fix it. :D
I use it too. The barcode scanner is so handy. Also do iifym.

Yeah dont use MFP to calculate your shit, just use it for tracking your macros and adding up what you're eating. Try the iifym calculator on you can customise absolutely everything, get your numbers then put these into MFP as your goals. I usually go on the mfp website to enter the macros iifym gives me then it syncs to the app automatically for tracking. i only ever use the diary and nutrition sections of the app. Helps hugely.
The scanner is the win...I scan everything lol. How you liking iifym?