Meek Injecting Mlz

The scanner is the win...I scan everything lol. How you liking iifym?

Love it bro, id commit a mass murder if i had to eat clean 24/7. i really believe the body needs that bit of variety to keep it second guessing and growing, or losing if on a cut. How you finding it?
Legs today and killed it. 10 sets of 12 squats maxed out at 320. I feel like an animal. 7 sets of 12 with leg press passed the 400 mark but only for 3 reps. Im gonna be so annoyed when this cycle is over.
Ok today was shoulder day 10 sets of standing military presses. 6 sets of 15 at 115, 2 sets of 12 at 125 maxed out on my last 2 sets at 130 for 8 reps.

Dumbell shoulder press 7 sets of 12 at 95 3 sets of 8 at 100. New PRs every damn day its insane.

10 sets of shrugs at 10 reps each at 100.

Rear delt flys 7 sets of 12 at 45 and 3 sets of 8 at 50.

Was getting a little tired after that one. So I went and had my post workout shake and came back and did a super set of 7 sets each of side raises and front raises. Forgot to record all the weight on that but reached 45 for my last 2 sets each.

Really happy with my results so far and every day I am bigger. So fucking addicted to this feeling.
Today was arm day 10 sets of 12 dumbell preacher curls each arm. 10 sets of 12 tricep pushdowns 10 sets of 12 bicep curls with barbell. 10 sets of 12 close grip bench press. 5 sets of 15 sitting bicep curls with dumbells. And 5 sets of 15 tricep rope extension behind the head.

Finished with 5 sets of 50 reverse bicep curls with cable bar. And 5 sets of 50 Machine dips for tris.

Arms were pumped as fuck and are growing like crazy. Now 2 days off.

Also got my winnings today from pct shop. So Im happy about that as well.
Looking forward to bloodwork if you still plan on getting that done.Looks like your really having a hellava good first cycle ...make sure you have a hella good plan for when its over until your next round.Keep it up.
@dnoyez I want to get blood work but Im in Europe. And I have been looking for a lab this whole time that doesnt cap at 1500. Still havent found one. Im not sure if that will do any good.
Really stupid question bro, but your popping tren as orals? Thought it came only as injectable based off the meso bill roberts article...sorry for this noob ass question.
Wow I am an idiot, found the answer thought tbol was trenbolone. These abbreviations in thia forum are killing me lol
Lol yea Tbol bro. But Im almost finished with it. Got only tomorrow left at 60mg a day and then ill take my last 40mg on monday before the gym. But it was fun while it lasted.
Well today was my last day with the Tbol. But it was chest day, so at least I finished it on my favorite day. Had 40mg left this morning and just decided to eat it all before the gym, as opposed to 30mg pre workout. But today was great. The weight Im pushing just keeps climbing and the reps on PRs go up too. I maxed out again today on my bench at 240 was only 3 reps but I fucking did it. Before this cycle my max for 3 reps was only 195. And total sets for today were about 32 including 50 rep burnouts.

As for pinning its really becoming second nature. It was all my technique that was causing pip because shit doesnt even hurt anymore. The stretch between thursday and sunday sucks though. By sunday I am so tired and ready to pin to get more energy. I sleep a lot during the days on sunday. And I def feel a drop off. But shit come monday its pin time and Im ready to rock and roll. Pct is gonna suck if I feel the drop off on sundays the way I do.

Also today at the gym this guy that competes gave me a compliment and said I have really put on some weight and I was looking good. So that was nice. This dude is pretty big too. So coming from him was good to hear.
I really enjoyed tbol as well and found it to be a fun ride.I did the same torward the end and just gobbled up about 40mg preworkout.Keep it up man and don't stop when the gear ends.
Yea i dont plan to stop when it ends. Just want try try and hold my weight as much as possible. Do a proper pct. And keep eating and try to keep the weight i push as close to what I am pushing now as possible.
Well kick starter just means to.kick start ur cycle. Doesnt have to be ur first. Though from the sounds of it I think it is ur first cycle am I right?

I have read its not good to run any oral steroid for longer than 6 weeks, because they are bad for ur liver. So if I ever used an oral again I think I would stick with 6 weeks.

I have never ran Dbol so couldnt tell u.

U can find all these answers and more on this forum. I suggest u do a lot more reading.
Well today was my last day with the Tbol. But it was chest day, so at least I finished it on my favorite day. Had 40mg left this morning and just decided to eat it all before the gym, as opposed to 30mg pre workout. But today was great. The weight Im pushing just keeps climbing and the reps on PRs go up too. I maxed out again today on my bench at 240 was only 3 reps but I fucking did it. Before this cycle my max for 3 reps was only 195. And total sets for today were about 32 including 50 rep burnouts.

As for pinning its really becoming second nature. It was all my technique that was causing pip because shit doesnt even hurt anymore. The stretch between thursday and sunday sucks though. By sunday I am so tired and ready to pin to get more energy. I sleep a lot during the days on sunday. And I def feel a drop off. But shit come monday its pin time and Im ready to rock and roll. Pct is gonna suck if I feel the drop off on sundays the way I do.

Also today at the gym this guy that competes gave me a compliment and said I have really put on some weight and I was looking good. So that was nice. This dude is pretty big too. So coming from him was good to hear.

Those are some really good strength gains man. Nice work. You have probably mentioned it so sorry to ask but how are weight gains so far?
Thanks man. I started at about 176-178. Last week I weighed in at 202. This morning Im at 208. So gains are steady and massive. Im surpirised Im gaining this much honestly I was expecting maybe 3-5 pounds a week. But there was one week where I gained 9 pounds. Blew me away. But needless to say I am very happy. Obviously alot is water weight. But Im hoping to be at 200 even once I lose it all. Im only on week 6.
30 pounds already...thats pretty nuts. Water weight from your tbol should be minimal but test is a different story. Even so those are big numbers (in a good way) even taking water weight into consideration at week 6. Are you taking an ai to keep the water at bay?

