Meek Injecting Mlz

Yes I take .5 pharma grade adex EOD. If I dont the bloat is so bad its hard to get all my meals in. Also hard to piss haha. I have gained minimal fat so its def a good sign.
Thanks man. I started at about 176-178. Last week I weighed in at 202. This morning Im at 208. So gains are steady and massive. Im surpirised Im gaining this much honestly I was expecting maybe 3-5 pounds a week. But there was one week where I gained 9 pounds. Blew me away. But needless to say I am very happy. Obviously alot is water weight. But Im hoping to be at 200 even once I lose it all. Im only on week 6.

How you looking in the mirror BF-wise bro?

Nevermind, I just seen this...

I have gained minimal fat so its def a good sign.
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I eat pretty clean man I have read a lot about eating whatever u want as long as it fits ur macros. But in my opinion eating clean has always worked best for me. Whole foods like a shit ton of eggs natural peanut butter veggies brown rice powder with my shakes and brown rice with my meals. So the weight that I do gain is mainly weight that I want. I have never had a problem burning fat so the last 2 weeks I might throw in some cardio just to lean out a bit.
Update for today. Today was back day. I went crazy with the lat pulls today 10 sets of 12 front pull downs 8 sets at 210 and 4 sets at 200. Then 10 sets of 12 rear pull downs 7 sets at 200 5 sets at 195. Rears have always been harder for me than fronts for some reason. But damn my lats were popping like crazy as well as my biceps. My arms wouldnt go down to the sides of my body haha. Every since I started this cycle they havent gone down fully to the sides but todays was unlike any other day.

Went on to the T-bar row did 7 sets of 12 of those at 175. Lower back pump was really kicking in after those.

Went on though with 5 more sets of 12 of seated rows at 200.

And finished with bent over 1 arm dumbell rows did 5 sets each arm at 90.

I was dead after that shit. 37 sets smashed and bounced home. But Ill tell u what back day is my second favorite to chest day. Because my wife always gives me a much needed massage at the end of the day hahaha
I eat pretty clean man I have read a lot about eating whatever u want as long as it fits ur macros. But in my opinion eating clean has always worked best for me. Whole foods like a shit ton of eggs natural peanut butter veggies brown rice powder with my shakes and brown rice with my meals. So the weight that I do gain is mainly weight that I want. I have never had a problem burning fat so the last 2 weeks I might throw in some cardio just to lean out a bit.

Haha I didn't mention diet or IIFYM bro. Anyway it doesn't matter if you eat clean or not, if you're in a huge caloric surplus you will gain fat, period. Just wondered how you were looking mirror-wise rather than going by the scale but I think you answered that so I edited my post. Keep up the good work.
Yes of course u will gain fat but def not as much as eating pizzas and crap all day at least from my experience.
Yes of course u will gain fat but def not as much as eating pizzas and crap all day at least from my experience.

Yeah obviously but I think you have the wrong idea of what IIFYM is buddy if that's what you're suggesting it is. I eat clean pretty much all the time but I allow myself to be flexible if I want to eat something I actually enjoy. If you actually enjoy chicken, rice and eggs every day then more power to you bro. You're getting results which is what counts.
Ok was leg day today. The weight just keeps climbing. 8 sets of 12 on squats prior record was 320 at 3 reps well I did 8 reps at 320 today an got a new max at 340 for 3 reps. Also leg press is up to 440 at 3 reps. I feel like a king kong godzilla superman he-man motherfucker!!!! My goal is to push as much weight as possible by the end of this cycle. So when I come off and the weight goes down, the weight that I stay at is still waaay higher than what I was pushing before cycle. If thats a good way to look at it Im not sure but I think as long as Im eating enough Ill be good to go. Tomorrow is shoulders and Im ready to go!!!!
King fucking kong baby!!!! Stepped it up again today on shoulders. Standing military press 5 sets of 15 at 125 and 5 sets of 12 at 135. I really dont know how I became this strong. I mean I know its the food and the aas, but still there is no end in sight and it blows my mind everytime. Did 10 sets of 12 side raises at 50 and 10 sets of front raises same weight. Went into rear delts 8 sets of 12 at 40 and finished with 5 sets of 50 sitting dumbell presses. Burned my shoulders so bad today but I was looking sooo wide in the mirror. Tomorrow is arms and Im ready for it!
Ok so update for yesterday. Was arm day. Smashed arms for 2 hours straight. I should have logged his yesterday cause I cant remember weight number for shit right now. But I do know all my weight for each exercise went up. So Im happy about that. I am starting to lean out a bit more. Catching serious heart burn and some weird night sweats. I also have a feeling there might have Dbol in my Tbol lol. I was gaining like crazy before now as soon as I stopped I leaned out and weight is at a steady gain of about 5-6 pounds a week. Strange but fuck it the gains at the beginning of the cycle were crazy so Ill take it. Haha anyway not doing cardio today as I am leaning out and gonna check my weight monday to be sure.
Dude i've started getting heartburn and constantly feeling hot too. Only started over the last 4-5 days but sweating like fuck at night.
Yea man me as well I have been waking up from sweating its weird. Heartburn too. But I have also been having some crazy dreams as well. Last night I dreamed I was in the ghetto back in philadelphia where I used to live. And I had a huge handful of crack cocaine in my hand and was dropping little pieces of crack on the ground every step I took. And little crack heads were following me picking up the pieces of crack! Wtf is that about? Its like a ghetto version of hansel and gretal hahaha weird.
Yea man me as well I have been waking up from sweating its weird. Heartburn too. But I have also been having some crazy dreams as well. Last night I dreamed I was in the ghetto back in philadelphia where I used to live. And I had a huge handful of crack cocaine in my hand and was dropping little pieces of crack on the ground every step I took. And little crack heads were following me picking up the pieces of crack! Wtf is that about? Its like a ghetto version of hansel and gretal hahaha weird.

Ghetto version of hansel and gretal lol.
Ok so Im pissed how the fuck did I lose 5 pounds since last week??? I weighed in at 203 today last week was 208. I eat the same and the training intensity is going up. I have noticed I am a bit more leaner and vascular recently. But 5 pounds? Really? The weight Im pushing is still going up every week so I dont know what it could be. I am noticing Im sweating a lot more at night so maybe my Tbol was dbol and Im losing water weight. The vascularity and and weight loss started when I finished the orals. So thats gotta be it. Anyway fuck it. Im gonna eat more. I just ate 2 big ass beef burritos with beans and rice sour cream lettuce tomato and cheese also some taco sauce. Im also adding more carbs and fats. Im gonna keep my protein at 400.

Anyway today was chest and did a full 2 hours on chest. The weight is going up every week as I said so thats not a problem. I just wanna hit my goal of being 200 even when I am finished and lose the body fat and water weight. But today was a good day other than the weight issue. Tried some TUT for 1 set of every exercise and that shit is no joke. Weight that I could bench for 25 reps dropped to 10 reps. Haha and the burn I felt was amazing. Gonna continue this. Everything else stayed the same rep wise. 12-15 reps. Did about 32 sets today. And ready for back tomorrow.
Ok so Im pissed how the fuck did I lose 5 pounds since last week??? I weighed in at 203 today last week was 208. I eat the same and the training intensity is going up. I have noticed I am a bit more leaner and vascular recently. But 5 pounds? Really? The weight Im pushing is still going up every week so I dont know what it could be. I am noticing Im sweating a lot more at night so maybe my Tbol was dbol and Im losing water weight. The vascularity and and weight loss started when I finished the orals. So thats gotta be it. Anyway fuck it. Im gonna eat more. I just ate 2 big ass beef burritos with beans and rice sour cream lettuce tomato and cheese also some taco sauce. Im also adding more carbs and fats. Im gonna keep my protein at 400.

Anyway today was chest and did a full 2 hours on chest. The weight is going up every week as I said so thats not a problem. I just wanna hit my goal of being 200 even when I am finished and lose the body fat and water weight. But today was a good day other than the weight issue. Tried some TUT for 1 set of every exercise and that shit is no joke. Weight that I could bench for 25 reps dropped to 10 reps. Haha and the burn I felt was amazing. Gonna continue this. Everything else stayed the same rep wise. 12-15 reps. Did about 32 sets today. And ready for back tomorrow.

Have you been increasing your macros as you've been gaining weight bro? If you've stayed on the same calories as you were when 180lb then maybe this could have something to do with it? Sounds like you're losing water weight too though.

I did TUT today too, man that shit is intense as fuck! But I literally felt the burn at the end of every set whether it was the first of fifth. Only thing that pisses me off about it is that it seemed to add a ton of time on to my workout.
Oh yea of course I have been increasing bro I went from 3700 to 5000 cals. But im throwing in another 500 cals for the fuck of it. Im def losing water weight like crazy. Seeing veins all over.