Meek Injecting Mlz

Time under tension. Its basically real slow movements with a rest in the middle stretching the muscle and then real slow movement back.

So of im on the bench I count 5 seconds down til the bar hits my chest, hold it there for 1 second then 3 seconds back up. Im sure it has different names like negative reps, I have heard of it before but today was the first time I actually incorporated it into my workout. Only did one set of TUT per exercise the rest normal reps.

Im already sore as fuck
That's what I thought that it was but I was not sure if I was gonna learn something new or not. That's actually how I train except mine is a little bit quicker. not locking out and doing that. You will do even less reps and, to me, get a better pump and contraction.
Def bro I could only rep 10 reps on weight I could usually do 20-25 with. Was crazy. I only did one set per exercise with TUT but im gonna add another set next week and work my way up. Its great I love it.
Ok today was back day. Was a little tired so popped an extra 100mg of caffeine preworkout that helped a lot. Did 30 sets for back but moved up in weight by 20 pounds today so was happy with that. Also added another 100 grams of carbs and and another 40 grams of fat yesterday so about an extra 740 cals than I was before do to the weight loss I had. I checked the scale today and was back up 2 pounds so I guess my weight is just fluctuating at the moment. But Im not noticing any decrease in strength and strength is still going up. So I cant really complain.

Anyway before I ever did a cycle days that I was tired and still trained I was a bag of shit in the gym. Testosterone is really an amazing drug. Tired but still getting stronger and moving up in weight. I took an hour long afternoon nap today so that helped to...a lot actually. I might do that from now on when I can felt 100 times better.

Anyway thats it for today. Tomorrow is leg day. Cant wait.
Ok today was leg day and crushed all records again. 10 sets of squats 10 sets of leg presses maxed out at 480 on leg press had a spotter and only repped it 2 times but I did it. I feel like my legs are getting stronger than my upper body now. Squats are maxed out at only 340 right now. Anyway 10 sets of leg extensions and ham curls did 8 sets. Threw in 8 sets of dead lifts and also did abs today as well. I never mention when I do abs but I do abs every monday wednesday and friday.

Tomorrow my gym is closed for some dumbass holiday but Im happy to have a day off after today. Back at it friday to hit shoulders.
Shoulders yesterday, was good still moving up in weight, but its seems no matter how many sets I do, and how long my workout is my shoulders are never sore. Did about 30 sets for a good 2 hours. And today my shoulders arent sore at all its so weird. Anyway today is arms getting ready to hit the gym soon. Gains are still slow. Which is weird because they basically slowed as soon as I quit my orals. And I have read many people say that u dont even notice gains from test e until about 6 weeks. Makes me think the gear I have isnt all that great. But strength is still there and the weight I push is till going up. I think next week I will switch up my routine. I have already been adding some TUT into my workout so maybe Ill do that with all exercises now. Only time will tell.
Weird I am feeling the test now like I did when I first started. Didnt feel much yesterday but today its like a mack truck. Im also all swollen again. I wonder whats going on. ......
Weird I am feeling the test now like I did when I first started. Didnt feel much yesterday but today its like a mack truck. Im also all swollen again. I wonder whats going on. ......

Swollen ankles and feet? If so, you better get bloods done.
Swollen ankles and feet? If so, you better get bloods done.

Haha not swollen ankles and feet just muscles look all jacked up again. It felt like I wasnt feeling anything the past few days from the test and my muscles didnt look as swollen. But today even on an off day I look all jacked up again. It weird. Some days I really feel it others I dont.
Haha not swollen ankles and feet just muscles look all jacked up again. It felt like I wasnt feeling anything the past few days from the test and my muscles didnt look as swollen. But today even on an off day I look all jacked up again. It weird. Some days I really feel it others I dont.

U R Swoll !!!
Short update. Chest yesterday back today pump is back and feels like Im blowing up again all over. I upped my dose so Im happy with that. Feels like the beginning of my cycle all over again haha. Just hope it will stay that way til the end.