Meek Injecting Mlz

Today was back day and weights still keep climbing. I was even a little tired today but I still nailed it. Did 25 work sets with 5 high rep sets of 50. Still going strong and loving it. Growing like a mother fucker!!!
Leg day today and killed again. PRs keep getting higher every week and I wont stop growing lol. I feel like my own human experiment trying to turn my self into a super human or something. Its an amazing feeling.
Today was shoulder day and I mutilated my shoulders. Went for a straight 2 hours today non stop. And my shoulders are in some serious pain. Started with the standing military press one of my favorites. I smashed 7 sets of those at 5 sets of 15 at 110 and 2 sets of 12 at 120. My shoulders were so fucking pumped it was insane. Moved on to a super set of front raises and side raises. 5 sets each and then did 7 sets of rear delt flys. After that I went to 10 sets of seated dumbell presses and ended with 10 sets of shrugs. My shoulders were hurting something fierce by the time I left. I feel like king fucking kong in the gym and its only getting better everyday I smash PRs and that sends my ego through the roof. But then once I get home and calm down a little bit I realize I am just a human being on PEDs lol. But seriously my drug of choice used to be weed up until I quit about 2 years ago. Now I have a new drug of choice testosterone baby!!!! This shit has me on fire!!!
@MEEKmlz how do you personally do standing military press? Do you do lighter weight so you don't arch your back? or do you wear a belt? Or do you just do heavy weight and arch?
@crofthths I wear a belt. Arching my back scares the shit out of me lol. I read about this dude that did this without a belt with a ridiculous amount of weight cant remember the exact amount but it was up there...well his spine snapped. Every since then I wore a belt. Also helps with proper form for me, being my back being as straight as possible. Seems to make it harder too. So I guess its a combination of lighter weight with a belt. Cause I could probably do more if I arched. But for me personally I dont feel that is the right way. What about u bro?
I do seated because I too am very afraid of snapping something by arching! But I may use a good belt and do standing. I feel that standing would be a better overall lift for growth than seated.
I agree I actually went to seated for awhile to try something different and that lasted about 2 weeks lol. I just wasnt getting the growth or the feeling I was really working my shoulders to the max. I also feel I can push more weight standing but thats just me. If u get nervous just drop the weight and try to up the least that worked for me. Let me know how it works for u bro.
I don't do them behind the neck solely for that reason. I can't imagine being out for a shoulder injury.
Yea behind the neck is ok for me but I prefer rear delt flys. I just feel my rear delts are being activated better from those.
Update for yesterday. Was arms day. Did another 2 hour slam session. 15 sets on bis and 15 on tris. Really love the dumbell preacher curls. The stretch and pump I get from those is insane. Strength is still through the roof and Im loving everyday more. Now I have 2 rest days and will probably do some light cardio today. And a full rest day tomorrow. Week 5 is right around the corner.
I do seated because I too am very afraid of snapping something by arching! But I may use a good belt and do standing. I feel that standing would be a better overall lift for growth than seated.

Tried stepping one foot forward with bent knees rather than side by side? I have chronic lower back issues and this takes the strain out the lower back and prevents arching.
Short update for today. Was chest day slammed every set with ease still moving up steadily in weight every week. Really cant believe the power and strength I have. Its so incredible. Did about 30 sets today including my burnouts. Loving every min of it and Im def still growing. I look bigger everyday. Cant stop looking in the mirror. I must say I am pretty happy I got a decent muscle foundation to my body before I ever cycled. Seeing pics of guys that had no foundation before they started and seeing their end results its hard to tell a difference. But with my foundation I just look so much more fuller. Put together better. Maybe its just me but REGARDLESS I am very happy I got a good training history and diet history. Makes everything so much easier. Gains included.
@rawilliams21 i started at 178 give or take a few pounds last week I was at 196. Just started week 5. Gonna weigh myself tomorrow again. So im hoping I hit 200 by now. I was blown away last week. Because I gained 9 pounds in 1 week. I Know some is water weight but Im not feeling super bloated and Im def not gaining alot of fat. I was expecting maybe 5 pounds a week but 9 in 1 week is crazy. We will see tomorrow.
@rawilliams21 i started at 178 give or take a few pounds last week I was at 196. Just started week 5. Gonna weigh myself tomorrow again. So im hoping I hit 200 by now. I was blown away last week. Because I gained 9 pounds in 1 week. I Know some is water weight but Im not feeling super bloated and Im def not gaining alot of fat. I was expecting maybe 5 pounds a week but 9 in 1 week is crazy. We will see tomorrow.
FML passed me weight Dang it. Im on the road to 200 :D
Nice bro ull get there in no time. I increased my cals this week too since Ive gained so much added another 500 so Im at 5000 cals a day now. Trying to stop the gains from slowing though I heard they will at some point.
Nice bro ull get there in no time. I increased my cals this week too since Ive gained so much added another 500 so Im at 5000 cals a day now. Trying to stop the gains from slowing though I heard they will at some point.
In theory you could keep gaining steady just keep bumping the calories when you start to stall. lol. I just upped mine last week to about 6kish or so put on 4lbs since last week as of this morning.