Meek Injecting Mlz

Are you going to be getting bloodwork done? My next cycle i am going to log it on here just for the feed back on diet/training etc. Good stuff so far man. Glad you are enjoying the good stuff.
@rawilliams21 actually let me rephrase that. If I can find a fucking lab near me that has a range beyond 1500 then yes I will. I have been looking since I started and cannot find one anywhere. Its really starting to piss me off. I live in Europe. So if its possible I will. Otherwise its pointless cause that wont tell me anything.
@rawilliams21 actually let me rephrase that. If I can find a fucking lab near me that has a range beyond 1500 then yes I will. I have been looking since I started and cannot find one anywhere. Its really starting to piss me off. I live in Europe. So if its possible I will. Otherwise its pointless cause that wont tell me anything.
Ah, gotcha. I understand man. It'd just be good to know on your side of things, but I realize things like that might not be so easy to do outside of the US.
Yea I want to know too and its really frustrating every lab I call says the same thing why would ur testosterone be over 1500 bla bla bla....didnt think it would be this hard to find a lab to do it. But Im still searching.
Yea I want to know too and its really frustrating every lab I call says the same thing why would ur testosterone be over 1500 bla bla bla....didnt think it would be this hard to find a lab to do it. But Im still searching.
WHY is none of their business IMHO. They're not doctors, they're phlebotomists.
Tell them you accidently gave yourself an enema with your gay lover's test vial, and it blew up in your ass. That'll shut them up.
Ok update from yesterday. Did back. Things are getting better every time. Though the lower back pumps are almost too much to deal with. Fucking painful. But strength and weights are going up and I couldnt be happier. I always end every workout with about 5-6 sets of 50. Just for that extra pump and yesterday I was looking fucking massive in the mirror. Lovin this shit. Im only 3 weeks in and Im already researching my 2nd cycle. Lol.
Bam leg day is done. Squats are going good that was always a week point for me. Today I hit 250 for 3 sets of 15 and 3 sets at 290 for 12 reps my PR before that was 220. But was taking it easy for awhile on my squats cause I strained my colon about 4 months ago. Didnt know that was possible before it happened. Was having a hard time shitting for like a week even with laxatives veggies and psylium husk. Shit fucking sucked especially when I was trying to eat a shit ton of food too. But now its like it didnt even happen and Im consistently moving up in weight again. Today was great and the test e is working its magic.:)
Oh yea and I started chewing my Tbol slightly with the front of my teeth just to break it up some before I swallow it. Also started taking it with grapefruit juice. A member on here told me about the grapefruit juice thing and I also read some study about it afterwards once I looked into it. Not sure if its the chewing or the grapefruit juice or both but that shit hits me in like 30 min instead of an hour now.
Ok today was shoulder day and also my 6th pin. Nearing end of week 3 tomorrow being my last gym day. The Tbol is still going strong and the test e is blowing me up like crazy!!! Like I said this is only week 3 and people are already starting to make compliments to me. This guy today was watching me the whole time and finally he came up to me and said "ur really starting to put on some mass man!" I said thanks Im trying lol. Then he started asking me all kinds of questions about what supplements Im taking bla bla bla. I was getting annoyed cause he kept talking to me and I didnt wanna be rude to him. Then towards the end of the conversation he started asking about steroids. I knew thats where the conversation would eventually end up lol so I just said I dont know anything about that shit haha. Then I continued.

Anyway people are noticing my wife is noticing. And Im def noticing. The weights Im using go up like 10 pounds every week. Some a little more. I was using 65 pound dumbells for shoulder press today at 4 sets of 12 then went the 70s and did 2 sets of 10. The pump and the energy I have is fucking insane. And all I want is to be as big as I am in the mirror when I got my pump going hahaha. Anyway Im def adding a lot of weight to my frame now. And loving every week more and more. Tomorrow is arms and Im ready to knock that shit out and rest up for next week!
Deny, Deny, Deny! Never admit to anyone, your wife being the exception if you have to. When people ask, tell them you've invested in a nutritionist and a trainer that trains IFBB pros.
Tell them you did blood tests and the whole nine yards and that your trainers used the results from your blood work to draw up a dietary plan specific to you blood type that sends your body into hyper growth. If people keep asking tell them it's expensive as shit and they probably can't afford it.
Even your "friends", unless they also use, will turn and talk shit about you once you admit to using.
@Rick Kane Well I live in a country where aas is legal for personal use. My wife is cool with it. Shes gonna start pinning my left glute for me cause my form sucks. My form is near perfect now for my right. But I also dont really talk to anyone at the gym. Unless they talk first. I dont know the language too well so I just keep to myself. Most people speak english here though. But yea of course Im gonna deny it. But thanks for the heads up;)
Dude I just put my jeans on for the first time since I started my cycle and they dont fucking fit man!!! WTF is this normal? I am usually in my baggy sweat pants everyday cause I work from home. I put a normal t-shirt on and my jeans and they dont fucking fit. This shit is crazy Im not even done with week 3 and this is already happening. What am I gonna look like after 9 more weeks? I am blown away.
@MEEKmlz you're in a good situation.
Mine way very different and my mistake was admitting it to one person I thought was my friend and then having that person run their mouth to every possible person in the gym and at work.
At work if I got upset about something, "watch out, he's on some stuff. It's that roid rage". When I got sick and missed work, " see what I told ya. the roids are fucking up his heart"
I learned a valuable lesson after that first cycle.
Yea bro I always keep my shit to myself. I was in the drug game for years starting at age I learned that lesson years ago. Fuck the haters!!!!!
Dude I just put my jeans on for the first time since I started my cycle and they dont fucking fit man!!! WTF is this normal? I am usually in my baggy sweat pants everyday cause I work from home. I put a normal t-shirt on and my jeans and they dont fucking fit. This shit is crazy Im not even done with week 3 and this is already happening. What am I gonna look like after 9 more weeks? I am blown away.
Keep eating :D Just bumped up to 5k calories myself as my gains slowed. 9 weeks of swole!!!