Mega Sickness Report - Almost Died from Flu

Posting this on main forum because of broad information base.

Title says it, got some flu last Sunday, if I had been living alone I would have died.

Mid 30's 210lbs 10-12% BF
Currently cruising with 300mg test, add primo in in the summer. No AI's no ancillaries.
I don't drink alcohol or smoke, vape nicotine a bit, not at much as others.
Not vaxxed and havnt taken a government jab in 15 years.

Zinc Copper matrix
Methylated b12 complex (I got the gene that needs it)
Milk Thistle
Vit D

The flu
Flu came on hot and heavy, within about 6 hours I was bedding down with wet cloth on my forehead Sunday night last week thinking I'll have Monday off work.

I woke up yesterday morning and had no recollection of the trip to the hospital Tuesday that turned into overnight stay with IV fluids, an ice bath and release with strict instructions to bring me back or call 911 if temp went up again. Was tested for the COVID and it was not it. They took blood, hemo was up and kidneys a bit stressed.

GF reported to me that the following was going on.
- was having a deep and meaningful mumbles with a guy that's been dead for 10 years on and off the entire time I was out.
- I was stoked on my dog that's been dead for years being with me the entire time, I thanked the GF for feeding her.
- there was questions this am about a girl named Nadia I was talking too, thats my buddies 5 year old daughter that died from cancer like 10 years ago.

Fever lasted Sunday night and went all the way until Saturday evening bouncing around 38-40C. I was put in an ice bath at home 6-8 times, forced to sit in the shower a few times. Sweated through blankets, sheets and the mattress was soaked to the point it's on the deck getting some air right now.

Saturday afternoon a friend of a friend came and gave me an IV at home with colloidal silver and Vit C. Within about 30 mins the fever broke and I was alert and can only really explain it like j was suddenly awake. With near zero memory of the last weeks trails. She then gave me 20mg ivermectin orally and 12mg 2D for 5 days.

There was some times I was semi lucid and was able to talk and then drift off again apparently, had a buddy come around and we chatted, I briefly remember him being here.

Today I was told there's a dead guy my age in Vancouver BC Canada, home alone just got in bed and didn't have a Miss Swanson and died. Younger woman Victoria BC died from turbo fever flu, hospital worker of some sort. Another one at a mine site my buddy works at went back to his hotel and died there the following day.

Im fit as fuck and if my GF wasn't hear working to keep me hydrated and temp down I'd have been dead no doubt. I'm 80% today... Very thankful for her demure feminine nature, she had a huge cry about it when we got up this morning and I was walking about.

Play safe fellas, if you get the flu or some shits fucked up like this don't just try walk it off. I've never been sick like this in my life, it was not a joke. Without someone here for me I'd have been in trouble.

Check in on your friends and family, they might need you!
I experienced similar, I never knew the human body could go from chills to soaking wet with sweat so fast, it is amazing. I couldn’t move much or stand up without passing out. Darn sure wasn’t nearly as bad as you.
did you destroy your natural immunity with the pharmastocks enhancer 2020?

just megadose C, NAC, D3 and K2 during viral infections

some viral infections are like ordeal poisoning rites, a death/rebirth experience... embrace it!
did you destroy your natural immunity with the pharmastocks enhancer 2020?

just megadose C, NAC, D3 and K2 during viral infections

some viral infections are like ordeal poisoning rites, a death/rebirth experience... embrace it!
Fuck no. Soon as I saw the Faucci on that shit I knew it for what it was. I typically don't get sick which is why this was so fucked up.
I didn’t have the flu but was extremely dehydrated and fever shot up to 105 at the armpit upon waking. My wife couldn’t even take my temperature orally because my teeth were chattering constantly. My wife had to dress me and drag me to the ER because the only thing I could do was ball up and shiver. ER released me after taking in 2 liters and I never had to pee. They said I couldn’t leave until I peed. Took about 5 hours until I could trickle out a little bit for them.
And that is why we get Flu shots kids....the flu has and will kill more people than covid ever will and the vaccine is well perfected unlike the rushed job shit-show of the covid vacc.

Of course nobody should be constrained to take vaccines everyone should consider their own circumstances and decide , natural selection has to take it's course but only based on mental ability not genetic luck is my unpopular opinion:)