Mega Sickness Report - Almost Died from Flu

Since we are doing anecdotal science here I’ll throw in my two cents: I get every goddamn vaccine available to me every year and have never suffered any negative effects from them. I’ve also never been put on my ass by flu like OP. So there you have it, a data point.
I think the data on the flu vaccine is fairly self evident. It’s hilariously safe as far as medications go, like hard to beat safety record, it also is ~eh~ effective as a vaccine (changes year to year) as compared to other vaccines.

For me that makes it an easy yes in the risk/reward square, incredibly low risk and medium reward. It also means I’m not incredibly motivated to get it and will forget some years, but would never turn it down if offered or if I remember to get it.
Tamiflu won’t hurt to take, but it’s not going to do much other than reduce your symptoms by a day. Best thing for prevention is get the flu vaccine and do the basic self care like washing hands, etc.
I agree it's not a great replacement for not getting the flu in the first place, but a full day of symptoms off the flu (and a corresponding lower height of peak symptoms to begin with) is pretty dang impactful if you get bodied by the flu. For the OP it very well could've been the difference from being out for a week and being still very sick but coherent throughout and only being out for 4-5 days.
when i feel off, like i had the start of something about two weeks ago , scratch in throat runny nose etc, i just "MEGA dose" Vitamin c every two hours,,,, Seems to work