Ment only cycle vs ment with trt


New Member
I will do a ment cycle. The main idea is to do it alone, but I am not sure if it is the best idea. Maybe adding a trt dose of testosterone + ment is a better idea? any experience with this substance?
Well, Trestolone does quite readily convert to methylestrogen.. So you don’t necessarily ‘need’ to have a testosterone base... But I don’t know enough to give a definitive answer..
There are some people doing this already. The problem that many have found is that your body ends up being low on DHT because MENT does not seem to metabolize to any substance with meaningful levels of DHT activity. You would want some testosterone as a "base" to ensure you can get some conversion of T to DHT. Or you could take some proviron or masteron to keep the DHT activity at a good level. You might be able to find some more info of people's experiences on reddit. I added some MENT to my last cycle of Test+NPP+Anavar and loved it. I have considered just adding some MENT long term to my TRT even, as it doesn't have any negative impact on lipids at doses of 10mg or less so far as I can tell and from anecdotes I have read.
From what I can understand it has a 40 min Half-Life?!? Seems like the perfect compound for those of us on script TRT between bloods.
I like it solo, but that’s purely for health reasons that are specific to my situation. MENT + an actual trt dose of test is a really good choice for pretty much anyone who isn’t a total novice. E2 management is not difficult up to a certain dose. What’s that dose? Hoo boy is that ever a ymmv situation. Luckily MENT is such a short half-life that you can tinker with said dose and feel the results within days. This isn’t deca where if you run into trouble you’re waiting weeks to see if your adjustments worked. MENT is actually very user friendly once you have a little time on it and understand how it works.

TRT test (100-120mg) + 5mg/d MENT for the first few weeks. If you’re feeling good and have no issues bump it up to 10mg. Still good and no sides? Feel free to go to 15mg. (This assumes you’re not after grotesque amounts of mass and rather are looking for something akin to high dose test type results; if you want the former then you’ll need much higher doses and I’m not comfortable recommending that)
From what I can understand it has a 40 min Half-Life?!? Seems like the perfect compound for those of us on script TRT between bloods.
This is for the oral version. Im going to to run injectable ment. They should have a half life of ~24 h

I like it solo, but that’s purely for health reasons that are specific to my situation. MENT + an actual trt dose of test is a really good choice for pretty much anyone who isn’t a total novice. E2 management is not difficult up to a certain dose. What’s that dose? Hoo boy is that ever a ymmv situation. Luckily MENT is such a short half-life that you can tinker with said dose and feel the results within days. This isn’t deca where if you run into trouble you’re waiting weeks to see if your adjustments worked. MENT is actually very user friendly once you have a little time on it and understand how it works.

TRT test (100-120mg) + 5mg/d MENT for the first few weeks. If you’re feeling good and have no issues bump it up to 10mg. Still good and no sides? Feel free to go to 15mg. (This assumes you’re not after grotesque amounts of mass and rather are looking for something akin to high dose test type results; if you want the former then you’ll need much higher doses and I’m not comfortable recommending that)
Ok thank you for your reply!
I think I will try 75 mg ment ED + trt dose
This is for the oral version. Im going to to run injectable ment. They should have a half life of ~24 h

Ok thank you for your reply!
I think I will try 75 mg ment ED + trt dose
Good luck! Please report back, there seems to have been an increased intrest in this compound lately.
Good luck! Please report back, there seems to have been an increased intrest in this compound lately

okay! I will report how my cycle is going in the next few weeks. I start the cycle on Monday. It will be a short cycle of 8 weeks, I don't know what I could expect from something like that.
This is for the oral version. Im going to to run injectable ment. They should have a half life of ~24 h

Ok thank you for your reply!
I think I will try 75 mg ment ED + trt dose
Is this a typo? 75 mg/day MENT is like running 200 mg/day tren. Most people don't need that much. If you haven't tried it before, start with 10 mg/day and work your way up 5 mg at a time.
Is this a typo? 75 mg/day MENT is like running 200 mg/day tren. Most people don't need that much. If you haven't tried it before, start with 10 mg/day and work your way up 5 mg at a time.
With the short half life do you think a week is long enough before bumping? Or would you wait longer?
With the short half life do you think a week is long enough before bumping? Or would you wait longer?
A few days should be enough time to see how a given dose affects you. I put on some water / glycogen weight in the first few days that's directly related to the dose. I feel like a baloon about to pop in the first few days if I start with a high dose like 25 mg/day. It's more comfortable starting low and working up to higher doses.

Going back over the last few years, I see tons of forum posts from guys who started at 50 mg/day and had to abort because of side effects. A lot of those guys think that MENT sucks because they had one bad experience with it. I think a lot of them would have liked it if they had started lower.
Do you not run into low DHT situations without test as a base?
I do, but since DHT is entirely superfluous it’s not a problem. That said I feel better with very low test and MENT together.

Edit to expand on this a little bit: DHT is a relic from our past when we had to hunt every meal and occasionally fight off an older tribal leader. But if you have no need for that (grocery stores are great and my tribe is an office full of obese people) then all it does is make your hair fall out and expands your prostate to the size of a grapefruit. I managed to go seven months with functionally no DHT and my libido was great, I had no problem focusing at the gym, and life was generally good. That’s the more typical experience in clinical settings when MENT was used solo. However there were some trial participants who struggled with libido and general mood. It was the small minority, but it happened nonetheless. There is obviously a genetic component to how each individual handles having no DHT. I ran my experiment with both test and primo on hand, just in case. I’d suggest anyone else looking to play with MENT have alternative steroids laying around in case they are needed.
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How did your ment cycle go?
The cycle was incredible. I start at 83 kg. With 14-15% of bf. I bulk 8 weeks and I finish the bulk with 98 kg, then cut 8 weeks with tren and primo (500/300 and test 500) and I finish the cut in 85 kg at 9-10% bf. Trestolone is incredible for bulk, I will personally include it in most of my bulking cycles. has marked a before and after in me
The cycle was incredible. I start at 83 kg. With 14-15% of bf. I bulk 8 weeks and I finish the bulk with 98 kg, then cut 8 weeks with tren and primo (500/300 and test 500) and I finish the cut in 85 kg at 9-10% bf. Trestolone is incredible for bulk, I will personally include it in most of my bulking cycles. has marked a before and after in me

How was sleep?
How was appetite?
How was libido?
How was mood?