Ment - What’s the highest you’ve went?

Currently 120 trest ace daily amongst other compounds.

Curious to see what everyone else has run and or is running it at currently as well as their experiences as the doses titrated up.
I hlave a cycle -
TST - 1050mg/week
Boldenone - 750mg
Trestolone acetate - 50mg/day

then I have 2 mg of anastrozole per week in the cycle.
I feel very strong, the volume is increasing nicely. Aggression increases, but if I go to sleep, sleep is fine. I also take blood pressure medication because Trestolon immediately raised my blood pressure.
for me it is a better substance than trenbolone. Trenbolone acetate causes me depression, severe insomnia and overall bad mood and aggression is worse. I recommend Ment only to experienced users.
And then we got the twinks who won’t bulk and spin their wheels while they shit on other steroid users and quote Greg douchette and more lies more buys
The funny thing about people talking shit about other people’s compound selection is that that completely lack the understanding of individual response. You can spot these sheep that follow these YouTubers from a mile away.

My prediction is EQ and winstrol is going to be the next thing they push. Oh and training like a hybrid athlete will be the next training mode.