Mental Health - Armour for Dealing with Todays Woman


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10+ Year Member
Read this if your woman is fucking with you, has fucked you over, or you simply want to prepare for the WAR. You despiration is over as I am here to guide you will inevitably get to see them wallow in their own misery. I cant help if you are an ass or a dick, or have committed adultery. You already sealed your doom. But this thread is designed to help todays honest Man, or VICTIM of the scurge WOMAN...;)

Its come to my attention that todays women are total cunt bitches. Sorry, but thats just the way it is. You can sit there and call bullshit and tout your torrent love affair, but the truth is that you are in love with her vagina, and she is in love with your wallet. Period. But this is the way it has always been, so why the sudden grief and seeming so widespread.? It came to my attention recently when I was out surfin a very popular dating site and noted the number of 30-40 year old chicks just fucking DESPERATE.!!! First I thought of how much joy it was bringing me to see them suffer for their sins, and finally I was quickly reminded that I am still locked into one of the bastards primarily due to children.
So the point of this thread is to try to bring RATION and SANITY back for those currently cuaght up in the current phenomena - "Crazy Bitch-I-Tous" that seems so rampant these days. To help so Bro's understand what is going on, and perhaps give them some ammo to defend themselves.

Is it just me? That does seem like an awful lot of worthless CUNTs out there shopping for a REAL MAN, LOL. But why? Obviously they had one, or they would not be carry around those little appendages that they so readily throw out their as both shield and sabor. Nothing how pathetic it is to see them on a dating site and already knowing they are so fucked by their baggage that their photos include these BASTARD offspring.. I mean, What the fuck!?!?!?!?!!!! Really, its a conundrum of THESE TIMES, and the first of this sort short of Science Fiction. The most DISRUPTIVE & INCIDEOUS version of Roman Times in History. Its like Windows ME to Windows 7PRO, and while their are similarities, the fundamental priniciples are vastly DIFFFERENT. So you say you are pissed with your woman? or she has worst case VIOLATED you with a dump. Once you see whats going on, its really not that bad. Even better, once you see whats going on, your next run at finding a wet honey hole with go much smoother, and you can be sure to be better grounded for the problems of these times.

So what is it these bitches are after? And why cant we seem to please them? Examine this. Women care about very little, and their sole operational motive is to achieve these primary goals.

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Procreation

Really you can define it as Success to them. And more so, #3 is the big one and the INCREDIBLE MISNOMER. Cuase in lifes documented hiarchy or value, Sex is at least third down the list. However, today they have learned that number three above gets them #1 & #2...!!!!????:eek:!!!!!! And guess what, MEN HAVE TO FIRST OBTAIN #1 & #2 to get to #3......!!!:confused: Ruling out that fantasy called high school. I really wonder how those that dont get to college ever figure out their is another life.?? I digress...:D

But its bigger than it seems. Imagine it was 500BC and you were a CHICK. Go ahead now and try to forget that YOU - ARE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN ON THIS PLANET, short of Aliens comming down and probin ya. So now you are this chick and you are liable to Animals, other people (men), and even the weather if you are the worthless bitch some of these the modern medicine has allowed to survive normal biological weeding. SO how are you feeling about now.? Scared as shit! And you will do whatever it takes to survive. So you buddy up to the nearest male that likes yur scent, get in the line outside the cave for the dik sukin contest, and hope that you win so you can come in and eat some food and get out of the rain.....! Sad but true. And FYI, you have limited muscular strength so your primary weapons are DECEIT and MAKING KILL SHOTS FROM BEHIND WHEN THEY CANT SEE YOU COMMING. And through the use of your tasty little vagina it all adds up to SCORN...... I sometimes wonder who is really top of the chain. Really. But the point is that IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH FOR YOU TO HAVE A $GOOD$ MATE. This has been programmed into you. You are a snake and you WILL hunt.! You just cant help yourself. The grass is always greener somewhere to you so you are always looking. You are always ENVIOUS of others who may have more, or at least you perceive them to from a window glance. You WILL NEVER be happy, cause you are always worried about the day you loose your meal ticket, so why not get the best one you can now.. No PRISONERS this is life and death. So why all the sudden conflict is subtle backstabbing has always been the way?

Its quite a conundrum of these times that is actually now starting to hurt women more times I think. In these Roman times with all the techno (TV, internet, etc) blasting, these women are constantly bombarded with what others have. Communication chains Cell phones, IMs, email) are now CONSTANT. I swear FaceBook is the end of society as we knew it and will single handedly be to blame for about a 10% jump in divorce. And then their is the simply luxy afforded to those that live in modern societies thus providing for the finest of luxury goods one could possibly covet for. The BACKFIRE would appear to be that due to the overwhelming amount of information they are receiving, not only do they get more worked up on a constant basis about what your daughter's friends parents have, but they are so overwhelmed they seem to forget the limited value and the CREDIBILITY of the source of the information. PLus with so much of it, it really LOOKS like there is a lot more going on than their is. So they get BOTH over anxious AND over confident. Next thing you know, she is acting like a righteous CUNT.

- She doesnt even stop to realize that her vagina doesnt even get as warm as a BROKEN toaster oven anymore.
- She does not even stop to think that she could no longer wet it down with a fire hose and have it stay that way for more than 30seconds.
- She does not even realize that she no longer posesses the STANK. That scent that the yonger girls have that just makes you want to start eatin at the ass.
- She doesn'r realize she just dont got it no more.

Ever hear them tell you "No one treats their girlfriend like you treat me"
Translation: She's been getting flirted with by some asshole who is so slick he knows how to start working angles EARLY and long term just waiting for that retard to slip. Or she was around a couple when I guy was trying to be a gentleman for his wife thus being extra polite as you do with unfamiliar company and somehow tells herself its ok for her to fart in your face, but you have to lick her toes on a daily basis. Or shes just been watching too much God Damn Lifetime. Fucking take that fucking network and SHOVE IT...!!!

REALLY, you have to understand that women are not raised like we are. They are raised to primp in front of the mirror all day in order to look as tantalizing as possible to achieve the highest $CATCH$ possible. SADLY, what this really means is that from a young age they are taught that their PUSSY IS A TOOL, and have forgotten it can be used for pleasure and spiritual bonding with mates. So this means that NOW, the thought of putting their vagina into action ='S W.O.R.K or Woman Of Rotten Kunt LOL. Ok so I took a stab... Anyway, they hate to fuck!!! Period... Basically they are Using their vagina the whole time they are courting you, and they are if you are gettin it put on ya, but ONLY to get your FINANCIAL OBLIGATION which is marked by the wedding ring. To compound matters further, recent scientific studies suggest they are putting something in Wedding Cake that prevents a woman from ever swallowing again!!!!! But you remember that first BB gun dont ya? Remember how much fun it was to dream of one day getting it, shooting it, sleeping with it, cleaning it, showing it off!!????!!! Remember? Those were the days!! Then you got it and suddenly the fun was over. No more excitement cause theirs nothing to lust. You wont THAT game. Now its rusting in the back yard with all the other things you have no interest in....

You dont have to become that BB gun. And if you were already BOUGHT, perhaps we can salvage the damage. So these stupid bitches are all out there beggin for a chance to get under some other poor souls skin But keep reading.

So now I bet you have seen that famous dating site one liner advert, "Where are all the Good Men?"... TRANSLATION: I'm a dumb cunt, I already fucked up at least once that meant a shitload of grief for me, and now I am trying to LIE TO MYSELF and convince everyone it was his fault SO I WONT GO ANY CRAZIER THAN I FUCKING AM.....!!! When all along ALL he needed was a nice slice of hairpie square on his face.... Thats all. But your stupid bitch ass treated him like shit cause you thought you could do better. LAUGHING OUT LOUD !!!!

I will end this segment of the lesson with these positive thoughts for the Brothers out there. If your girlfriend, wife, whatever is dikin ya over for the common reason that they do - (which happens to be a deadly sin I think) You can rest assured of these facts: They ALL HATE SEX. A comeshot in the mouth is like drinking liquid cyanide to them, and they only do it when trying to get $$. And still rarely. You want to have some fun. Next time you girl fucks up and goes down to blow it, convince her to stay long enought to swallow - and BY ANY MEANS. Or better, is she is already sharp enought to Swallow every now and then, then press her to continue finishing in her mouth for days extended. See how much she really likes it. She will tell the truth sooner or later IF YOU TAKE HER OUT OF CONTROL. Dont sit there like a sucker wanting to believe. Dont be a fuking dumbass.!!!! The most common defense for women today about blowjobs is you try some cum and see how you like it, or Its really not pressed. But the truth is of course we dont like cum, its from a MAN. But we sure love wallerin in some nice warm vaginal fluids. Perhaps having our bodies painted with it. And the ultimate dream of finding the ever ellusive squirter to just hose our face down while we gobble it up. I mean fucking seriously. The truth is women feel nothing like that. Some younger guys wont believe this, but once they are past their "training days", you will see. And by the by, you are only preparing het to DUPE some sucker. And the worst part is the bitches know it and laugh at us and use it against us to manipulate. They DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SEX. THEY KNOW NOTHING OF DESIRE. AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WOMAN ON THE PLANET WHO IS ROMANTIC. Romance is a Mans notions. Having the door opened. Having your ass kissed for no reason. Requiring excessive amounts of financial spoiling. Requiring a man that will let them have their way always, take all the bullshit they can dish out of their mouths, and put up with JUST DOWN RIGHT FUCKING INSANITY FOR AT LEAST A FEW DAYS A MONTH. Oh, now thats a Gentleman. Right you fucking cunt fucking bitches....!!! I"ll tell you what that is. Thats A SPOILED BRAT THAT NEVER GREW UP BECAUSE OF THE FUCKED UP CONUNDRUM WE LIVE IN TODAY. I digress and get too broad to quicking loosing valuable substance.

More on my next visit to this thread as we will furhter examine the PLIGHT of these Roman times and with more detail on how the hypocracy is self destructing society.:)
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Is this going to be a monthly read, much like a mag subscription ? If so I'm buying a lifetime subscription, and from the sound of it we have been dating the same women.
Yes we are ALL dating the same woman. Her real name is CRAZY BITCH, GOLD DIGGER, or SATAN... As they all seem to be "De-cloaking" in these Roman times of false security..

Is this going to be a monthly read, much like a mag subscription ? If so I'm buying a lifetime subscription, and from the sound of it we have been dating the same women.
Its come to my attention that todays women are total cunt bitches. Sorry, but thats just the way it is. You can sit there and call bullshit and tout your torrent love affair, but the truth is that you are in love with her vagina, and she is in love with your wallet. Period.

meh....not true....i think is mostly our problem and women just follow along.....we idolize them too much most of the time, truth is they are just as imperfect as we are perhaps but different ways, bet if you put yourself on their shoes u do the same too....
Easiest just to date outside American culture, seriously. Date a culture who places more emphasis on family and real values. Asians are where its at
Well, you kinda said what I did accept only admitting you are a SUCKER if you idealize. "imperfect as us"??!! they are the fucking PERFECT MAN KILLING MACHINE. You are too young to appreciate. Take your notes now JR. I can preach all day. We must each walk the path and take the trials of manhood... If you are still rockin and sticken it to em and puttin em out the door still wet, then rock on brotha. Dont fuckin make one mistake, or she will eat you ALIVE>.....

In their shoes. Fuck, If I were in their shoes I'd be down at the docks... And FYI, I am not referring to a REAL WOMAN. One who already knows what she would do if she were at the NAVY SHIPYARD. I am talking about one of these cunts roaming the streets today. Its like fuckin movie Resident Evil, except they all became infected with wedding cake.... LOL These bitches today are a different breed. They come out too early with their horseshit and they are into the torture factor. It would be different if it were the old days with the old "dear John" letter. Fuck, thats getting off easy.. Today's cunt wants to see you dead and party on your social security check. I fucking hope it runs dry.!!!!!!!!!!

meh....not true....i think is mostly our problem and women just follow along.....we idolize them too much most of the time, truth is they are just as imperfect as we are perhaps but different ways, bet if you put yourself on their shoes u do the same too....
Well said!! I have said this too that if I had it to do over again I would marry a non US CUNT. I got a friend who married a Japanese chick. He said her daddy told him, "She is put here to serve you". Now we're talkin....;):D

So while you are ahead of the cut. Read above again. This does not apply to ALL Asians. In fact far from it. Most of them are hard working and money grubbing in ways that may dwarf the American Girl's killer instinct...... Japanese...

Easiest just to date outside American culture, seriously. Date a culture who places more emphasis on family and real values. Asians are where its at
So I was thinking of just adding another rhetorical post tonight emphasizing more "profound Knowledge" from years of suffering at her miserable hands. But She really set me off. I was trying to tell her how upset with her that I was lately, and that I really loved her and the kids, and how much I wish we could get it all together. So here was the last text...:
Fyi, i LONG for the day that AC calls me cause shes mad at yur whore ass and i get to come to her and tell her how much of a man hating cunt you are.. I fukin cant wait.! I will live my life to pay you back for every miserable day you and yur cunt bloodline has caused me. I CHUCKLE knowing they got NONE of it!!!!! Especially AC. You wont even have a clue whay to do once she rejects yur dimented rotten titty... Lol. Dumb shit. I cant wait to piss on yur mommas grave. Fyi, i told her this exactly the other day on the phone... Just go and fuk yurselves...

Could anyone give me any suggestions as to how I may have been more successful....?:confused::rolleyes:[:o)]
I wonder if "" is taken yet. Cause I am feeling motivated....
"You just DONT care about MY NEEDS"... "Well I dont understand, perhaps you could write it down so I can see what you are talking about?". "You know I dont like to write". "Hmm, only seems fair since I have always written my apologies, and even that love poem that made you cry at work that time...?"... Silence.........

Oh, I forgot you cunt, if you wrote down what you meant, you would be BUSTED. What you meant to say is that "I CANT give you what you need". and that you milked all I had and now you are ready to steal some more from someone else!!!!? Cause last I remember this is all for you....... Do you REALLY think I would be living like this if it were not for YOUR NEEDS!!!

Tell ya what... Take your FAT ASS and your Wallered out COLD Vagina, that MIGHT stay wet for 10 minutes tops, and go TRY to get what you think it is that is so much better.. And when you find yourself latchig on to that next Penis, only to realize the one you had before was the same, except this one is just gonna put yut BAGGAGE TOTING ASS out on the street the next AM, THINK OF ME CHUCKLING... I dont even have to be a fly on the wall. Cause you hate cock - AND I HATE YOU........;)

Oh, did I say that out loud....?!
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What a read.. Its so true bbc3 im so proud of you ma man! Can we make this a sticky!
Its the kinda info every guy needs to play the game, although ive played it for some time now to my advantage.. When youve got the power and the wealth hold onto it, give them a taste of the honey.. Let em cum chase you.. Ive gotta print this out cos ive got some stratigies for the battlefield.. Welcome to the jungle.. my sub contious motto of life
How did I miss THIS thread!?

It would be wise to take the advice given here by BBC. You dont have to be an angry SOB, but play your cards close to your chest. My own 'MO' is to ask some pointed questions about her financial situation. If you can have that conversation without recoiling in horror and leaving skidmarks when you hear the answer, maybe you've got something. Even then, be cautious; it's almost certain there's something she isnt telling you.

Women have sex to get married and men get married to have sex and that's where the trouble starts. It really is an epic battle over who has control.

If it floats, flys, or fucks, it's cheaper to rent.
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This is a wise man. It would behove those to read this post a time or three....

One thing YOU CAN BET ON - Is that a woman dont make a move without a plan. Wise words by a friend. So is she is making a move against you. There is a plan in action and most likely their is a "confidant" advising her. Of course he is only trying to get in her pants, she knows this too but she is so good at the game she believes the suface picture whole heartedly as all good actors do. And she will simply ride out the new side of the game for her... the only thing more exciting than you, is fucking you over..... After all, if she had enough regard for you to marry or date, then the only way to further empower her IS TO EAT YOU and ATTEMPT TO ABSORB YOUR SPIRIT.....

Hold cards close? Indeed. If you think you have a bond with you significant other then try one of these experiments and see.
1. Show her WEAKNESS. Let her see you have this emotional side she claims to love. You will soon be walking sideways....
2. Tell her your job is in jeopardy. Or that you are unhappy with it.. Or better than someone got your promotion. You will get a encouragement ONCE.. You will get a KNIFE soon.
3. My favorite is to mention another couple that you know is fighting and tell a story about it. THIS is a GUARANTEED Fight in one week flat...
4. Most importantly. NEVER TRUST a woman who has a career of her own for marriage. And the better the career. The MORE EXPENDIBLE you are. BE SURE - you are nothing more than a glorified sperm doner to which she would otherwise have to fork out 100k up front per child.... When it becomes clear that she will have to continue working, cause that was the DEAL from the start, she will examine her options... And she HATES you for this. Its all boiling back down to CAVE LIFE. To make her work is to ask her to suck your cock, and then get out in the morning with all the other CAVE boys and girls. YOUR laid back false sense of security has no rendered you WEAK. There are OTHER CAVES our there. She just bought some time and got what she needed in the meanwhile. And MAKE NO MISTAKE - Children are pawns in this game, to be slaughtered psychologically at the drop of a hat and justified by the vision of your weakness...

Human nature unfortunately is to only want what we cant have. And if we can have it, it must not be worth having. Its a conundrum of all times that will always exist as a small disruption in the flow of life. Kinda like a tornado in Kansas. We know its going on. Its sad. But unless we are traveling there, and at that time. We could care less and chuckle as long as we are the ones stirring the air... Thus we must UNFORTUNATELY LIVE LIFE ALONE. Meaning there is NO ONE you can trust except maybe your DAD. Cause hes the only one that will sympathize to your cause, and that you can trust. Still this can not save YOU. Only you can. WE ARE ALL ALONE IN THIS WORLD. The irony is that WE MUST ALWAYS KNOW THIS, in order to have any value that someone might want to seek out and shit on.... Your entire marriage is about her trying to destroy you.. Once your cave has a hole in the roof, forget it. So keep your cards close indeed.:)

But make no mistake. There is no "Win". The only way to captivate something is to REMAIN a mystery to it. Then you are UNCONQUERABLE. It does not matter if you give her a mansion and a servant. She will be unhappy and worse than men as they are raised completely childish...

How did I miss THIS thread!?

It would be wise to take the advice given here by BBC. You dont have to be an angry SOB, but play your cards close to your chest. My own 'MO' is to ask some pointed questions about her financial situation. If you can have that conversation without recoiling in horror and leaving skidmarks when you hear the answer, maybe you've got something. Even then, be cautious; it's almost certain there's something she isnt telling you.

Women have sex to get married and men get married to have sex and that's where the trouble starts. It really is an epic battle over who has control.

If it floats, flys, or fucks, it's cheaper to rent.
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I think out of all this I may truley attempt to write and publish my own book. The title should in fact be "Cave life in the 21st Century" - A guide to choosing your mate...

As men we are completely blinded by a vagina. We MUST strip this power from them, or at least remove this failure from us.. Few have done it successfully. NO MAN has a perfect record here. But one of the issues going on that I see is the MASSIVE FAILURE to choose properly. The be educated and logical. This process could also empower brothers to be stoic and iron clad in their ability to live a happy life till the death of their happiness - which is marriage....

It should have chapters like:
1. Knowing ourselves truely.
2. Knowing women and what they really are.
3. Knowing our goals truley.
4. How to find our what it is they truely believe they want.
5. How to find out what the REALLY WANT.
6. Which facts about her are real and which or not.
Etc... etc... etc...

But the real issue is that the WOMAN CHOOSES THE MAN. The fallacy of this statement is that WE CAN DECIDE WHO WE ALLOW TO CHOOSE US... To be young and blind is FUN.. But life is a zero sum game, and FUN ='s PAIN sooner or later. Else "fun" does not exist... We have to understand these facts in order to be certain to BEST guilde ourselves in the most successful direction. We MUST have an IRON CLAD method of self control via checks and balances that we obey and live by to be successful. I think I am going to contribute to society soon and provide this layout and present as a MUST that all young men and women must learn early and live by. At first I was kinda thinking to really go after women and present it as a man's tool for successfull use of women as tools of empowerment. But I am thinking lately this is where many have failed at presenting this information. The book should be for BOTH boys and girls. And an effort to get all the cards on the table for ALL TO SEE. Thus further debunking childish ways so that ALL can have a better understanding of what life really is. And how to be successful at it...
I am having a "big day" with the bitch, so here goes...:

And a moment to salute all those who have ever dreamed of chokin a woman out, but not letting go prior to seeing her eyes bulge and the fear of God look back at you... LOL.. Just sayin - figuratively. But its emotional. I have a lot vested...

THE ONE THING that I think the leaving wives discount incorrectly, and not as if it would matter, is the MANs role in the family.... They simply dont have a clue what our priorities are, but more so, how we really feel about our role in TODAYS FAMILY.. And what I mean to say is that they have some fucked up notion that we LIKE to do "mommy duties". Well i have a newzflash... So society has everything so backwards in the workplace, equality cries turning to a lesser job market for men. A small few of them really blew it for all of us. I mean, they must have been some fuking dike-ass dogs... We are talkin army boots....! So now, and just because they go out and mix it up with men, they think the we are women. I have actually stopped her in her yappin tracks from time to time and politely advised her the she is behaving poorly, and if she really thinks that is a dick she is clutching between her legs, I was gonna come over there and RIP IT OFF... LOL.... She usually had a shocked look at first but it effectively checked her position short of a choke slam....

THE POSITIVE IN THIS is that what I am saying is that we DONT LIKE CHANGING DIAPERS. We dont like picking the kids up from school every day, or even most of them. We DONT like having to bathe them when infants. We DONT like having to hear about cleaning the house if we dont want. WE DONT like to have to do the laudry and sort PANTIES and school uniforms... WE DONT LIKE TO GO SIT IN DANCE for 4 hours.. and we dont want to hear a GOD DAMN WORD about it either... and we dont like to hear shit from their lips about any of it, cause it just dont fukin add up for us...

What WE want is to go to work and have a successful career knowing there is a woman at home taking care of the kids, and raising them with values the we agree on with the wife. We want to know mom is happy and doing a good job. We want to go to recitals and see how beautiful they are and how well their dance is blossoming. We like to hear they had a happy day. BUT TO BE CLEAR - THEY ARE OUR OFFSPRING AS MEN/DADS and OUR PRIMARY CONCERN IS TO KNOW THEY ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK TO BEING INDEPENDENT AND SUCCESSFUL...

Nothing else.... We simply dont have that urge to have them on our titties all day and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We like it when its convenient, and we give when its merited. It may sound selfish, but it does afford to provide for non-bias AUTHORITY and DISCIPLINE. Someone has to be the bad guy. Thats all there is to it. We cant both be "MOM".. They are ours. We love them with all our hearts. But we have business to take care of...

Lets face it. Most men dont set out looking to marry a girl and have a family. Like I have told mine, THE CHILDREN WERE FOR YOU. My role as a FAMILY MAN is based on YOUR PROMISE to SUCK THIS COCK. I am attracted to YOU. While they are super and the true first loves of my life, if you were to die tomorrow I would be devastated because I simply would NEVER have procreated to raise children by myself. Its amazing the woman's perspective on children and procreation. If they cant have a baby, they will stop at NOTHING to get one. Doesn't even matter if they adopt it. Which is a whole nother ballgame I wont get into now - so I will leave it at buy a dog, and if that dont do it - get another.. FYI - IF YOUR BITCH cant get pregnant and she is stockpiling animals like your house is a shelter. Just fuking run, cause your house will smell like a barn and she will still wind up adopting someone elses ISSUE.... not my case, just know a few nut jobs singing this tune....

So the moral of this post is that the woman REALLY sees the man as the SAME. They think that this womanly instinct to be close to the children is a bargaining factor to use against us - when they are so fucking far from the truth they should just almost be put down to ease their tiny little minds... "Oh, so you want a divorce cause I dont help you?" Well lets see how much help I was when I am not round. "Oh, you think I am going to miss getting up in the morning and making lunches?". Really. "You think I am going to miss hearing all the bickering and childish sibling fights and stress to always be some fucking ETERNAL REFEREE for the quest of simple PEACE & QUIET?" LOL pull the other one. "You think I am going to miss the horors when they turn 13 and the pain really begins?" Chuckle now with ease and calm...

How about this. Do you really think I am going to be so sad because I only see them every other weekend, a month in the summer, and every other holiday? Believe it or not - they do...! So lets see... I get to ALWAYS be the good guy. Not have to deal with the day to day stress... Explain to them what an ingracious whore bitch you are and why. Be the point of sought out PRIMARY REFERENCE FOR GUIDENCE AND HELP as they think you are the DAILY DEVIL. And I always get to be the saint they can turn to in a pinch.. Hmmmmm.

The logic is simply childish and completely retarded. I just dumbfounds me. Oh yea, I forgot the big one. So its really going to hurt me so badly to go out and get laid by a stranger once a week or more if I want... While my house is not wrecked with toys and shit. To always have the option to have excitement. To be able to take off on a moments notice and grab one of those 400$ mexican vacations and meet some more strange with no strings... To watch whatever I want when I want. And just walk around naked like I always have picking my ass and balls at will.... LOL

I LONG FOR THE DAY. Not only will I have a formal "jakin station" set up in the family room, but I plan to install a URINAL over by the kitchen as soon as she has a place of her own. Hows that for a MAN CAVE...!!!!!!!! That way I dont have to pause the movie to go piss out the cold beer I am enjoying unhendered. And guess what, any women over that I plan to defile that evening can hit the fuking door on a moments notice - JUST LIKE YOU. There are plenty out there...

Child support you say. Shit, what I will have to pay will be a centilla of what it cost me to live with this DOG THANT DONT HUNT. Money WELL SPENT... Shit, I could by a call girl for a night who is programmed to say and act just like I need and not spend half as much. I one good date once a week and spend half of that even.

Dont worry - AS LONG AS you have given it your all. YOU KNOW what she is, and what she could possibly be to the next guy. I LONG for the day that she re-marries or dates so I can wish him my most sincere condolences. But the best part is she will get no where on that. Once we all get to 40 years old (+/-), we know. The best she can hope for is to get her stupid pussy USED for a date or two, as why the fuck would a man want all that, and for knowing what they are. L........O.........L.......... But every man is sooo much nicer and better than me... Fuker... She seals her fate and I seal my date.... While even if she found this person that is sooo much better, he would have to be a moron to go thru with it. And if he IS A MORON. She will continue to suffer cause you had the sense to marry an intelligent woman, to which shall serve you again now....

So their perspective is pretty fucked. They do have it bad in that they are the one's loosing in the deal. I guess I would have to lie to myself too. So guys you really can not loose if you seek and "Equal woman" as that is really what it takes in todays times to get by. You just have to ground yourself to the fact that YOU are the winner all round, and any other thoughts on the matter are your own simple stupid attempts to self destruct. BUT THE KEY. And this is no small one. Is you attempt with a successful working woman, YOU MUST AND HAVE TO BE RPEPARED TO PUT UP WITH THE BULLSHIT FOR 5-7 years. So be good as long as possible no matter what she throws at you. This is about the time it takes to develop the rapport with the children that is UNBREAKABLE and EMPOWERS ALL OF THE ABOVE. DO NOT make the mistake of letter her abscond with your babies till you have sewed this seed... And forever will you have all you ever wanted in life...

Yes, I love her or would not have married her. I would even humor helping her down the road if need arise, cause she was the true "one". But for me. Its time to hit the RESET BUTTON and gather my fucking senses. Recover myself from this pathetic physical condition this marriage has depressed me into slothing into and become a valued commodity once more. Its a good thing all round. Its easy to say then why did you drop your guard in the first place. Well, you simply have to Play Ball in the game you have chosen. You got to give for them along the way or wont make it 5-7 years. And that involves a LOT of self sacrifice.
Seriously that book is a good idea a best seller it would be better than a lot of rubbish on the shelves. Im gonna pre order mine now if thats ok lol
NO what I am saying is that yut mama is not doing it for me. You asked for it. Use a smile next time queer... Yur mama did...

Dont even FUCK with my rant you little bitch whipped douche... I smell vinergar and christhanthemum...

I think what he's trying to say is that he's coming out of the closet.
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