Read this if your woman is fucking with you, has fucked you over, or you simply want to prepare for the WAR. You despiration is over as I am here to guide you will inevitably get to see them wallow in their own misery. I cant help if you are an ass or a dick, or have committed adultery. You already sealed your doom. But this thread is designed to help todays honest Man, or VICTIM of the scurge WOMAN...
Its come to my attention that todays women are total cunt bitches. Sorry, but thats just the way it is. You can sit there and call bullshit and tout your torrent love affair, but the truth is that you are in love with her vagina, and she is in love with your wallet. Period. But this is the way it has always been, so why the sudden grief and seeming so widespread.? It came to my attention recently when I was out surfin a very popular dating site and noted the number of 30-40 year old chicks just fucking DESPERATE.!!! First I thought of how much joy it was bringing me to see them suffer for their sins, and finally I was quickly reminded that I am still locked into one of the bastards primarily due to children.
So the point of this thread is to try to bring RATION and SANITY back for those currently cuaght up in the current phenomena - "Crazy Bitch-I-Tous" that seems so rampant these days. To help so Bro's understand what is going on, and perhaps give them some ammo to defend themselves.
Is it just me? That does seem like an awful lot of worthless CUNTs out there shopping for a REAL MAN, LOL. But why? Obviously they had one, or they would not be carry around those little appendages that they so readily throw out their as both shield and sabor. Nothing how pathetic it is to see them on a dating site and already knowing they are so fucked by their baggage that their photos include these BASTARD offspring.. I mean, What the fuck!?!?!?!?!!!! Really, its a conundrum of THESE TIMES, and the first of this sort short of Science Fiction. The most DISRUPTIVE & INCIDEOUS version of Roman Times in History. Its like Windows ME to Windows 7PRO, and while their are similarities, the fundamental priniciples are vastly DIFFFERENT. So you say you are pissed with your woman? or she has worst case VIOLATED you with a dump. Once you see whats going on, its really not that bad. Even better, once you see whats going on, your next run at finding a wet honey hole with go much smoother, and you can be sure to be better grounded for the problems of these times.
So what is it these bitches are after? And why cant we seem to please them? Examine this. Women care about very little, and their sole operational motive is to achieve these primary goals.
1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Procreation
Really you can define it as Success to them. And more so, #3 is the big one and the INCREDIBLE MISNOMER. Cuase in lifes documented hiarchy or value, Sex is at least third down the list. However, today they have learned that number three above gets them #1 & #2...!!!!????
!!!!!! And guess what, MEN HAVE TO FIRST OBTAIN #1 & #2 to get to #3......!!!
Ruling out that fantasy called high school. I really wonder how those that dont get to college ever figure out their is another life.?? I digress...
But its bigger than it seems. Imagine it was 500BC and you were a CHICK. Go ahead now and try to forget that YOU - ARE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN ON THIS PLANET, short of Aliens comming down and probin ya. So now you are this chick and you are liable to Animals, other people (men), and even the weather if you are the worthless bitch some of these the modern medicine has allowed to survive normal biological weeding. SO how are you feeling about now.? Scared as shit! And you will do whatever it takes to survive. So you buddy up to the nearest male that likes yur scent, get in the line outside the cave for the dik sukin contest, and hope that you win so you can come in and eat some food and get out of the rain.....! Sad but true. And FYI, you have limited muscular strength so your primary weapons are DECEIT and MAKING KILL SHOTS FROM BEHIND WHEN THEY CANT SEE YOU COMMING. And through the use of your tasty little vagina it all adds up to SCORN...... I sometimes wonder who is really top of the chain. Really. But the point is that IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH FOR YOU TO HAVE A $GOOD$ MATE. This has been programmed into you. You are a snake and you WILL hunt.! You just cant help yourself. The grass is always greener somewhere to you so you are always looking. You are always ENVIOUS of others who may have more, or at least you perceive them to from a window glance. You WILL NEVER be happy, cause you are always worried about the day you loose your meal ticket, so why not get the best one you can now.. No PRISONERS this is life and death. So why all the sudden conflict is subtle backstabbing has always been the way?
Its quite a conundrum of these times that is actually now starting to hurt women more times I think. In these Roman times with all the techno (TV, internet, etc) blasting, these women are constantly bombarded with what others have. Communication chains Cell phones, IMs, email) are now CONSTANT. I swear FaceBook is the end of society as we knew it and will single handedly be to blame for about a 10% jump in divorce. And then their is the simply luxy afforded to those that live in modern societies thus providing for the finest of luxury goods one could possibly covet for. The BACKFIRE would appear to be that due to the overwhelming amount of information they are receiving, not only do they get more worked up on a constant basis about what your daughter's friends parents have, but they are so overwhelmed they seem to forget the limited value and the CREDIBILITY of the source of the information. PLus with so much of it, it really LOOKS like there is a lot more going on than their is. So they get BOTH over anxious AND over confident. Next thing you know, she is acting like a righteous CUNT.
- She doesnt even stop to realize that her vagina doesnt even get as warm as a BROKEN toaster oven anymore.
- She does not even stop to think that she could no longer wet it down with a fire hose and have it stay that way for more than 30seconds.
- She does not even realize that she no longer posesses the STANK. That scent that the yonger girls have that just makes you want to start eatin at the ass.
- She doesn'r realize she just dont got it no more.
Ever hear them tell you "No one treats their girlfriend like you treat me"
Translation: She's been getting flirted with by some asshole who is so slick he knows how to start working angles EARLY and long term just waiting for that retard to slip. Or she was around a couple when I guy was trying to be a gentleman for his wife thus being extra polite as you do with unfamiliar company and somehow tells herself its ok for her to fart in your face, but you have to lick her toes on a daily basis. Or shes just been watching too much God Damn Lifetime. Fucking take that fucking network and SHOVE IT...!!!
REALLY, you have to understand that women are not raised like we are. They are raised to primp in front of the mirror all day in order to look as tantalizing as possible to achieve the highest $CATCH$ possible. SADLY, what this really means is that from a young age they are taught that their PUSSY IS A TOOL, and have forgotten it can be used for pleasure and spiritual bonding with mates. So this means that NOW, the thought of putting their vagina into action ='S W.O.R.K or Woman Of Rotten Kunt LOL. Ok so I took a stab... Anyway, they hate to fuck!!! Period... Basically they are Using their vagina the whole time they are courting you, and they are if you are gettin it put on ya, but ONLY to get your FINANCIAL OBLIGATION which is marked by the wedding ring. To compound matters further, recent scientific studies suggest they are putting something in Wedding Cake that prevents a woman from ever swallowing again!!!!! But you remember that first BB gun dont ya? Remember how much fun it was to dream of one day getting it, shooting it, sleeping with it, cleaning it, showing it off!!????!!! Remember? Those were the days!! Then you got it and suddenly the fun was over. No more excitement cause theirs nothing to lust. You wont THAT game. Now its rusting in the back yard with all the other things you have no interest in....
You dont have to become that BB gun. And if you were already BOUGHT, perhaps we can salvage the damage. So these stupid bitches are all out there beggin for a chance to get under some other poor souls skin But keep reading.
So now I bet you have seen that famous dating site one liner advert, "Where are all the Good Men?"... TRANSLATION: I'm a dumb cunt, I already fucked up at least once that meant a shitload of grief for me, and now I am trying to LIE TO MYSELF and convince everyone it was his fault SO I WONT GO ANY CRAZIER THAN I FUCKING AM.....!!! When all along ALL he needed was a nice slice of hairpie square on his face.... Thats all. But your stupid bitch ass treated him like shit cause you thought you could do better. LAUGHING OUT LOUD !!!!
I will end this segment of the lesson with these positive thoughts for the Brothers out there. If your girlfriend, wife, whatever is dikin ya over for the common reason that they do - (which happens to be a deadly sin I think) You can rest assured of these facts: They ALL HATE SEX. A comeshot in the mouth is like drinking liquid cyanide to them, and they only do it when trying to get $$. And still rarely. You want to have some fun. Next time you girl fucks up and goes down to blow it, convince her to stay long enought to swallow - and BY ANY MEANS. Or better, is she is already sharp enought to Swallow every now and then, then press her to continue finishing in her mouth for days extended. See how much she really likes it. She will tell the truth sooner or later IF YOU TAKE HER OUT OF CONTROL. Dont sit there like a sucker wanting to believe. Dont be a fuking dumbass.!!!! The most common defense for women today about blowjobs is you try some cum and see how you like it, or Its really not pressed. But the truth is of course we dont like cum, its from a MAN. But we sure love wallerin in some nice warm vaginal fluids. Perhaps having our bodies painted with it. And the ultimate dream of finding the ever ellusive squirter to just hose our face down while we gobble it up. I mean fucking seriously. The truth is women feel nothing like that. Some younger guys wont believe this, but once they are past their "training days", you will see. And by the by, you are only preparing het to DUPE some sucker. And the worst part is the bitches know it and laugh at us and use it against us to manipulate. They DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SEX. THEY KNOW NOTHING OF DESIRE. AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WOMAN ON THE PLANET WHO IS ROMANTIC. Romance is a Mans notions. Having the door opened. Having your ass kissed for no reason. Requiring excessive amounts of financial spoiling. Requiring a man that will let them have their way always, take all the bullshit they can dish out of their mouths, and put up with JUST DOWN RIGHT FUCKING INSANITY FOR AT LEAST A FEW DAYS A MONTH. Oh, now thats a Gentleman. Right you fucking cunt fucking bitches....!!! I"ll tell you what that is. Thats A SPOILED BRAT THAT NEVER GREW UP BECAUSE OF THE FUCKED UP CONUNDRUM WE LIVE IN TODAY. I digress and get too broad to quicking loosing valuable substance.
More on my next visit to this thread as we will furhter examine the PLIGHT of these Roman times and with more detail on how the hypocracy is self destructing society.

Its come to my attention that todays women are total cunt bitches. Sorry, but thats just the way it is. You can sit there and call bullshit and tout your torrent love affair, but the truth is that you are in love with her vagina, and she is in love with your wallet. Period. But this is the way it has always been, so why the sudden grief and seeming so widespread.? It came to my attention recently when I was out surfin a very popular dating site and noted the number of 30-40 year old chicks just fucking DESPERATE.!!! First I thought of how much joy it was bringing me to see them suffer for their sins, and finally I was quickly reminded that I am still locked into one of the bastards primarily due to children.
So the point of this thread is to try to bring RATION and SANITY back for those currently cuaght up in the current phenomena - "Crazy Bitch-I-Tous" that seems so rampant these days. To help so Bro's understand what is going on, and perhaps give them some ammo to defend themselves.
Is it just me? That does seem like an awful lot of worthless CUNTs out there shopping for a REAL MAN, LOL. But why? Obviously they had one, or they would not be carry around those little appendages that they so readily throw out their as both shield and sabor. Nothing how pathetic it is to see them on a dating site and already knowing they are so fucked by their baggage that their photos include these BASTARD offspring.. I mean, What the fuck!?!?!?!?!!!! Really, its a conundrum of THESE TIMES, and the first of this sort short of Science Fiction. The most DISRUPTIVE & INCIDEOUS version of Roman Times in History. Its like Windows ME to Windows 7PRO, and while their are similarities, the fundamental priniciples are vastly DIFFFERENT. So you say you are pissed with your woman? or she has worst case VIOLATED you with a dump. Once you see whats going on, its really not that bad. Even better, once you see whats going on, your next run at finding a wet honey hole with go much smoother, and you can be sure to be better grounded for the problems of these times.
So what is it these bitches are after? And why cant we seem to please them? Examine this. Women care about very little, and their sole operational motive is to achieve these primary goals.
1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Procreation
Really you can define it as Success to them. And more so, #3 is the big one and the INCREDIBLE MISNOMER. Cuase in lifes documented hiarchy or value, Sex is at least third down the list. However, today they have learned that number three above gets them #1 & #2...!!!!????

But its bigger than it seems. Imagine it was 500BC and you were a CHICK. Go ahead now and try to forget that YOU - ARE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN ON THIS PLANET, short of Aliens comming down and probin ya. So now you are this chick and you are liable to Animals, other people (men), and even the weather if you are the worthless bitch some of these the modern medicine has allowed to survive normal biological weeding. SO how are you feeling about now.? Scared as shit! And you will do whatever it takes to survive. So you buddy up to the nearest male that likes yur scent, get in the line outside the cave for the dik sukin contest, and hope that you win so you can come in and eat some food and get out of the rain.....! Sad but true. And FYI, you have limited muscular strength so your primary weapons are DECEIT and MAKING KILL SHOTS FROM BEHIND WHEN THEY CANT SEE YOU COMMING. And through the use of your tasty little vagina it all adds up to SCORN...... I sometimes wonder who is really top of the chain. Really. But the point is that IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH FOR YOU TO HAVE A $GOOD$ MATE. This has been programmed into you. You are a snake and you WILL hunt.! You just cant help yourself. The grass is always greener somewhere to you so you are always looking. You are always ENVIOUS of others who may have more, or at least you perceive them to from a window glance. You WILL NEVER be happy, cause you are always worried about the day you loose your meal ticket, so why not get the best one you can now.. No PRISONERS this is life and death. So why all the sudden conflict is subtle backstabbing has always been the way?
Its quite a conundrum of these times that is actually now starting to hurt women more times I think. In these Roman times with all the techno (TV, internet, etc) blasting, these women are constantly bombarded with what others have. Communication chains Cell phones, IMs, email) are now CONSTANT. I swear FaceBook is the end of society as we knew it and will single handedly be to blame for about a 10% jump in divorce. And then their is the simply luxy afforded to those that live in modern societies thus providing for the finest of luxury goods one could possibly covet for. The BACKFIRE would appear to be that due to the overwhelming amount of information they are receiving, not only do they get more worked up on a constant basis about what your daughter's friends parents have, but they are so overwhelmed they seem to forget the limited value and the CREDIBILITY of the source of the information. PLus with so much of it, it really LOOKS like there is a lot more going on than their is. So they get BOTH over anxious AND over confident. Next thing you know, she is acting like a righteous CUNT.
- She doesnt even stop to realize that her vagina doesnt even get as warm as a BROKEN toaster oven anymore.
- She does not even stop to think that she could no longer wet it down with a fire hose and have it stay that way for more than 30seconds.
- She does not even realize that she no longer posesses the STANK. That scent that the yonger girls have that just makes you want to start eatin at the ass.
- She doesn'r realize she just dont got it no more.
Ever hear them tell you "No one treats their girlfriend like you treat me"
Translation: She's been getting flirted with by some asshole who is so slick he knows how to start working angles EARLY and long term just waiting for that retard to slip. Or she was around a couple when I guy was trying to be a gentleman for his wife thus being extra polite as you do with unfamiliar company and somehow tells herself its ok for her to fart in your face, but you have to lick her toes on a daily basis. Or shes just been watching too much God Damn Lifetime. Fucking take that fucking network and SHOVE IT...!!!
REALLY, you have to understand that women are not raised like we are. They are raised to primp in front of the mirror all day in order to look as tantalizing as possible to achieve the highest $CATCH$ possible. SADLY, what this really means is that from a young age they are taught that their PUSSY IS A TOOL, and have forgotten it can be used for pleasure and spiritual bonding with mates. So this means that NOW, the thought of putting their vagina into action ='S W.O.R.K or Woman Of Rotten Kunt LOL. Ok so I took a stab... Anyway, they hate to fuck!!! Period... Basically they are Using their vagina the whole time they are courting you, and they are if you are gettin it put on ya, but ONLY to get your FINANCIAL OBLIGATION which is marked by the wedding ring. To compound matters further, recent scientific studies suggest they are putting something in Wedding Cake that prevents a woman from ever swallowing again!!!!! But you remember that first BB gun dont ya? Remember how much fun it was to dream of one day getting it, shooting it, sleeping with it, cleaning it, showing it off!!????!!! Remember? Those were the days!! Then you got it and suddenly the fun was over. No more excitement cause theirs nothing to lust. You wont THAT game. Now its rusting in the back yard with all the other things you have no interest in....
You dont have to become that BB gun. And if you were already BOUGHT, perhaps we can salvage the damage. So these stupid bitches are all out there beggin for a chance to get under some other poor souls skin But keep reading.
So now I bet you have seen that famous dating site one liner advert, "Where are all the Good Men?"... TRANSLATION: I'm a dumb cunt, I already fucked up at least once that meant a shitload of grief for me, and now I am trying to LIE TO MYSELF and convince everyone it was his fault SO I WONT GO ANY CRAZIER THAN I FUCKING AM.....!!! When all along ALL he needed was a nice slice of hairpie square on his face.... Thats all. But your stupid bitch ass treated him like shit cause you thought you could do better. LAUGHING OUT LOUD !!!!
I will end this segment of the lesson with these positive thoughts for the Brothers out there. If your girlfriend, wife, whatever is dikin ya over for the common reason that they do - (which happens to be a deadly sin I think) You can rest assured of these facts: They ALL HATE SEX. A comeshot in the mouth is like drinking liquid cyanide to them, and they only do it when trying to get $$. And still rarely. You want to have some fun. Next time you girl fucks up and goes down to blow it, convince her to stay long enought to swallow - and BY ANY MEANS. Or better, is she is already sharp enought to Swallow every now and then, then press her to continue finishing in her mouth for days extended. See how much she really likes it. She will tell the truth sooner or later IF YOU TAKE HER OUT OF CONTROL. Dont sit there like a sucker wanting to believe. Dont be a fuking dumbass.!!!! The most common defense for women today about blowjobs is you try some cum and see how you like it, or Its really not pressed. But the truth is of course we dont like cum, its from a MAN. But we sure love wallerin in some nice warm vaginal fluids. Perhaps having our bodies painted with it. And the ultimate dream of finding the ever ellusive squirter to just hose our face down while we gobble it up. I mean fucking seriously. The truth is women feel nothing like that. Some younger guys wont believe this, but once they are past their "training days", you will see. And by the by, you are only preparing het to DUPE some sucker. And the worst part is the bitches know it and laugh at us and use it against us to manipulate. They DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SEX. THEY KNOW NOTHING OF DESIRE. AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WOMAN ON THE PLANET WHO IS ROMANTIC. Romance is a Mans notions. Having the door opened. Having your ass kissed for no reason. Requiring excessive amounts of financial spoiling. Requiring a man that will let them have their way always, take all the bullshit they can dish out of their mouths, and put up with JUST DOWN RIGHT FUCKING INSANITY FOR AT LEAST A FEW DAYS A MONTH. Oh, now thats a Gentleman. Right you fucking cunt fucking bitches....!!! I"ll tell you what that is. Thats A SPOILED BRAT THAT NEVER GREW UP BECAUSE OF THE FUCKED UP CONUNDRUM WE LIVE IN TODAY. I digress and get too broad to quicking loosing valuable substance.
More on my next visit to this thread as we will furhter examine the PLIGHT of these Roman times and with more detail on how the hypocracy is self destructing society.

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