Mental Health - Armour for Dealing with Todays Woman

SO I was chatting with an older Bud of mine today with a little wisdom to share... First the lastest STORY SAGA....

So my wife comes back around about a week before last Monday exclaiming how much she misses me and that "we should not be apart". She even sucked my cock pretty much all week long... But when the next Monday rolled along, all of the sudden she comes home from work with the CRAZY MONKEY on her shoulder again. Wakes me at 530 and you could tell by the tone that the pretense was that I had been drinking too much, or that I had slept all day. NEITHER was the case. In fact I had worked all day and even after tolertating her snoaring all night. So long and short is that she woke me two hours into slumber and based on her tone, I RIPPED HER A NEW ONE VERBALLY. I also realized that one of the agreements was that she was going to take accountablility for the things she has said that weigh so heavily on my conscience and keep causing me so much grief. Of course this had not happened as I am sure she planned to suck her way out of that. So I realized this was the reason for the extra spice delivered by ME>...

The agreement was that she would address EACH of the triggers that she uses in WRITING. Which she has never dared to do. Foget my rediculous love poems. LOL. So I say, 'you know, you think you are just gonna skate and alienate me again in the future with the same old shit?". She says, "there you go again and just wont drop the past..!".. I said, "Past, what past, you did it again just 30 days ago which is why we had the fight. I seem to recall you uttering that I never do anything around here, and that I have never completed a single project.. - which caused the latest fight in the first place to elevate to this level.....!" So then I repeat, " take it back, ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT you said, Explain what the intentions were and how you knew it would upset me, Explain WHY YOU DID NOT MEAN IT, APOLOGIZE IN TRUE, and promise you are done with it.!! Well?........" I said, "why did you say those things?"... She responded "because you dont, and never do!!!"... I just chuckled and said, "so how am I bringing up PAST issues, you just refreshed it again TODAY...!"

Simple insanity.... Of course she always retracts them VERBALLY when she is ready to kiss and make up. I told her the price was going up and this time after I cum in her mouth, that I am going to shit in it too, if she wants to try again. And only after she begs me to.... WHEN WILL SHE GO THE FUCK AWAY!?!?!?!?!?
My analysis is simple and pure. Society is FUCKED NOW. Ever since a few noisy BULL DIKES whined and complained that the wanted to be a part of the workplace, this was the end. There is a psychological concept of THE LOUDEST VOICE FROM THE SMALLEST CROWN MUST NE HEARD. Well, these bull dikes were heard. And now the result is the end of times...! OF COURCE coporate America realized that they were the best shit since slave labor and said come on in and well give ya a job. Well they profitted for a long time, and now that women have pretty much beaten them into submission of EQUAL PAY, there is no more PROFIT to reap from this experiment. This is another facet of the current ROMAN FINANCIAL TRAVESTY that happens to be maturing thus further contributing to the financial collapse ensuing today.

But how it truly applies socially is that women DONT want to compete with men in the work place. Only now society has to hire so many of them, and thus so many men are not getting jobs. The woman truly wants to be at home barefoot and in the kitchen, and caring for our children. We truly want to be out hunter gathering, and securing our fortress, knowing that someone is taking care of our offspring while we do this. I cant tell you how often I get bitched at for not doing something that I simply am not genetically inclided to want to do. And I get angry for it. But the point is that now that WE are both working. WE, as men, are forced to pretend to be mommies. AS WOMEN, they are forced to work do to the current political business paradigm. Make NO MISTAKE - THEY DONT WANT TO. You want some real insight. The more education/degrees they get, and the more the pretend to want to be successful in business, the less the really do, and the more you are going to pay if you marry her....! So, if you think you have one that can carry her weight, and she is stating the groundrules are fine for now and for on, SHE IS LYING TO YOU, and herself. A buddy of mine has coined what we know as the VAGINA LOCK SYNDROME. Women are upset that they dont have a mate to care for them completely. At the same time they are FORCED to go out in the workforce and COMPETE with MEN. Both of these concepts when combined bring so much pressure to their existance that they simply shut down, and as human beings even....! SO truly, its a really unfair paradigm that our generation are now forced to live with, and really starting to wreak havok with my GENERATION X.....!

But clearvoyance shall prevail. My more experienced buddy puts it like this. And apparently its an age old equation that applies to our problems to. YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT UP WITH, and make the decision to act. Because if you dont, it will destroy you. You can become consumed to the point that you are no longer effective with your health, job, and even the care for your children. SO YOU ARE FORCED TO PART TO SURVIVE.. I dont see any other way....

The one simple selfish truth of the matter is that they simply had to procreate. They would eat whatever shit they were dished in order to have a baby. But after they attain this biologically inherent drive - THE GLOVES ARE OFF. So I guess our crime is wanting to get laid??? Kinda makes you wonder who is in charge as we ARE truly helpless to this....

I used to concern myself with loosing access to the children. I DO think I stuck it out till they were out of formative years, which is 5-7, for fear I would loose my chance to make my proper foundation with them. I know this was correct and WAS a real risk. Then I start analyzing the concept of divorce and custody. It really all makes perfect sense. The man gets the kids every other weekend, every other holiday, and half the summer. Whats ironic is that the man gets HALF OF THE GOOD TIMES, and none of the bad... LOL Really, POINT- Men run society. Women mother children... But simply put, women miscalculate thinking we need the Children on our boobies... In fact, again as written above, WE ONLY NEED TO KNOW THEY ARE CARED FOR AND DOING WELL. ! Period. And thats all we want. So if she wants to do all the work, and then let me swoop in to be the refreshed "good guy" every two weeks, thus providing the ration that only a male can posess. PERFECT... Cause I can get liad as often as I am now and then some for less $$ even after child support. And if she wants to pretend that she will be using my $ to go on vacations with another male, thats fine too. Cause I have already realized that to witness her with another man, would be like having XRAY VISION. At which time my only conveyance to her NEW CHUMP, would have to be CONDOLENCES to you sir....;)
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What is this Armour? Is it iodine or does it contain thyroid hormones?
I noticed that Armour seems to be pretty popular in the USA. Where is the difference between taking this and taking thyroid hormones? :confused:

I worry what if I also need this? What if my thyroid is also not okay? :(
The "armour" I am referring to is four inch thick die cast and then heat forged steel with metal component from outter space the bends like plastic and weights like styrofoam. Aside from that you will need a free all inclusive paid therapist for about and hour a day comparably to Freud.... Oooops. Sorry almost forgot. At the end of his career he stated he did not understand women......!

Oh yea. I almost forgot. Go find yourself the maingiest family of RABID Opossums, toss them in a 4x4x4 cage, then lock yourself in there with them for a couple hours at a time for training....:eek::rolleyes:

What is this Armour? Is it iodine or does it contain thyroid hormones?
I noticed that Armour seems to be pretty popular in the USA. Where is the difference between taking this and taking thyroid hormones? :confused:

I worry what if I also need this? What if my thyroid is also not okay? :(
Preferably a Craft Beer appreciating establishment. There may be something to the HOPS. Then again the hops may be pickling my organs and I may not even require fmaldhyde at when I cease to b e biologically active one day FAR down the road...

UPDATE --------- UPDATE ---------- UPDATE ---------------
The bitch is back again. So she lasted two weeks total on her trip to family members as cast down from the castle.... LOL It turns out she was PMSing (of course) for the phone conversation I earlier referred where she antagonized my work performance on the house. AND she started period the DAY before she returned for reconcilliation. It was mutual of course. But the funny part was that she came in acting tough. I shut her down and she drove off. We texted a couple of times winding up with a "Well, why dont you ask me to come over then?"

But the best part is that I captured it ALL ON FILM.... LOL. Cell phones are a great thing. There of course were no clear of admitting confessions, but the tone was understood that somehow she was willing to hear my side without disagreement. And I hammered it six ways without objection in order to try to prove agreement. So I have prove my innocence.. Something. Perhaps it will only serve me privately. But thats enough...

A public place that serves alcohol. :cool:
My analysis is simple and pure. Society is FUCKED NOW. Ever since a few noisy BULL DIKES whined and complained that the wanted to be a part of the workplace, this was the end. There is a psychological concept of THE LOUDEST VOICE FROM THE SMALLEST CROWN MUST NE HEARD. Well, these bull dikes were heard. And now the result is the end of times...! OF COURCE coporate America realized that they were the best shit since slave labor and said come on in and well give ya a job. Well they profitted for a long time, and now that women have pretty much beaten them into submission of EQUAL PAY, there is no more PROFIT to reap from this experiment. This is another facet of the current ROMAN FINANCIAL TRAVESTY that happens to be maturing thus further contributing to the financial collapse ensuing today.

But how it truly applies socially is that women DONT want to compete with men in the work place. Only now society has to hire so many of them, and thus so many men are not getting jobs. The woman truly wants to be at home barefoot and in the kitchen, and caring for our children. We truly want to be out hunter gathering, and securing our fortress, knowing that someone is taking care of our offspring while we do this. I cant tell you how often I get bitched at for not doing something that I simply am not genetically inclided to want to do. And I get angry for it. But the point is that now that WE are both working. WE, as men, are forced to pretend to be mommies. AS WOMEN, they are forced to work do to the current political business paradigm. Make NO MISTAKE - THEY DONT WANT TO. You want some real insight. The more education/degrees they get, and the more the pretend to want to be successful in business, the less the really do, and the more you are going to pay if you marry her....! So, if you think you have one that can carry her weight, and she is stating the groundrules are fine for now and for on, SHE IS LYING TO YOU, and herself. A buddy of mine has coined what we know as the VAGINA LOCK SYNDROME. Women are upset that they dont have a mate to care for them completely. At the same time they are FORCED to go out in the workforce and COMPETE with MEN. Both of these concepts when combined bring so much pressure to their existance that they simply shut down, and as human beings even....! SO truly, its a really unfair paradigm that our generation are now forced to live with, and really starting to wreak havok with my GENERATION X.....!

But clearvoyance shall prevail. My more experienced buddy puts it like this. And apparently its an age old equation that applies to our problems to. YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT UP WITH, and make the decision to act. Because if you dont, it will destroy you. You can become consumed to the point that you are no longer effective with your health, job, and even the care for your children. SO YOU ARE FORCED TO PART TO SURVIVE.. I dont see any other way....

The one simple selfish truth of the matter is that they simply had to procreate. They would eat whatever shit they were dished in order to have a baby. But after they attain this biologically inherent drive - THE GLOVES ARE OFF. So I guess our crime is wanting to get laid??? Kinda makes you wonder who is in charge as we ARE truly helpless to this....

I used to concern myself with loosing access to the children. I DO think I stuck it out till they were out of formative years, which is 5-7, for fear I would loose my chance to make my proper foundation with them. I know this was correct and WAS a real risk. Then I start analyzing the concept of divorce and custody. It really all makes perfect sense. The man gets the kids every other weekend, every other holiday, and half the summer. Whats ironic is that the man gets HALF OF THE GOOD TIMES, and none of the bad... LOL Really, POINT- Men run society. Women mother children... But simply put, women miscalculate thinking we need the Children on our boobies... In fact, again as written above, WE ONLY NEED TO KNOW THEY ARE CARED FOR AND DOING WELL. ! Period. And thats all we want. So if she wants to do all the work, and then let me swoop in to be the refreshed "good guy" every two weeks, thus providing the ration that only a male can posess. PERFECT... Cause I can get liad as often as I am now and then some for less $$ even after child support. And if she wants to pretend that she will be using my $ to go on vacations with another male, thats fine too. Cause I have already realized that to witness her with another man, would be like having XRAY VISION. At which time my only conveyance to her NEW CHUMP, would have to be CONDOLENCES to you sir....;)

Actually brother as fucked as this may sound it is not that simple. Since, all destructive trends have been and continue to be planted and nurtured by the Jew. Hence, they push racist stereotypes in the media and we just eat it up fighting over insignificant issues. However, the Jew also has pushed the feminist agenda which has effectively made women into..well.. More into a bitch. This was key for the Jew to socially castrate the male (especially white males) and turn roles. Now you see women acting totally fucking arrogant and conceited. Thinking shit is owed to them, and they think that any time something "better" comes along it is their right to take it whether they are married Or not. I mean, When's the last time you heared of a father being granted custody of kids in a marital dispute?? That's right never! And no matter if the mother is a crackwhore, the man is continually demeaned, insulted and made to feel small.

So you see all bullshit history aside, shit starts making a lot of sense when you attribute society's ailments to the work of the Zionist Talmudic Jew( not all Jews). And yet we pay our hard earned money to take women to go so stupid fucking movies(made by Jews) about how men need to be "nice" and more sensitive and what have you.

Furthermore, again I say that although my comments have probably been misconstrued at this point, just think all makes sense when you think about it ;)
You gotta train your women right from
the start or you will get screwed.

I like to cook, clean, do laundry, change diapers,
.... I like to do it all because I just like to be the
one in control of things. It feels good to help others, but
I think what it basically comes down to, is being the one in control.
I am no doubt the alpha male and always have been.

It is great if your women is your best friend. You can
talk to her and act in a way around her, just as you
would a best MALE friend, but who has that?
I sure as hell don't...
Well, I can talk to my women and joke
around about certain things, but let's
face it .. She is not a man and I am not a women. She will never be one of the
boys. That is not so much a bad thing, but it changes the rules just a bit

Rules not only have to be set, as soon as the puppy love
ends .. (Sometimes even before that, but that can be hard .. literally with that new pussy in your face all the time) ... they also have to be enforced throughout the relationship.

These rules don't always have to be verbally brought up.
Certain things I do let a women know where she stands with me
and why to never get too stupid with me. .. A little stupid is always
OK .. keeps me on my toes.

Giving a women just enough attention but not too much
always worked for me .. Even too much attention
at times, then when she is starting to get too used to that attention, back
it off almost to nothing.

I like being passive aggressive in case you haven't noticed.

As far as needing money to get or keep a girl/women,
yes, I agree, but doesn't have to be your money :D
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Look, I see manwhore has some good points and seems to be on target. To the prev poster while I appreciate the point of view, I just dont get it fully. I can even see some "Jew stuff" there as another perspective - if I strain - and from facets far aside/ i get it..

What you are missing is that women were the best sucker play to come along since slavery. Hell, really the Mexican workforce is the only thing to threaten them / in past value... Lol. But seriously. Corporate Amaerica welcomed them. And they don't even need a green card. But all the whining, pissin, gripin about $. It's hit the end of the road. They seem to have forgot we no longer have to open the door for them once their salary encroaches the 10% mark.... Lol

On the lighter side. All my wifes bitchen, alienation, and dry-holin gas come to an end now that she has quit her fukin job - which is what it's always about anyway.. Ironically and of course, now I coukd care less, and the more she wants me, the less bla bla. But I do have detail to add when I get time..
Manwhore.. I forgot. Yes I hear ya and agree fully. I like all that shit. Man is much more than a hunter/ gatherer/ defender/ and pussy fucker.. We do the cooking the best. We even sing the best. Lol

But the point I am trying to make - is we DONT take care of infants or even kids the best. WE DON'T WANT TO. Period. Anyone griping the age old "even a crackhead gets em"!! Well yes, it's cause we make the rules set in the world today and we don't want em steady. We are not designed for it. So yes there are some crack head bitchez that shoukd not have them. But the truth is most likely we'd be pawning them off on our mothers.. Lol
BBC started this thread to hide the fact that he's secretly a cuckold. Even 200mg/wk won't help that will it. When's the African bull coming over next?
That's not to say I don't like women..
Just that sometimes rules have
to be set from day one..

Like when meeting one's new cellmate, for the
first time.. Just gotta let him know not to
touch your shit, or there is a good chance he could wake
up dead.
That's a weird fucking analogy.

Yeah, that was a little much ..

I would never hurt my girl for touching
my AAS...

I would just take her shit and hide it :D

Nahh, I wouldn't.

She moves my shit around all the time... Even
when it's not in the way... I think she just does it
cause she can..

This is really the only thing that gets me about
living with someone.

When I take the chairs out from under the table to
WALK AWAY! cause I am in between sets.

I guess it's better than having a male roommate
I'm not sure if your posts were intended to be directed to the literal sense, but they seem to have gone there. Its funny I recall my mother comming over a few times early on to take care the infants when we went out, and my wife bitchin cause mom put something away, or did the dishes even, citing "she was gonna put shit away where she'd never find it again. ONE RULE: TWO WOMEN CAN'T EXIST UNDER ONE ROOF ( a buddy's wisdom imparted). She even bitched at me a few times about it. BUT NOW - I realize its my wife that has to have to "hiding rights" and I CANT FIND SHIT....:rolleyes:

A little further back on track. Since all the shit my wife was raising was about being burnt in her job, and now she's about resigned - nothing but kittens... In fact, I came back from a couple days traveling and she pretended to be cockhungry even. That lasts ABOUT ONCE - then once she confirms she still has ownership rights, back in the jar on the shelf I will go....
Yeah, that was a little much ..

I would never hurt my girl for touching
my AAS...

I would just take her shit and hide it :D

Nahh, I wouldn't.

She moves my shit around all the time... Even
when it's not in the way... I think she just does it
cause she can..

This is really the only thing that gets me about
living with someone.

When I take the chairs out from under the table to
WALK AWAY! cause I am in between sets.

I guess it's better than having a male roommate
"African Bull"?? LOL. Jr. Is that you?? Bax, when I get home - I'm gonna punch your mamma in the mouth, Cause there's no way you come from deez nutz....

BBC started this thread to hide the fact that he's secretly a cuckold. Even 200mg/wk won't help that will it. When's the African bull coming over next?