Mental Health - Armour for Dealing with Todays Woman


I again feel I have neglected this thread WAY too long... SO perhaps you could tell me if I am WRONG or not... And by the by - I am FRESH... LOL So tonight I get in the bed and exclaim to my wife - ???

Fuck - I actually forgot what I was going to say. So Either the subverts here have gotten to me, or i have done something wrong. Tape recorder now.. This one would have drawn in BAX for sure. Perhaps I am washed up...:eek: Fuck it for now..:rolleyes:
Yea that last one fell apart didnt it. Burnt right up on re-entry...

TO BE CLEAR this is no SELF SAGA. This is an opportunity for men to share psychological experience with relationships today in order to help us rationalize the FUCKED UPEDNESS that IS TODAY. Get some.. This is fiction by the way...:rolleyes:

Here is an excerpt from a trashy romance novel I found that I thought pertinent to the discussion....:

It should be noted that the last time I went to jail, I felt an INCREDIBLE sense of RELIEF. So much relief to be free of ALL responsibility. At least for a day. I didn’t even have to decide when I was going to eat. Or what it was!!!! I think I pulled the door closed behind me advising them “thank you, have a nice day”. Its really a strange place to be in your mind when you realize that you are caged up with animals who have no pretense of being polite and could just as soon fuck you face that longer you remain conscious the better (annhh, just a few of them – it was a jail not a prison LOL). But no pretense and the eyes are the last place you want to look too long. Funny how in our society we are supposed to LOOK a person in the eye when communicating. What kind of a fucking joke is that?! I got 20 bucks that says the guy that invented that rule was 6’6” tall, hand a hangun on his hip, and salaried body guards. So what does this say? Look someone in the eye when you address them? It says you will either be gleaming with confidence or knowing your are a bitch, but the one thing is for sure is that you WILL EXPERIENCE it and IGNORE all natural instinct…. And regardless of which side of the shake you are on… Did you really think we would have let that one go in another life.?!

She loves me not?. I am not even sure when I decided she should. Custom tailored – she doesn’t even have a clue. It was like I hired a head hunter. Someone hurt that young will go on never knowing the meaning of the word. Not a single tear when father died. Nadda…. What’s worse is that I chose her I think sometimes. Isn’t that the same as “allowing”, LOL?? There is no way in hell I could have lived through the concept of love, me being the fucking textbook case of COMPULSION. We all know from that one heartbreak back in the day – it ain’t no fun. Could you imagine trusting someone with everything then to be betrayed.? I think the figure for homicides related to matters of the heart is in excess of 90% and I am far too selfish to find out how hurt I could get. So it turns out I have absolutely no self control for anything except my potential salvation. I was never looking for it. I was running fast as I could and CAN. The funniest part is that things are now as calm as they have ever been for us. We spend all out time together. Or at least not apart…. No one could fuck the other one over if the wanted to. At least behind their back.

She likes to tell herself she is in love with me. It makes her feel good I think, or not even really sure. Maybe she gets part of the picket fence life she grew up thinking she wanted who the fuck knows. People love brothers too. They also hate daddies. Being a man I really don’t know, but I actually suspect that there may be no more greatly coveted anger that the hatred of DADDY.. How we like to hate him, impress him, best him, prove to him; and its all so comfortable. You can never get enough cause he can never take enough. You think? So its almost full circle now for me and I am getting CREEPED OUT. I have spent every fuckin FREAK CARD in my GD book and yet I have not managed to PULL OUT and screw myself over. WTF// My antics would blow the common fellas mind believe ITS NASTY.. The worst part is THINKING you have Shed SHAME from your psyche and then finding out the mother fucker was right there all the time. LOL. Really – I just chuckled that time.. Its like you dig this fukin hole and you are working so damn hard. The promise of water is right there. Or are we just trying to get about 6ft completed with a tablespoon.? Or better yet a pair of CHOPSTIX… Mine are pretty flashy… “Did you use excessive force Cobra?”. “I Used everything I had…”. Pop dementia anyone?

Funny the “Sugar/Salt” principle. If everyone ONLY wants what they cant have, the how in the fuck has any relationship ever worked..? Cause if you recall, the one being pursued is usually holding a BARF BAG because its just so damn disgusting to have someone LIKE YOU. Further, the MORE they like you, the LESS you like them; and it’s a universal principle with an exponential factor XXX.. It just don’t happen. The only difference between now and then is that there are less secrets, that stay secrets. Kids?_Wasteland_!. Sooo fuked up we are. I won’t even get into the fucked up kids of the homo parental units. Its devastation and yet we are told to close our mouths. These are civil times with people have their rights. The British were “civil”.
Civility – (It’s a descriptive word for sure) . SIV-ILL- IT EEE.
1. A condition by which we can AFFORD to act mildly retarded.
2. Having excess luxury thus falling to the failure of ILLUSION.
3. Pretending to be something which we CAN NOT be when we are NAKED.
4. Taking a shit and not having to wipe
5. Not only shutting your mouth at the EXACT TIME you are STRONGLY motivated to act in opposition to status quo, but actively agreeing and reinforcing the paradigm current..
6. “You make me sick sometimes, but I just don’t say anything” Does it count if we remove ourselves from the situation? or is that cheating….?!!

I don’t know where I am with this. But I can tell you I spent the drug and alcohol craziness up and she took it all. She spent hers too and here I am. Fucked up indeed. I get so mad sometimes IT HAS GOT TO BE. People just sit back looking on. Some of them sick. Some of them wishing for the worst. I don’t think there are many that don’t know “The FreakShow”… She seems done with the booze too. Really, I'm just not even hungry anymore.

1. I am out of gas and simply having a difficult time doing my part to keep things fucked up.
2. The kids are a factor I did not count on. I really never dreamed the would be ME. What that meant.
3. She continues to play the game – CHILDISHNESS now a KEY factor. Does she really believe that shit?!?!? Self service indeed. And to think she can sit there and fess up to my face, after I sit on hers for a few. I’m going with brother/sister at this time.
4. Her powers fade quickly with her age. I almost don’t even feel the urge to remind her that Dogs that Don’t hunt don’t get paid, and anyone with a pocket full of change is gonna buy a damn good dog. “Shake that ass and see what you get”.. Perhaps wet down a couple of times and a free drink.
5. Maybe that’s all she wants?!?! Perhaps all she has to do is play it smart to be a COUCH DOG. After all, hunting is WORK and I don’t see her lining up anywhere other than the drive thru..

AM I duped? We never escape. EVER. Did you ever see a woman that could work in the garden without a plastic bag? WTF. We think, “toss that shit in the bushes crazy ass – you are WASTING A PERFECTLY GOOD PLASTIC BAG”. Really, they are thinking about TROPHY TAKING. A prize for the job. A show for anyone to see as PROOF of the action. Put it on display for the neighbors on the street even. Its now contained in a sack. It cant get out. She can DO with it whatever she desires, but MOST IMPORTANTLY she is going to get something for this damnit, no matter how cheap the kill… NO, not the shelf again. Not the glass jar. ITS SMOTHERING. OXIDIZATION CAN NOT OCCUR IN THIS JAR….! HELLO. “Up here- ON the shelf…!”.. “USE ME, and USE ME FAST, HARD, AND NOW/OVER & OVER”. Make me sick of it so I can be sick of myself and see CLEARLY AGAIN. This dog needs a job to be happy…. More importantly he likes to be patted on the head for a job well done. Lack of either and he could run. Finally, the dog can ONLY know when he’s been bad WHEN and AFTER he get what he WANTS / or thinks he does…
I would not trade it….

The iSSUE is that once she has bagged it. She appears perfectly happy placing it on the shelf and simply knowing it is there is enough. And I know in reality that if she trapped a better prize, I would just get shuffled further to the back of the cabinet never to see the light of day again. After all, she is so sweet she could not hurt a fly...
How did you get a cam in my bedroom...?! [:o)]:eek::p

Now this is what I have been talking about regarding the prostate. You really have to wonder how may mens prostates simply get BEAT TO DEATH.. - LOL

On a serious note, guys can look at that shit, and exclaim "Oh My, What the hell is that? This guy MUST be gay - I would never...!". The truth is that its a simple matter of psychological progression in interest of a particular subject. This one being the human interaction between man and woman. I always got a kick out of telling a guy about some chick that loved to blow me with a finger in my ass and watch them pretend that this was so shocking. But if you stop to think about it, a womans anus is as "off limits" as a mans is generally speaking. Sex gets boring with the same person, so the levels excalate. Next think you are trying to bugger her arse, or she is trying to get you to. Do you really believe that turnabout is not fair play. Now I am not saying that all that many men have to get PEGGED (LOL- found that term a year or so ago aint it neat) back by their girls in order to have anal sex with THEM. But the hippocratic pretense laid down by most in this country is REDICULOUS. Honestly, sadly, whatever - that video kinda gets me RANDY YEA BABY YEA.. LOL She's pretty smokin hot too...

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The one interesting thing you may be missing - IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE HE IS CONSCIOUS>.... The more I look at it, it looks like a homicide in progress. LOL

she sure is, I would hit it........ or to keep in the spirit of the picture, maybe one should say "I'd let her hit me" [:o)]
That's beautiful. 99 percent of the guys here if a chick that hot wanted to strap one on I guarantee would be ass up. Of course no one will admit it. I will.
Well really, I dont know how many frames that is before the video repeats, but he is face down, looks to be getting smothered, and completely NON-Responsive. I dont know about you guys, but the last time that happened to me, I was howling and foaming at the mouth... :eek:LOL[:o)]

That's a spiked dildo she's using :eek::eek::eek:
Here is some food for thought, particularly for the babes in the wood on this thread:
There's no doubt. I think I have run a train or two with that first guy. We used to call him, "the sidewinder missel"...! Lol
Idiosyncrasy TELLs - Referring to some definable act which she pulled in the courtship phase of the relationship.

(A) My current one does this thing where she grins like a JACKASS, and her head shakes quickly from side to side like some kind of mini-seizure.
(B) I remember one from the past that blinked her eyes really fast while starring at you with the same dumbass smile. This one was so insane I used to think she was faking it. I even called her on it a time or two and she denied asking what I meant doing it even more..
(C) I think many times it may be denoted by a simple IDIOTIC CACKLE/Giggle. An uncontrollable laugh which just screams her lunacy is peaking.

I am referring to the little quirk they do when they are "in love" with you in their tiny little heads, and just so dumbfounded by their own lunacy that this occurs.MORE PROOF women are just children. Pehaps even children on the short bus in many cases. If you have observed this behavior in a woman at any other time than the courtship phase, you have a REAL anomaly going on which merits further study by a TEAM of SCIENTISTS....

I have not yet attempted to corolate this behavior with relationship success or longevity, but I suspect that the more OFTEN/INTENSE the response of this type, the further out her ORBIT may be. Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with living some "fanciful flight". After all, without dreams, there could be no possibilty. So I embraced it as "positive motivation", when really it was delusional grandeur on her part AND MINE...

Finally, I dont think that anything healthy can come from a relationship borne of this type delusion. Either way - ONE OF YOU IS GONNA GET IT... You are either gonna get trashed and thrown away, as the grass is always greener and enough is NEVER enough, therefore SOONER or LATER you are gonna miss the cut. But from the other side, I mentioned I was not loosing this fight. Unfortunately I am finding that to take a creature with these delusional seeds sewn so well, and try to strip her of them, is to destroy her/it. This is something they are apparently operating on a fundamental life level, which can not be turned off without detrimental consequence. I really speculate that to take a chick this crazy and attempt to GROUND HER, would be to cause an IMPLOSION and render her fully insane. Of course thats not my goal. She is supposed to be the mother of my children, WHICH I AM NOT, nor do I want to be.

Really, I will never know how much is real and how much is pretend. Cause when I finally decide to WALK, and for the better of my children, she will just cackle back up to the top pronouncing MY FAULT, and not seeming weak at all.. I KNOW THIS. Its just a no win scenario. Truely the "Kobiashee Maroo".. LOL
IS ANY RELATIONSHIP EVER "EQUAL"....????!!!!? Really - has there EVER been a time in history when A MALE was interested in a FEMALE, or VISE-VERSA...? Really, there can be no other beginning OR END. ONE of YOU likes the other for IRRATIONAL REASONS, and the other is in it for a CALCULATED GOAL...

USUALLY, the one that achieves THE GOAL is the one who looses interest and moves on THEN LEAVING the other in an insane irrational pusuit of WHAT NEVER WAS, and ONLY now fueled by the DIS-SATISFACTION REALIZED by the rejection. So when in the history of man was there ever a BALANCE RELATIONSHIP. I believe they refer to this concept in Greek Mythology as TRUE LOVE... LOL..

So the long and short is that in the common union today which is referred to as "Marriage", its more like - one got what they THINK they want, and the other gets to THINK what THEY WANT.... In the end they both either REALIZE and SETTLE, or they move on to do the dance again. REGARDLESS - BOTH APPEAR to ALWAYS be LOOSERS....

a. A sense of feeling whereas one ASSUMES they are OWED a gratitude for IRRATIONAL REASONS.
b. A PURCHASE marked by the POLITICAL & SOCIAL annotation and acknowledgement by SOCIETY or OWNERSHIP of a PRINCIPLE.
c. A DELUSIONAL STATE held by women PRIMARILY in the UNITED STATES whereas they believe that in exchange for the temporary use of a SLICE OF HAIR PIE, a woman believes she is OWED ALL of a MAN's physical assets, as well as an irrational judgement in which ENDLESS GRATITUDE is PRESUMED; and in lieu of an UNFAIR or less than even EQUITABLE EXCHANGE of Physical, MORAL, or Constructual VALUE.
d. What is GIVEN to a helpless INFANT as a means of SUPPORT when OTHERWISE they would NOT survive...

ENTITLEMENT is the word that I have been searching for really. I even saw it used recently on a talk show, and IRONICALLY by a WOMAN.

This CONCEPT is actually the one that may set my marriage straight - ONCE AND FOR ALL. She dont like it. It is truley a calling out that they dont like. I speculate that this is due to the fact THAT I HAVE FINALLY HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD- and with the force of 20 tons while only using a ball-ping hammer....;):):cool:

Did I tell you her new NICKNAME is "DryLegs". That one gets her good... When properly utilized, I can guarantee you will soon ONLY be feeling badly, but only due to the fact that you are wondering SHOULD this actually be done to another human being's ANUS... LOL

More to come - I have been saving it up in my TINY LITTLE HEAD. Not the BIG ONE...
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What does it say about the difference in:
1. A woman that gets pleasured to mind blowing extents by her partner, and;
2. A woman that does not seem to care, or stop to concern herself with the quality of her male counterparts orgasm?!

This is not a question of a woman's "moral fortitude", sexual values, or social stigmas. If you turn a blind dog loose, he gonna know where you are storing the bones sooner of later. The question is how much does he like them and how bad does he want them. This is a barrier that SHOULD break down naturally and fairly quickly in any married relationship regardless of background and filter. Its a simple matter of ones level of consideration for another. But could it perhaps be an indication of past PSYCHOLOGICAL trauma?