Mental Health - Armour for Dealing with Todays Woman

Again, another vid of a poor bastard bing "pegged". It looks painful indeed. Are we really that CHILDISH round here....?:rolleyes::D;):p
Easiest just to date outside American culture, seriously. Date a culture who places more emphasis on family and real values. Asians are where its at

True, That why I married a japanese women they put there men ahead of the house hold are really care about taking care of there men. american chicks are either looking for some type of payoff. or the just want a one night stand. women are not looking to get married these days. they feel there to inpendent and powerful and only need a man to fix something or do something for them. basically get used. The whole equal rights thing had threw of the balance of earth off i think that why there are so much crazy kids now. there no women at home. you did not see these isssues in the 40 and 50 just saying.
Yes, Yes, Yes...

Truly, the whole loss of the Sloff out of my cave and go point at one and yell "YOU...... OVER - HERE...., NOW......!........

And we thought our biggest mistake was allowing them to say WHEN... LOL

I'm Up to my ass in PIRANA POON - But I'm getting ready to surface and divulge a STATUS REPORT.... I will NOT FAIL....:rolleyes:[:o)];)

True, That why I married a japanese women they put there men ahead of the house hold are really care about taking care of there men. american chicks are either looking for some type of payoff. or the just want a one night stand. women are not looking to get married these days. they feel there to inpendent and powerful and only need a man to fix something or do something for them. basically get used. The whole equal rights thing had threw of the balance of earth off i think that why there are so much crazy kids now. there no women at home. you did not see these isssues in the 40 and 50 just saying.
Yes, I am hearing the request for update.. LOL. Its gonna be interesting when I unload this dated bag of SAGA.. Essentially, we went thru two months of complete separation at which some point about 6 weeks in she committed and adultery "in an attempt to do an unforgivable act" for both our perspectives to "end the marriage once and for all". The plot thickened as it was a "friend" who conveniently made himself available. All to have her finally break in the end and demanding I return fully with forgiveness. The consideration was under the conditions that "she should consider herself divorced otherwise, and with that considered - tell me the whole truth and nothing but...".! SHE DID... Careful what you wish for.. LOL So we are actually in court in coming days to end to DV charge and get the matter resolved to again continue on our blissful partnership. Lots of drama pending. Truthfully, I have resisted posting these details as they have come about only in that it disturbs me to strong degrees. But I will divulge all in the name of progress for humanity...:D;)
I always really "knew" I was alone here. The DIFFERENCE being that now I KNOW IT....

This post is not designed as negative or Pussy-like. It's meant to say - I don't know what. Let me try to relate it to the context of this thread....:

IF YOU ARE HAVING "loneliness" ISSUES, or THINK that a woman could possibly "bolster your life", or make things better in ANY way.. THINK AGAIN...

A PLETHORA of experience is in route. If it does not help you with your life. YOU ARE AS DUMB AS I.... Lol
I am at the point where a woman has to be beyond elite quality, or I am not all that interested, I need a girl that oozes sexuality, that has the intelligence and talents another level above the average smart girl, unfortunately a girl like this is easy to let yourself fall into her power trap and give up your soul, it is hard not to, and reality of the world means that two people, even two elite people, could never be 100% fulfilled by each other so there will always be an inner tension, it would be nice to be apathetic and unfeeling but then again it is that passion that drives one to heights of experience, but with extreme pleasurable emotions there is always the opposite in a crash, and it can oscillate back and forth in a sort of mental torture, to where you think you may have been better off to never meet a goddess, once you are entangled in her web (and for her it isn't even necessarily intentional), you are doomed for the ride

and I'm not talking about the typical run of the mill "meet some girl and make it work thing and fall in love and have kids and feel trapped by the four walls of your existence" type of relationship that 99.99999% of people in this world get into, this is a situation where you might be with dozens of girls in a year and then one goddess is so much higher above the rest of the world that you are helpless to resist, and marriage and children are the furthest thing from entering the equation, the ultimate goddess would never want children and marriage is a societal construct to trap when the inevitable would normally cause those to grow apart
I am at the point where a woman has to be beyond elite quality, or I am not all that interested, I need a girl that oozes sexuality, that has the intelligence and talents another level above the average smart girl, unfortunately a girl like this is easy to let yourself fall into her power trap and give up your soul, it is hard not to, and reality of the world means that two people, even two elite people, could never be 100% fulfilled by each other so there will always be an inner tension, it would be nice to be apathetic and unfeeling but then again it is that passion that drives one to heights of experience, but with extreme pleasurable emotions there is always the opposite in a crash, and it can oscillate back and forth in a sort of mental torture, to where you think you may have been better off to never meet a goddess, once you are entangled in her web (and for her it isn't even necessarily intentional), you are doomed for the ride

and I'm not talking about the typical run of the mill "meet some girl and make it work thing and fall in love and have kids and feel trapped by the four walls of your existence" type of relationship that 99.99999% of people in this world get into, this is a situation where you might be with dozens of girls in a year and then one goddess is so much higher above the rest of the world that you are helpless to resist, and marriage and children are the furthest thing from entering the equation, the ultimate goddess would never want children and marriage is a societal construct to trap when the inevitable would normally cause those to grow apart

I've changed/evolved my theory on this a little bit, I need the mental connection beyond all, the physical one can get anywhere, but the mental and emotional connection is more elusive, one needs to be consumed and possessed by the greatness of her persona, the physical attraction tends to follow along with that and becomes just one part of the overall package of greatness that sets one girl above all of the rest..... "because she likes me" should never be a factor in this, in fact the opposite should be more of a draw, if one is almost not worthy of her greatness the attraction becomes even stronger... there needs to be other girls to reject, many other girls, to add to the certainty of the quality and that desperation or compromise is not even a miniscule percentage of the equation
Ahhhh... The "old Cake and eat it too deal".... LOL:D:)

I don't think many of us are lucky enough to find our match/intended couterpart in this life. I really don't if I have or if I will even know. But I'm trying damn hard to debunk it..:D

I dont know if I'm Trying to let it all fade or capture it just right.. But its on the way...

I've changed/evolved my theory on this a little bit, I need the mental connection beyond all, the physical one can get anywhere, but the mental and emotional connection is more elusive, one needs to be consumed and possessed by the greatness of her persona, the physical attraction tends to follow along with that and becomes just one part of the overall package of greatness that sets one girl above all of the rest..... "because she likes me" should never be a factor in this, in fact the opposite should be more of a draw, if one is almost not worthy of her greatness the attraction becomes even stronger... there needs to be other girls to reject, many other girls, to add to the certainty of the quality and that desperation or compromise is not even a miniscule percentage of the equation
Ahhhh... The "old Cake and eat it too deal".... LOL:D:)

I don't think many of us are lucky enough to find our match/intended couterpart in this life. I really don't if I have or if I will even know. But I'm trying damn hard to debunk it..:D

I dont know if I'm Trying to let it all fade or capture it just right.. But its on the way...

I honestly think a lot of guys just "settle" for what they get, some girl comes along and the fact that she likes him puts her far in the lead over all the rest, so they grab on and don't let go, despite many flaws in the situation that start to reveal themselves more and more as time goes on, but by then they are so in deep with the commitment that getting out is more painful than staying in with the flaws
This serves critical value to the wise however.. As - the girl MUST ALWAYS CHOOSE the MAN, else we haven't a leg to stand....! The real question is HOW MANY CHOOSERS DO WE HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM... The LAST THING we want to do to ADD to their CHILDISH EGO's is actually GO OUT OF OUR WAY TO GET THEM....! Sweet Jesus....! Talk about THE FEAR...!:eek:[:o)]:D Its OUR ONLY CHANCE if used properly.....

I honestly think a lot of guys just "settle" for what they get, some girl comes along and the fact that she likes him puts her far in the lead over all the rest, so they grab on and don't let go, despite many flaws in the situation that start to reveal themselves more and more as time goes on, but by then they are so in deep with the commitment that getting out is more painful than staying in with the flaws
Had to interject this one.

My Pill Gobbling Cunt Indian Wife was upset this morning because I was withholding my Adderall medication from her. This is because she GOBBLED all of hers and then laid on her mentally unstable ass for two weeks refusing to go and pick her script up. So I tell her she’s not getting back into mine on my latest fill, or I will be short for me again. But of course, I give in. She pissed me off last night though so I withhold this morning as a lesson (as long as one can possibly hold out from a CRACKHEAD BITCH)… These were her arguments as to WHY I should give her another pill…

(1) You can’t just give me something ONE DAY, and then take it away THE NEXT – And expect me to function normally… I said, “Hmmm, did you just hear that? So imagine I am saying that to you in a different context”. Right over her head, but lightly SCALPING her TINY LITTLE BRAIN… So....

(2) Well it doesn't affect you both physically and emotionally… Hmmmm.. I said, “L….. O…..L…..” Fuckholz all of em…..

I mean SWEET MUTHER-OF-FUK.....!:(
I feel for ya Bro as she sounds exactly like my first wife. IF there was any smoke she wouldn't stop until it was gone. Then cry that it was gone. We stopped that she picked up the pills xanax was her favorite. Same deal get a script munch them until completely gone. They are just mentally weak.

But there is hope! After having me served on my birthday we divorced after 9 years. I then just threw myself into the gym. I wanted nothing to do with women in general. At the gym I meet a few people I knew from high school. One of which was a cute blonde that was a good friend in school but only a friend. She was as crazy about being fit as me we would see each other everyday in the gym. Soon we started dating and married after 6 months. That was 2 years ago and so far so good.

For me the key was to think completely out of the box. I was into the party scene pretty good when I meet the first wife. I grew up she didnt. My current wife is the opposite of the first in everyway. She has never done any recreational drugs asking me one night "have you ever done the dope" [:o)]. She is a therapist so career driven 2 masters degrees owns her own house and land. So just try a totally different type of woman my man.
Good for ya.. Aint it crazy how they think the local and municipal authorities are put there for them to PUNISH their principle targets, and never feel bad about abusing resources, or even think twice about getting us in the lockup with Freddy Kruger and Co...?!?!!! After all, WE are ALL SO CRUEL AND EVIL... I cant even get over their crazy ass shit.. If a man like you or I ever hit a woman - they would NOT have a face to SHIT WITH... :D:p

They are weak. They are RAISED to be PERPETUAL CHILDREN in the US. To pull one from it would be to IMPLODE HER...

The good newz is DOPE, THE NAME SHOULD TELL YOU ENOUGH seems to have taken with her.

Now the LAST ISSUE to DEAL WITH PRIOR TO MARRIAGE is finding out what those Masters and Counseling degrees are about. We all do what we do for a REASON. Sounds to me like she grew up with a drug addict mother, and a sound father would be my guess. This would be a good thing if she has managed this well.. Even better would be that she just followed in a family members career path as similar cause of nothing better to do. This still leaves opportunity for SECOND SIGHT. DONT - Be that PRINCIPLE of RECOGNITION..

Oops - I see already married. best left alone. Ain't broke - DO NOT TAMPER... LOL

As for your first and mine - A DRUGGY SLUT BITCH SHALL ALWAYS BE SO. This is a ZEBRA which is a WILD ANIMAL which can not be TAMED, FARMED, or CHANGED. She can get a paint job for JUST LONG ENOUGH. We learn too late...

I feel for ya Bro as she sounds exactly like my first wife. IF there was any smoke she wouldn't stop until it was gone. Then cry that it was gone. We stopped that she picked up the pills xanax was her favorite. Same deal get a script munch them until completely gone. They are just mentally weak.

But there is hope! After having me served on my birthday we divorced after 9 years. I then just threw myself into the gym. I wanted nothing to do with women in general. At the gym I meet a few people I knew from high school. One of which was a cute blonde that was a good friend in school but only a friend. She was as crazy about being fit as me we would see each other everyday in the gym. Soon we started dating and married after 6 months. That was 2 years ago and so far so good.

For me the key was to think completely out of the box. I was into the party scene pretty good when I meet the first wife. I grew up she didnt. My current wife is the opposite of the first in everyway. She has never done any recreational drugs asking me one night "have you ever done the dope" [:o)]. She is a therapist so career driven 2 masters degrees owns her own house and land. So just try a totally different type of woman my man.
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BBC3 I can see you pretty damn passionate about this. When you are to the point that the stupid cunt doesn't bother you then you will be in a better place.

And my current wife's field of study is only speech and language. So nothing saucy or titillating. Kinda wished it was in sex or drug addiction sometime's, maybe some fringe benefits to those. :cool:

Until your there Bro ask yourself WWCD (what would Confucius do). ;)
For me the key was to think completely out of the box. I was into the party scene pretty good when I meet the first wife. I grew up she didnt. My current wife is the opposite of the first in everyway. She has never done any recreational drugs asking me one night "have you ever done the dope" [:o)]. She is a therapist so career driven 2 masters degrees owns her own house and land. So just try a totally different type of woman my man.

this part brings up a thought/question.... how honest one should be when courting a high quality girl? some things in the past are best left in the past, or downplayed, I think
My wife is pretty much Aspergers I'm sure. SECRETS ARE IMPOSSIBLE for her. She couldn't carry the weight if getting too much change in a fast food drive thru error for more than 5 mins. THE KEY, is WHAT is her method of unloading it...

@MASStadon - you bet I am passionate. And I did not spend 30 years in this planet FINDING/choosing my bride lightly - This I GUARANTEE. I went back and read both yur posts in detail. My bitch signed the warrant for domestic 3rd or whatever that charge for "there goes another one" is called. Everyone on the planet sees the truth in the child in it. EVERYONE..! The jackass bitchez filing the charge even admit to what they have done wrong on any day NORMALCY AND FAI PLAY should strike their fancy and by happenstance ALONE.. Mine pulled this last trick on a thurs or Friday prior to a holiday weekend. Whether she knew the CUNT LEZBOT ATTY IF HERS was hoping I would be unprepared and have to spend a three day weekend in jail remains unclear, HOWEVER NOT IMPORTANT. What IS important, is that the devil was working on her head no matter what her actual converse with the dike was... I actually got a call from a bondsman who was checking daily for me and thus had the luxury of notice and "checking myself in"(lol) the next morning before the prick agents of satan could even show up at my door. STILL, I had to endure going down to that fuking jail, handing over my shoe laces, and sit in that cage for an hour or two. THE IRONY and vehicle for the clairvoyance which I now possess is the reconciliation of sitting in the EXACT SAME SPOT which I sat ten years prior after a drunken blow up for us two months after my son was born and died only two weeks into this world, and via CONDEMNATIONS which I am not qualified to even begin to discern. Powers that still elude me to this day have taken some pretty good shots at me. I also at the same time CLEARLY recall her never leaving his side for fourteen days of what I can't imagine - CAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE THE STRENGTH SHE was blessed with for that occasion. Pussy cut, dazed and confused, ass bulging, heart BROKEN, and her soul being gnawed at by a demon who I will meet one TIME. I recall the cognizance in this baby's eyes the ONE TIME he was able to acknowledge me in that Brief period. I also remember clearly as I screamed out at God DEMANDING he take him and spare him NOW on my GUTLESS path to the hospital the night which FATE first displayed its presence to me. Mostly, I remember standing behind her and hugging her tightly as we both cried out loud with absolutely ZERO CONCERN for vanity - as our child departed this world. No words or justification by any means were required or offered to anyone by either of us. We stood as one FUKED UP BROKEN ENTITY WHICH an atomic bomb detonating under our feet could not have compared. This was my first real awakening yet remaining unacknowledged for some time to come.

I have made nothing short of my best efforts to be a conscious responsible MAN IN THIS LIFE. I do not pretend to think I was EVER equipped to handle that scenario any other way. Nor could i have performed ant different over years passed since. Cause there simply was no thought to any of it. I do not pretense that I am any different today at that capacity. "Character" was all that remained. A rare chance that a soul becomes visible for a glimmer. I am NOT done judging myself at this time. I have NEVER judged her. I hope to have the wisdom in time to understand and amend any shortcomings I have allowed before I am thru...

So aside from adding some background this was a TRIAL I endured. I also point out that it was in that very same spot in that jail that another man tried to kill me that time I sat there before. Or perhaps I truly just indulged the beast in a shitty attempt at "early dismissal" due to all the stress of these horrors realized. It was convenient and I never even had to stand up to make my request clear. One of the weakest and sorriest moments of my life for which i carry the burden of SHAME to this day. For many years I was unclear about my feelings for the person in that jail cell that left me with a scar to remember, and how much anger I held misdirected. If I had the chance I would tell him i am sorry for allowing my demons to party with his on that night. As I was CLEARLY the one with the "demonic advantage". We were ALL both VICTIMS or SAINTS ON "ANY GIVEN Sunday".. This one I lost.

MAKE NO MISTAKE - your ex-wife DID NOT have you arrested on your birthday. Some cunt demon possessed bitch dike ass man-hater, or adulterine COWARD posing as a friend to her DID THAT..! The truth in this is that when you correlate TIME with a sequence of events, CLARITY is ALWAYS Undeniably FOUND. Hindsight is ONLY 20/20 - IF you look.

This is NOT to make you second guess or compromise any values you hold and live by. It is only a statement highlighting WHAT IS - which is ALWAYS "Right"..! There can be no other way, as it was meant to be AS IT IS - or it would not BE. THAT IS A PROOF WITHIN ITSELF, and an "ultimate" form of "proof" - which is really TRUTH. They are one in the same. Objective, non-judgemental, concrete (which is the abstract realized), and undeniably definitive.!!

So thank you for your contribution and heart felt thoughts. It's guys like you, me, and all those in wait - that effect CHANGE via REALIZATION of TRUTH. It was YOUR POSTS which mobilized my soul to present this accounting. While I crossed the bridge days back, it never hurts to take a look at the map thus confirming intended vector. Accountings a like these are required to RECONCILE life effectively; as prosperity and GROWTH. This ... - is WHY WE ARE here...!!!

Kudos, THX, & best to u and yours.! That's not a goodby. Stick around as its only getting better.