So how many men hate women as a general rule until they know that the woman is serious enought to want to get our cock in their orfices.... Seroiusly. And I am wondering the age at which this wisdom occurs in most men, and how much must be given away freely to learn this knowledge and a true and real proof with real consequence to discourge the dicount there of....?!?! ?!?!
You know, I was telling a bud the other day. Its gotten to the point that when a new chick flirts with me, I'm wanting to say " I dont know what you are looking at cunt, I have one of your dumbassess at home already" And she works about as good at my boar hog with Titties.... And my hound dog that dont hunt... Have a igven you my buddies "Car Radio Analogy yet."/ I will review but its worth if not...!
So my divorce is drawing near. Ineveitable/ NASTY. Filthy. Its comming and Like Clubber Lang - "I PREDICT PAIN"..... So I may only be beginning tonight. If I can just UNLOCK IT. I have let a lot slide over two weeks. I SWORE I WOULD NOT LET MY THOUGHTS GO UNPOSTED, BUT THE CUNT COMES BACK AND SUCKS IT, AND ALL THE FURY SEEMS TO FLY FROM MY PENCIL. I wonder if I had her head on a stake in front of me would it help. The smell. An increasing benefit with deterioration. Should we just call that nasty catabolism and break out the Formalidahyde and savor the flavor.... ?Q@!!!!??? So thats all anger bs talking of course.
But I think there is more to come today. I have a story from today and I may very well tap back into the last two weeks.. there was some noteworther value.. Somewhere...

Lastly, I just envision a woman reading this, and just like my half queer bud - so we'll times 2.. LOL.. So she is thinking "what a creaton, and all that nasty language. What else could he expect.??" Of course completely negating and omitting that she is one of them and has done it to us too... Well, I would reply as such.
"she was a cocky whore, all her foul language and tough acting. She disguisted me and this bitch really had it comming. Good thing Ol Moon was with me that night"
[If anyone can name the movie its 20bucks lol]
But seriously, I think that last paragraph or two was solely for the sake of HATE. - The best that you can hope for, is to die in your sleep.. Again, the REAL artists work transgressses many planes.... LOL
I am not really sure where the false pretense ever set in during relationships and marriage FYI. Why is if that men turn to woussies. Why is it our backs gets stabbed and we lay down. I HAVE NEWS. I AM A FIERCE COMPETITOR. You fuck with me and I,m gonna kick your fucking ass or die trying.. When die we loose this objectivity just cause we made the mistake of lettin em, behing the walls for a while. FYI. I gathered the dirt on mine. I can drag heer just as long as I choose. I even have planned delivery methods in case I am injured by one of her army. I just hope for her sake its not really an accident. But then again, I would not be here to regret either....