MESO-Rx is pleased to announce the serialized publication of the "Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin" autobiography by @bdsupplements over the next few months! Read the Prologue now, share your feedback, comments, and questions for the author here.
Ryan’s Root’s real-life autobiographical story is a must-read account of his rise and fall as one of the largest anabolic steroid dealers on the Internet.

Hello, my name is Ryan Root. I have a very interesting memoir regarding testosterone, its derivatives, and other hormones. I am a biochemist, who tailored his degree, and the last 20 years of his life, to understanding and studying these compounds. I have a true rags to riches story in the vein of “Wolf Of Wall Street”, or “War Dogs”.
I had always been small, underdeveloped and immature. At 13, I began being picked on for being so small and skinny. At that point, I commenced hitting the weights and never looked back. I put in twice the work for half the results of my peers. Everyone around me, with half the effort, could be bigger and stronger than me. I always tried to please everyone, I lacked confidence. I ended up getting walked on and taken advantage of; I had a hard time maintaining respect. I commenced using testosterone at 23. I hyper responded. The results were dramatic and astounding. I put on 32 pounds of muscle and 100 pounds on my bench in 5 weeks. I felt amazing! Suddenly, everyone wanted to be my friend, no one disrespected me anymore, everywhere I went people noticed me. I would walk into a bar, and the crowd would part out of my way. I would accidentally bump into someone, they would turn to look at me, and after seeing my impressive stature, they would apologize to me. I worked as a plumber during the summer when I was in college. I was terrible at my job, but my boss suddenly gave me a raise for no better reason than I stood before him looking stout. I have lived two different lives, in two different worlds, one before testosterone and one after. After commencing a regimen of testosterone and its derivatives, I suddenly lived a dramatically better life in a dramatically better world.
I have experienced life altering improvements from using testosterone, its derivatives, and some other hormones, which is why I developed such a passion for them, and why I developed a passion for helping others with them. After years of dabbling in the black market, in 2011, I started my own UGL making my own products, which turned into a massive multi-million-dollar empire. At one point, I was rated by various forums as the 3rd largest and most popular anabolic steroid source in the world. My story includes a journey from living destitute in a small city, building a seven figure multi-million-dollar black market anabolic steroid empire, to living in opulent dominion residing in a penthouse overlooking Manhattan, and finally suffering an indictment and the fall of my legacy. This epic is complete with drama, intrigue, conflict, and an inside look at the complex business strategy of the underground e-commerce steroid market. Furthermore, this memoir will use articulate language and advanced concepts to philosophically address the transformation from parsimony to affluence; including the concomitant psychological aspects, personality changes, social struggles, and perquisites that accompany such a transition.
In 2015 I was indicted by Operation Cyber Juice, spent some time in Federal Prison, and have recently been released to start my life over.
Ryan’s Root’s real-life autobiographical story is a must-read account of his rise and fall as one of the largest anabolic steroid dealers on the Internet.

Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin by Ryan Root
I was the largest black market anabolic steroid dealer in U.S history. I had more money, power, and prestige than I ever dreamed possible. This is my story. I built a steroid empire. I built a legacy. I had more money, power, and prestige than I ever dreamed possible. This is my story.

Hello, my name is Ryan Root. I have a very interesting memoir regarding testosterone, its derivatives, and other hormones. I am a biochemist, who tailored his degree, and the last 20 years of his life, to understanding and studying these compounds. I have a true rags to riches story in the vein of “Wolf Of Wall Street”, or “War Dogs”.
I had always been small, underdeveloped and immature. At 13, I began being picked on for being so small and skinny. At that point, I commenced hitting the weights and never looked back. I put in twice the work for half the results of my peers. Everyone around me, with half the effort, could be bigger and stronger than me. I always tried to please everyone, I lacked confidence. I ended up getting walked on and taken advantage of; I had a hard time maintaining respect. I commenced using testosterone at 23. I hyper responded. The results were dramatic and astounding. I put on 32 pounds of muscle and 100 pounds on my bench in 5 weeks. I felt amazing! Suddenly, everyone wanted to be my friend, no one disrespected me anymore, everywhere I went people noticed me. I would walk into a bar, and the crowd would part out of my way. I would accidentally bump into someone, they would turn to look at me, and after seeing my impressive stature, they would apologize to me. I worked as a plumber during the summer when I was in college. I was terrible at my job, but my boss suddenly gave me a raise for no better reason than I stood before him looking stout. I have lived two different lives, in two different worlds, one before testosterone and one after. After commencing a regimen of testosterone and its derivatives, I suddenly lived a dramatically better life in a dramatically better world.
I have experienced life altering improvements from using testosterone, its derivatives, and some other hormones, which is why I developed such a passion for them, and why I developed a passion for helping others with them. After years of dabbling in the black market, in 2011, I started my own UGL making my own products, which turned into a massive multi-million-dollar empire. At one point, I was rated by various forums as the 3rd largest and most popular anabolic steroid source in the world. My story includes a journey from living destitute in a small city, building a seven figure multi-million-dollar black market anabolic steroid empire, to living in opulent dominion residing in a penthouse overlooking Manhattan, and finally suffering an indictment and the fall of my legacy. This epic is complete with drama, intrigue, conflict, and an inside look at the complex business strategy of the underground e-commerce steroid market. Furthermore, this memoir will use articulate language and advanced concepts to philosophically address the transformation from parsimony to affluence; including the concomitant psychological aspects, personality changes, social struggles, and perquisites that accompany such a transition.
In 2015 I was indicted by Operation Cyber Juice, spent some time in Federal Prison, and have recently been released to start my life over.