

Well-known Member
I have long thought about trying methyltrienolone yet starting today, question to people experienced with that compound regarding dosing are there substantially clearer signs that injecting twice a day is better than once? I am only interested in the recomposition aspect trying to cut 10% to potentially 7% in what I am considering making a 3 to 4 week run at 250mcg pre workout ramping up to 500mcg at highest as I am trying to compare minimal effective dosage tolerance with halotestin which I have multiple cycles experience with already. I have always pretty much yet ran orals that way and thinking with injectable methylated compounds to copy approach.
I’ve used mtren oral and injectable as a pre workout before. I’ve never felt as strong as the mtren oral at 1 mg an hour before workout. It was insane. Almost scary because that’s how people hurt themselves, I know my ligaments and joints weren’t prepared for what my muscles could do. The Injectable was from another lab but mixed w Superdrol and I found the oral version much stronger. It’s super toxic though, and my body can’t handle toxic orals
I may yet experiment and take my oil sublingually can try establish is that all placebo. I am completely impressed at that point with injectable at 250mcg preworkout anyway. I can agree with the strength commentary experienced that once my halotestin strength climbed up to a point I surprised myself how much yet stronger my legs are randomly only to cause patellar tendonitis next day advising caution methyltrienolone clearly matches that gain already.
I'm pretty sure I saw a scientific research that suggests that mtren is a lot weaker than the 'regular' tren. I did one cycle of it and it was shit. I did 1mg (oral form) a day and all I got were the side effects no positive effects. After about a week my kidney started to hurt, I was sweating like an absolute pig, it took almost 3 weeks for me to start getting that anger and I had absolutely no strength or muscle increase.
I am struggling to get a great response from what I know is great Jano tested mtren. Up to 400mcg PWO so far and no perceptible strength/CNS advantage. No sides or anything though. Going to try and titrate up a bit.
Tried mtren for a couple weeks years ago before a powerlifting meet

I remember the strength and aggression increases being outrageous, but it also spiked my blood pressure to the point I was getting nosebleeds on deadlifts. Definitely watch the blood pressure on this! I wouldn't run it again because of that, and because it's so toxic, but it was a fun little run and I hit some large PRs

Much rather run halo for strength/aggression
I am struggling to get a great response from what I know is great Jano tested mtren. Up to 400mcg PWO so far and no perceptible strength/CNS advantage. No sides or anything though. Going to try and titrate up a bit.
I would think you should atleast be feeling something. That's kind of weird
Have used both injectable and oral and that shit is the strongest steroid there is literally. You can actually feel it like it hits you hard and while your training you will have so much rage you will have tears running down your face it’s too much actually. I liked the injectable better I did 250mcg before training and it is insane.
Yeah that was my experience also ramped up to 375mcg and was only time I had to bail chill reevaluate then run at 250mcg and I can tolerate halo and tren cycles rather easily thing is literally instant strength and recomposition and probably the best glycogen retention compound in existence really remarkable
Yeah that was my experience also ramped up to 375mcg and was only time I had to bail chill reevaluate then run at 250mcg and I can tolerate halo and tren cycles rather easily thing is literally instant strength and recomposition and probably the best glycogen retention compound in existence really remarkable
Whyd you have to bail? The aggression or the toxicity?
Whyd you have to bail? The aggression or the toxicity?
A combination of lethargy and being angry only thing close to was superdrol and that really only made me tired not angry which was a bit much honestly. Apparently we have know it alls in my thread only thing in regards to whether methyltrienolone is a real chemical to consider or not is go read about what compound was greek olympic team caught on, research which compound is Jordan Peters favorite, ponder why Balkan Pharma daughter company SP Laboratory (Russian olympic team umbrella) is producing that compound and at only 250mcg anyway not a recommendation or anything just about using your brains when available :)
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A combination of lethargy and being angry only thing close to was superdrol and that really only made me tired not angry which was a bit much honestly. Apparently we have know it alls in my thread only thing in regards to whether methyltrienolone is a real chemical to consider or not is go read about what compound was greek olympic team caught on, research which compound is Jordan Peters favorite, ponder why Balkan Pharma daughter company SP Laboratory (Russian olympic team umbrella) is producing that compound and at only 250mcg anyway not a recommendation or anything just about using your brains when available :)
Yeah I could see both being applicable.

I remember the aggression from it. Made tren look weak.

And of course the lethargy is the result of the toxic nature of the compound. It was fun when I ran it but I probably won't run it again
from Just my own experiences I’ve noticed when using the strong toxic orals like Superdrol , methyl Tren , Metribol, anadrol I was able to enjoy the injectable versions much more and not feel the shitty sides like the lethargicness, lack of appetite and feeling of just death . The only negative is it gets old having to inject everyday and also the solvent used to keep those compounds suspended when in oil . I did also notice when it came to the methyl Tren and Superdrol I had to use higher doses of the injectable than the orals
from Just my own experiences I’ve noticed when using the strong toxic orals like Superdrol , methyl Tren , Metribol, anadrol I was able to enjoy the injectable versions much more and not feel the shitty sides like the lethargicness, lack of appetite and feeling of just death . The only negative is it gets old having to inject everyday and also the solvent used to keep those compounds suspended when in oil . I did also notice when it came to the methyl Tren and Superdrol I had to use higher doses of the injectable than the orals

That's why I homebrew transdermals ;)
Have you published your recipes in the homebrew section, so everyone can see your expertise in the matter?

My threads on the matter are well known, Iris, since 2019, and are still being replied to in the appropriate section on a daily basis thanks to people experimenting and asking me for advice.

Just a little effort on your part to find them and maybe I'll see you there ;)
I have had a look at various things in that section, just not searched what you are saying.
OK, then, I will get back in there and look for your writings, st some point.
Curious to see what people interact with, on a daily basis
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