Michael 2

Sorry to hear you feel shitty all the time kid. I've been there, was like that for many years. Listen to the constructive part of what these guys have told you. Maybe they didn't have to add insult, even if you are young cocky, and bouncing from thread to thread for validation. Still there is no excuse for the bashing some members take part in for their own validation(want for belonging), due to their lack of having real-life social needs being met, social development, insecurity, or what ever. What ever the case, we were all young and eager at one time. We all wanted to improve ourselves physically for different reasons, and we were willing to do whatever it took. But like I said, these guys are right. What they didn't tell you is that for now, your body should still be flooded with testosterone, so you have no need for any exogenous test, and you most likely wont for another 5 years. Around the age of 23 years or so, in most cases, is when test production will begin decreasing. Maybe then you can start with some test. Of course all this advice is for if you have some idea of safety on your mind. Although when I was your age I paid no mind to safety, it still does not warrant me to advise you the way I was. There are other alternatives to cycling with test. All AAS share the same side effect of decreasing the body's natural testosterone production, but in varying degrees, some more so than others. Thankfully there are measures you can take to lessen that side effect. So do lots of research before you finally come to your decision. With that said, I recommend you see a psychologist or some licensed/certified councilor for your lack of selfesteem and motivation in life, which you most like have because of depression. Also you clearly have to work on your English communication skills.

Test levels don't decline at 23.
@Michelilny you should understand that even though other members are giving you a hard time is because deep down they honestly know what they are talking about but being disrespectful to you or you being disrespectful back isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

You're 19 and want to cycle, would it be better to wait until you're a little older? Of course, but if you really want to cycle please go over all the possible consequences and risks first and if you're okay with that then we should all respect your decision and do what we can to improve your cycle.

For a first cycle you should do a TEST only cycle to see how your body reacts before mixing other compounds so this is going to be real basic and it's what I did for my first cycle.

Testosterone- 500mg per week split Monday/Thursday for 12 weeks

Arimidex- .5mg every other day

PCT- Clomid & Nolvadex

C- first day 150mg then 100/75/75/50

N- 40/40/40/40

Anyone could add to this or whatever they seem to be fit to help benefit your first cycle.
well i am interested only in two things, side effects and how to make them minimal, i know a lot of guys of my age on roids, looking better then natural builders with 10+ experince, i can wait but, how long, till i am 25? till i am 30? at 30 its already half life spend, why i need muscle at this age?! also all people tell me is "it can shut down your test production" but tell by science, not just words, also

i know body parts still develop and my growth will be stopped, well i am 6'1 i don't want more,

gyno=with medicine easy to prevent,

acne=i dont have big problems with it

hair loss=i can always get hair transplant

testo reproduction=isn't pct menat to reboot my test and get it back to normal ?

look at all those fitness models/bodybuilders, they start roids at 16, not 19 or 25, how are they so healthy by this time? i just need answer, they take better steroids/high quality + have doc or what ? look marc fitt, jeff seid, matt ogus, i don't say they are rolemodels for me, but they started roids way younger then i am
Dude, if youre dedicated and have a good training routine and the proper diet, you'll have great beginner gains at the age of 20.

Then a few years down the road when you hit a brick wall with your gains, THAT'S when you look into gear. You could fuck your test levels all up at your age.

Understand, people aren't bashing you or trying to be know it alls when they tell you youre too young. They're trying to help.
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You are too young and too inexperienced too use AAS . You could end up with low test for your rest of your life but if you want to take the risk go on nobody will stop you . You could f*ck up your later grow .

As for advice use test E , you don’t need to complicate your life with sustanon, use for only 8 week since after 8 week the gains will hit a plateau (according to William LLewellyn” s book ) , also don’t use AI because it will have bad effect on your HDL/LDL ratio. Make a good PCT : hCG should be taken 1500 IU every other day for 20 days, clomiphene citrate 50 mg is taken twice per day for 30 days,tamoxifen citrate is taken 20 mg twice per day for 45 days.
And check this website for more info : http://www.anabolic.org/
Do you reccomand to stuck testo with winnstrol on first cycle ? i've heared its good, and supressed a little side effects, give me your toughts ideas and experince storys
First cycle stick with test only.

What are your stats?
6'1 202 lbs, do you want to know my lifting stats ? 500ml test ench, or 250ml sustanon ? what do you reccomand, also i heared "your first cycle is best" so i wanted to max it out, by adding winny, also some say winny supresses side effects of testo
6'1 202 lbs, do you want to know my lifting stats ? 500ml test ench, or 250ml sustanon ? what do you reccomand, also i heared "your first cycle is best" so i wanted to max it out, by adding winny, also some say winny supresses side effects of testo
Why don't you try lifting first and go from there, you need to figure your diet and training out before you use gear no matter your age. You could take all the gear in the world but if you ain't training and ain't eating it will do nothing for you. I promise you if you will actually lift and you will have to do this on steroids as well can't get out of it and start eating right you would be amazed trust me.
age, goals, pct plans, etc...
Weeks 10-12: 500mgs of Test E or C w/ 0.25-0.5mgs of arimidex EOD
2 weeks prior to finishing cycle: 500ius of hcg every week, end 3 days prior pct
2 weeks after final injection (PCT): nolvadex 40/20/20/20 clomid: 100/50/50/50

this was original plan, but ill add winny if you reccomand to

Also on cycle 4000-6000 calorie, once in a week 10,000 calorie cheat day
After cycle keeping 3000-4000 calorie clean
Planning to train twice a day or just everyday, <<<< give advice
Sport suppliments

1- Creatine (20g loard) (5g contain)
2- gainer/protein twice a day, before and after workout
3- multivitamin
4- amino (5 tablets with every meal)
5- casein before going to sleep

My goal is to finish off first cycle with max resuilts
Why don't you try lifting first and go from there, you need to figure your diet and training out before you use gear no matter your age. You could take all the gear in the world but if you ain't training and ain't eating it will do nothing for you. I promise you if you will actually lift and you will have to do this on steroids as well can't get out of it and start eating right you would be amazed trust me.

Look up my diet and training days, i am not talker, i prove everything in action
another dumbass that thinks sticking a need in his ass will make him big, lift and eat that is the advice ill give you ,
lol gtfo, you follow all my posts and talk everything that is in your head, "bullshit." you look like shit, i don't understand why i should take an advice from u :DDD its like in gym, when you go to the gym trainer should look good to make u interested, you don't make me interested, you have no shoulder and arm developement as well
Not 2 bad of a cycle plan however I still didn't catch ur age....

BTW, why the bitter feud with you guys? I want gossip!