Microdosing EPO


Anyone familiar with microdosing EPO and if so, what’s the protocol? I can’t seem to find any info on the matter. Standard protocol I believe is something like kg/bw x 50iu so let’s say 4000iu 3x times per week for 2 weeks then 4000iu 1x per week for the remaining weeks (2-4)
Microdosing would seemingly be lower and more frequent but also for a longer duration. Like 1000iu eod for 8-10 weeks.
Any info would be greatly appreciated
Here’s something: “In order to reduce the detection window of EPO doping, athletes have been applying low doses of recombinant EPO (e.g., <10 IU/kg body weight, daily or every second day) instead of larger doses twice or more per week (e.g., 30 IU/kg).” So, 900ius ed or eod for a 200lb person. Duration? Same? Longer?
Also, states detection is 52hrs IV and double 104 hrs for subq
Two well-trained male subjects (28 yo, 74 kg, 176.5 cm, regional level triathlete; 31 yo, 62 kg, 170 cm, national level cross-country skier) gave informed consent to participate in the study which was reviewed and approved by the Regional Ethics Committee. Initially red cell production was rapidly accelerated in both subjects using high doses of rHuEPO (-260 lU/kg injections on days 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 and 11) in conjunction with a single intravenous iron treatment (100 mg), with the goal to elevate haematocrit (Hct) to approximately 50%. Over the next three weeks, injections were given every 2-3 days (injections on days 15, 17, 19, 22,24, 26, 29, 31 and 33) and dosages were adjusted by a pharmacologist guided only by basic haematological information (blood and reticulocyte counts, no urine profiles were provided). Subject 1 was typically given 13.5 lU/kg injections, whilst subject 2 usually received smaller doses of 6.6 IU/kg. Urine samples were collected three times per day during the microdose phase (7-9h, 11-13h, 19-21h), and analysed for the presence of rHuEPO at the French national antidoping laboratory (Laboratoire National de Depistage du Dopage, Paris).
As expected high dose rHuEPO treatment rapidly elevated Hct within a two week period - (43.7% to 51.6%; 42.6% to 51.8%, subjects 1 and 2 respectively). We found that it was possible to maintain elevated Hct values using microdoses of rHuEPO. After three weeks
of the microdose regimen Hcts were still 50.6% and 48.4% (51.5% and 48.1% one week after all injections ceased). During the microdose phase reticulocyte percentages ranged
in value from 0.8-1.2% and 0.38-1.1% for the respective subjects.
Urine samples collected more than 24 hours after the most recent microdose injection typically fell below the threshold required to declare a sample positive for the presence of
EPO. Certainly the window of detection was reduced to something less than two days. In some cases samples collected as little as 12-18 hours after a microdose of 6.6 lU/kg (subject 2) did not show a sufficient abundance of rHuEPO bands to have declared a positive result. It is noteworthy that our pharmacologist was able to quickly devise an effective microdose regimen utilising limited feedback and with few prior attempts.
Interestingly isoelectric profiles showed the re-appearance of natural erythropoietin during the microdose phase. This is in contrast to the existing paradigm which holds that natural erythropoietin production is suppressed when the red cell mass has been increased beyond the homeostatic set point. The implications of this remain unclear, however it can be speculated that were an athlete to receive microdoses of tHuEPO for an extended period (>2-4 weeks), it is conceivable that endogenous bands of erythropoietin would be of sufficient magnitude to further reduce the effective window of detection of the test for rHuEPO.

Our results show that it is possible for athletes to maintain illicit rHuEPO doping even during multiday endurance events when competitors are tested at the end of each day's competition (ie every 24 hours). Rogue athletes could similarly thwart out-of-competition testing by evading doping control officers for just a few hours immediately after receiving an rHuEPO injection. This study provides compelling evidence that antidoping authorities must revisit current testing strategies if they wish to eradicate rHuEPO doping in sport.
The percentage of basic isoforms in urine samples collected at various intervals after each of the nine injections of 6-20 IU/kg rHuEPO. Injections were given over a three week period during which time both subjects maintained an elevated haematocrit of approximately 50%. Antidoping regulations stipulate that samples are only considered positive for rHuEPO use if the percentage of basic isoforms exceeds 80% (as indicated by the horizontal line).


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Time trial performance, V̇O 2peak , and tHb were determined before and after intravenous injections of either rHuEPO (9 IU·kg bw -1 epoetin β) or saline (0.9% NaCl) three times weekly for 4 wk.

Results: A time-treatment effect ( P < 0.05) existed for time trial performance. Within the rHuEPO group, mean power output increased by 4.1% ± 4.2% ( P < 0.001). Likewise, a time-treatment effect ( P < 0.001) existed for V̇O 2peak , where the rHuEPO group improved V̇O 2peak and peak aerobic power by 4.2% ± 6.1% ( P < 0.001) and 2.9% ± 4.0% ( P < 0.01), respectively. A time-treatment effect ( P < 0.001) existed for tHb, where the rHuEPO group increased tHb by 6.7% ± 3.4% ( P < 0.001). A main effect of "sex" alone was also evident ( P < 0.001), but no sex-specific interactions were found. No changes were observed in the placebo group for mean power output, V̇O 2peak , peak aerobic power, or tHb.

Conclusions: Microdoses with intravenous rHuEPO provide a sufficient erythropoietic stimuli to augment tHb and enhance aerobic-dominated performance in both trained males and females.
Seems like the 7.5-10iu per kg/bw EOD or 3x/wk for four weeks would be the safest way to incorporate EPO into a training block.
However, I think I’ll start with 20ius 3x/wk for 2wks and then drop to 10eod for weeks 3/4.
I think I’ll try it within the next 2-4 weeks and report back.
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No sources for this but found it on another site. Quite remarkable
Notations on EPO Utilization
Group of six well-trained individuals, ages 26-44.
EPO administration at 2,000IU per day Nov 27 to Dec 1 and Dec 4-8th.
Hematocrit Scale 40-51
Baseline scores - taken prior to first injection of
EPO, followed by scores taken on December 8th 12 hours post last injection.
• 47,51
• 49.6, 53.4
• 49.3, 54.5
• 48, 54
• 47.2, 49
• 43, 49.8
Side effects - Patient 6 complained of slight headaches. Nothing to note outside of this.
Performance metrics (averaged)
Push Ups 74 to 86
Pull Ups 16 to 21
Sit Ups 56 to 63
1.5 Mile Run 9:47 to 9:22
500M Swim 11:17 to 10:46
Testing was done on Nov 27 as well as Dec 8. Two days of recovery were taken prior to both testing days.
The USADA article is two decades old. I'm guessing that testing protocols have improved. Is your intent for micro-dosing to evade detection or simply increase aerobic output?
The USADA article is two decades old. I'm guessing that testing protocols have improved. Is your intent for micro-dosing to evade detection or simply increase aerobic output?
Since I’m retired from sport I’m just trying a bunch of different peds to see their impact on performance. There’s not much info out there or personal accounts of microdosing EPO. So far I’m not too impressed with peds.