Mid cycle advised needed. I was under-dosed!


New Member
Hello fellow lifters!

Thanks to this forum, I learned that the UGL I was using under-doses their gear.

I'm mid-cycle (testosterone), and could use some advice from any of you experts out there.

I'm on trt, so the first 4 weeks of my cycle was using pharma grade test @ 300 mg/wk.

Once I ran out of that, I purchased from an UGL, which I now understand under-doses their product. I was running 500 mg/week for the last 6 weeks...which I am assuming would be closer to 300 mg/wk in reality (?)

That being said, I just got my hands on some better quality product as per the forum reviews here. I planned to have 6 weeks left in my cycle. Assuming the new product is accurately dosed, will doing another 6 weeks @ 500 mg/wk be sufficient? Or should I go longer? What does the science say?

Note 1: I'm on trt, so no real PCT for me since I will simply drop back to my trt dose of 120 mg/wk once my blasting cycle is done
Note 2: The 300 mg/wk has given me decent results so I'm not complaining too much, but I definitely want more and want to make the most of this cycle now that I am "in it".
Hello fellow lifters!

Thanks to this forum, I learned that the UGL I was using under-doses their gear.

I'm mid-cycle (testosterone), and could use some advice from any of you experts out there.

I'm on trt, so the first 4 weeks of my cycle was using pharma grade test @ 300 mg/wk.

Once I ran out of that, I purchased from an UGL, which I now understand under-doses their product. I was running 500 mg/week for the last 6 weeks...which I am assuming would be closer to 300 mg/wk in reality (?)

That being said, I just got my hands on some better quality product as per the forum reviews here. I planned to have 6 weeks left in my cycle. Assuming the new product is accurately dosed, will doing another 6 weeks @ 500 mg/wk be sufficient? Or should I go longer? What does the science say?

Note 1: I'm on trt, so no real PCT for me since I will simply drop back to my trt dose of 120 mg/wk once my blasting cycle is done
Note 2: The 300 mg/wk has given me decent results so I'm not complaining too much, but I definitely want more and want to make the most of this cycle now that I am "in it".
Did you send it for testing to confirm it's underdosed or properly dosed?

What labs are they?
Did you send it for testing to confirm it's underdosed or properly dosed?

What labs are they?
Thanks for the response.

I did not send it for testing. I'm not sure if I can do that safely from my country. I will need to educate myself on how to go about doing that for next time (if there is a next time), so I can get testing done prior to starting my cycle. Naive of me to believe the lab reports they provided, in retrospect.
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Thanks for the response.

I did not send it for testing. I'm not sure if I can do that safely from my country. I will need to educate myself on how to go about doing that for next time (if there is a next time), so I can get testing done prior to starting my cycle. Naive of me to believe the lab reports they provided, in retrospect. Bodytech Pharma (who get very bad reviews on this forum), but now I got some Oxygenpharm (who I see get very good reviews on this forum, and they have also provided lab reports although that could simply mean they sent 1 accurately dosed batch for testing purposely, right?)
Read and do your research. I suggest you stick to the most basic compounds because they are the cheapest and least likely to be faked or underdosed.

Then if you can piggy back on what other users anecdotally confirm are properly working, additionally if you can take blood work in the middle of your blast then at least you can determine the potency based on your testosterone results.

Good luck and keep lifting brother.
Read and do your research. I suggest you stick to the most basic compounds because they are the cheapest and least likely to be faked or underdosed.

Then if you can piggy back on what other users anecdotally confirm are properly working, additionally if you can take blood work in the middle of your blast then at least you can determine the potency based on your testosterone results.

Good luck and keep lifting brother.
Thank you for the advice brother, I plan to continue reading and doing my research with regards to sources and testing.

That being said, since I am in the middle of a cycle with 6 weeks left (testosterone only, sticking to the basics), assuming my new product is accurately dosed and the old one wasn't, will doing another 6 weeks @ 500 mg/wk actually be "worth it" or would someone theoretically need to extend the cycle for it to be worth it? I understand that it takes 6 weeks approximately to reach saturation levels, but I'm not sure I fully understand the meaning and implications of that, which is why I'm seeking advice.
Thank you for the advice brother, I plan to continue reading and doing my research with regards to sources and testing.

That being said, since I am in the middle of a cycle with 6 weeks left (testosterone only, sticking to the basics), assuming my new product is accurately dosed and the old one wasn't, will doing another 6 weeks @ 500 mg/wk actually be "worth it" or would someone theoretically need to extend the cycle for it to be worth it? I understand that it takes 6 weeks approximately to reach saturation levels, but I'm not sure I fully understand the meaning and implications of that, which is why I'm seeking advice.
Sounds like you are not happy with your progress so far.

How much did you put on so far? Maybe your expectations are too high. Is this your first cycle?

If you want to maximize your gains while on blast, you should re evaluate your diet, quality food intake will give you gains even if your training is not on par while being on aas won't net you anything if you don't eat enough quality foods to grow.

I say stick with your initial plan if it's 12 weeks then take a break and do another 16weeks if you are ready.

In my experience, I usually have to end my blasts at 12 week mark when bulking because I get tired of eating and my recovery is not getting fulfilled thus affecting my family life.
Sounds like you are not happy with your progress so far.

How much did you put on so far? Maybe your expectations are too high. Is this your first cycle?

If you want to maximize your gains while on blast, you should re evaluate your diet, quality food intake will give you gains even if your training is not on par while being on aas won't net you anything if you don't eat enough quality foods to grow.

I say stick with your initial plan if it's 12 weeks then take a break and do another 16weeks if you are ready.

In my experience, I usually have to end my blasts at 12 week mark when bulking because I get tired of eating and my recovery is not getting fulfilled thus affecting my family life.

I appreciate you engaging with me and sharing quality advice.

I'm actually happy with my gains so far, but this is subjective based on where I'm coming from. Between trt dosing (120 mg/wk) and now more recently over the last 10 weeks a "blast" of 300 mg/wk, I've put on approx. 20 pounds over 6 months. Diet is very on point, I'm meticulous and strict about it. Good point, maybe my expectations are too high?

My thought process is if I have seen good gains on 300 mg/wk, what have I been cheated of if I was actually on 500 mg/wk as planned...and can I maximize gains (granted that everything else is on point: nutrition, training, recovery), if I increase my dose over the last 6 weeks of my blast?

I am very curious at this point to learn and understand if it is worth it (will I squeeze out more gains?), or is it not worth it (6 weeks of a higher dose is not enough to make a difference)? Similarly to how there is junk volume i.e. diminishing gains when we workout...the question burning me now is is it worth it or not?
Sounds like you are not happy with your progress so far.

How much did you put on so far? Maybe your expectations are too high. Is this your first cycle?

If you want to maximize your gains while on blast, you should re evaluate your diet, quality food intake will give you gains even if your training is not on par while being on aas won't net you anything if you don't eat enough quality foods to grow.

I say stick with your initial plan if it's 12 weeks then take a break and do another 16weeks if you are ready.

In my experience, I usually have to end my blasts at 12 week mark when bulking because I get tired of eating and my recovery is not getting fulfilled thus affecting my family life.

How long are you breaks, if you don't mind me asking?
This year I did 2 blasts, first 10 weeks took 3 months off then another 16 weeks and currently on my 2 months off. I am on trt doses which is my cruise til spring where I'm not busy and can dedicate more time to be on point with my diet and training. So that might be 4 to 5 months off.

You don't have to take too much time off like me if your schedule and health markers allow it. Be honest to yourself, if you cannot dedicate your time to eat, recover and train properly; there is no point on starting a blast you will have mediocre results.

Give your self time to recover so your appetite, health and mind will reset for the next phase be it a cut or growth.

BTW, all my cycles are not as fruitful as I want them to be, there great as well as bad ones too.
I'm on trt, so the first 4 weeks of my cycle was using pharma grade test @ 300 mg/wk.
what is pharma grade test? I am curious,

which pharmacy makes it?

Once I ran out of that, I purchased from an UGL, which I now understand under-doses their product. I was running 500 mg/week for the last 6 weeks...which I am assuming would be closer to 300 mg/wk in reality (?)
who underdoses their products? none of my sources do.
I don't want to name anyone because I do not have proof of my own, only anecdotal evidence from what I read about them on this forum.

Who are your sources, if I may ask?
if a source underdoses their shit they are gonna get reamed here on the forums. So I dont know who says "They underdose" their stuff.

My source is the sketchy nude guy in the locker room.

Btw. dont ask for sources or you aren't goin to make it here.
if a source underdoses their shit they are gonna get reamed here on the forums. So I dont know who says "They underdose" their stuff.

I saw a few posts on this forum saying they are well known to underdose their stuff and that's why they are so cheap. I have no proof of this myself, but I am going on the assumption that what I read on this forum about them is accurate.

My source is the sketchy nude guy in the locker room.

Btw. dont ask for sources or you aren't goin to make it here.

Lol noted, thanks for the tip. I totally respect that, but at the same time I'm a little confused (being new here) because this forum seems to be a place to find good sources.
Lol noted, thanks for the tip. I totally respect that, but at the same time I'm a little confused (being new here) because this forum seems to be a place to find good sources.
Asking for sources is opening yourself to dms from scammers or recommendations from shills or ugl vendors/reps posing as regular members.

You just need to read through all the bullshit going around, do your research and then make an informed decision based on anecdotal success' , blind testing and latest feedbacks from trusted members here.

Stay and interact with the forum and you will soon notice who's trustworthy and who has agendas, plus you get to spectate on the craziness that is Meso.

Good luck brother.
Asking for sources is opening yourself to dms from scammers or recommendations from shills or ugl vendors/reps posing as regular members.

You just need to read through all the bullshit going around, do your research and then make an informed decision based on anecdotal success' , blind testing and latest feedbacks from trusted members here.

Stay and interact with the forum and you will soon notice who's trustworthy and who has agendas, plus you get to spectate on the craziness that is Meso.

Good luck brother.
Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the advice!
I saw a few posts on this forum saying they are well known to underdose their stuff and that's why they are so cheap. I have no proof of this myself, but I am going on the assumption that what I read on this forum about them is accurate.

Lol noted, thanks for the tip. I totally respect that, but at the same time I'm a little confused (being new here) because this forum seems to be a place to find good sources.
Nah, Test is so cheap anyway no one is underdosing on purpose. It literally only costs a couple dollars ($2) to make a vial of Test. To underdose it on purpose to save a few pennies and lose customers would be a horrible business model.
It’s either fake or an accident in brewing if it’s underdosed and if so you’ve got bigger problems than the amount of test, sterility for one. Like the Spiffy Spaceman said, under dosing Test is not a thing
Other more expensive compounds by shitty sources yes, but Test no
Can you send me a quote?

Some of the threads discussing it won't allow me to quote (I don't have sufficient forum privileges yet), however here are some:

BT is notoriously underdosed.
Probably the worst Canadian Lab by far.

Selective scammers etc.
Shit gear for.rock bottom prices.

Only reason they're still around os because they run the Northern Lifters board.
Anyone who says anything bad about BT is kicked immediatly
Bodytech is a meme. Don't. You can find way better gear on this board that won't cripple you
Big thumbs down, don’t do it. There’s great and vetted canadian sources here. Bodytech is a total joke.
Yes as far as I know this one is not the bodytech that’s super cheap and flogged on northern…
Never tried them but I’ve heard too many horror stories for my liking
Don’t see anything referring to Test. Just underdosig in general. There are many other compounds that sources sell, and some are expensive. Does sound like a shitty source that should be avoided. I would not use their gear based of those reviews. But don’t try to contemplate if the Test is underdosed. Just don’t use the gear.
Find a decent source. Underdosing Test is not a thing. When I’m telling you it costs $2 to make I’m including the cost of the vial, oil, solvents and filter.
the lab in question is severely under dosed or complete bunk. Not to mention they threaten physical violence with organized crime to anyone who speaks out against their shit product.