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does anyone have any source for MIGLYOL® 812 N in Europe?
it seems is fucking impossible to find one, it's 2 hours that I'm googling around and nothing :(
they don't have lab analysis of it, have you tried it?
Im sure they have but don't have it on their website. You could ask them via email. After all it's a pharmacy, I have no doubt about their quality as german laws are very strict.

Found two more places, the FARGON MIG812 is excellent, except the last batch has C12 1% but before it was 0.1% a bit more expensive then CAESAR & LORETZ mig812

I sent them an email asking for analysis

Im sure they have but don't have it on their website. You could ask them via email. After all it's a pharmacy, I have no doubt about their quality as german laws are very strict.
the mct I use is 60/40 c8/c10 but its not migylol.

I havent done much reading on that oil
can post the place you buy it from? I would like to compare it.
I believe migylol is a patent like creatine creapure, in the end is MCT with more or less a 60/40 ratio, nothing different I believe, maybe just mor strict on the standard of %
Miglyol is typically tighter controlled from a qa/qc perspective. Most OTC c8/C10 isolates are not as refined as mig, contain higher moisture/water content and will not hold as much solute in solution as miglyol blends.

Ppl always try to brew higher dose with less BB in mig and when they get pip they blame the mig. It's nothing more than higher/tighter refined MCT (c8/c10 isolate) the literature on miglyol 840 states is "polyethylene glycol" in "nature" meaning it can be used more easily as a solvent to dissolve solute for pharmacuetical purposes. Polyethylene glycol is simply an isolate glycol derived from petroleum, whereas miglyol 840 is a polyethylene glycol isolate derived from MCT.
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Miglyol is typically tighter controlled from a qa/q perspective. Most OTC c8/C10 isolates are not as refined as mig, contain higher moisture/water content and will not hold as much solute in solution as miglyol blends.

Ppl always try to brew higher dose with less BB in mig and when they get pip they blame the mig. It's nothing more than higher/tighter refined MCT (c8/c10 isolate) the literature on miglyol 840 states is "polyethylene glycol" in "nature" meaning it can be used more easily as a solvent to dissolve solute for pharmacuetical purposes. Polyethylene glycol is simply an isolate glycol derived from petroleum, whereas miglyol 840 is a polyethylene glycol isolate derived from MCT.
Don't confuse mig840 with mig812
Ya I know the diff. They're very similar both are simply c8/c10 isolates. 840 being higher refined than 812 and more hygroscopic. "Semisynthetic triglycerides" semisynthetic in the distilled and isolation aspect
Yeah mig840 it's like water but the viscosity is too low in my opinion, very easy to leak around out of the muscle etc.

Mig812 is typical MCT but with a stricter quality control for what I have gathered. I'll buy both MCT and mig812 and see if I can feel a difference in anyway or it's the same ahaha quite more expensive the mig812 compared to typical 60/40 MCT
Correct and at standard dosages it's not really worth it to most ppl to spring for mig. Standard food grade MCT ISO c8/C10 works just fine
I'll buy 1 liter of pH. Eur. MCT c8/c10 and one of mig812 and will do two identical brew. Let's see if I can feel any difference at all.