I knew I had seen it within the last year once Mands said something and to be honest and excuse me MikeStrong but the current onslaught of scammer and bathtub brewing UGL coming here has me to the point that when I see junior member all red flags go up and it is attack !!!
Hell if one out of twenty turned out to be worth a shit it wouldn't be so damn bad around here. Female contraceptives being bottled as test, hair in the vials, dudes posting their own info online and trying to sell illegal steroids. So I for one want to thank you pumping because he noticed the name first and stopped the onslaught.
Although I am just like Brutus and I would like to actually talk to Mike about his compounds and what they contain. EO,BA and BB at what content. Stuff such as that. It would be great to get test pro 200 that isn't crashed and also doesn't fucking cripple me when I inject.