mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to do??

Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

I am going to post the abstract of your study here for everyone to see because I suspect you are hiding behind links, knowing that no one is going to click on them.

Horm Metab Res. 1982 Nov;14(11):589-92.
Effects of subcutaneous implantation of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17 beta on plasma lipid concentrations in sheep.

Scaife JR, Shehab-Eldin FM, Galbraith H.


Twenty eight Greyface x Suffolk wethers were allocated to four treatment groups designated TG0, TG1, TG2 and TG3 and were implanted with either 0, 1, 2, or 3 pellets of Revalor containing 17.5 mg trenbolone acetate and 2.5 mg oestradiol-17 beta per pellet. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals and were analysed for plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, non-esterified fatty acids and phospholipid. Plasma cholesterol concentrations appeared to exhibit a biphasic response to implantation. The magnitude of the response was directly related to the dose level of the implant. In comparison with group TG0, significant decreases in the cholesterol levels in all implanted animals were demonstrated one week after implantation. Between weeks 3 and 5 the cholesterol concentrations in groups TG2 and TG3 showed a considerable increase. At week 5 the concentration in group TG3 was 18% higher than group TG0. These changes coincided (1) with the initial rapid release and then the gradual decrease after week 2 in the concentration of trenbolone acetate in plasma and (2) with the more gradual release of oestradiol-17 beta which reached a maximum level in groups TG2 and TG3 between weeks 5 and 6. There were significant differences between groups TG1, TG2 and TG3 at weeks 1, 3 and 5. Plasma triglyceride concentrations in all implanted groups fell markedly by week 5 and remained well below control values until slaughter. The concentration of plasma non-esterified fatty acids decreased by approximately 50% in all four treatment groups. The differences between control and treatment groups were not significant.

What on earth does a study on cholesterol levels in castrated male sheep have to do with what we are discussing? Do you even read these studies or do you just search Medline for trenbolone and post what ever comes up? Absolutely ridiculous. Or "rediculous," if you prefer.

And your suggestion that I will want to see a link to a post on T-Nation is even more absurd.

Your inability to admit that you are wrong is proof that you have no interest in the truth. Your interest is only in providing misinformation to the uninformed in order to sell your snake oil.

Again, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

I am going to post the abstract of your study here for everyone to see because I suspect you are hiding behind links, knowing that no one is going to click on them.

Horm Metab Res. 1982 Nov;14(11):589-92.
Effects of subcutaneous implantation of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17 beta on plasma lipid concentrations in sheep.

Scaife JR, Shehab-Eldin FM, Galbraith H.


Twenty eight Greyface x Suffolk wethers were allocated to four treatment groups designated TG0, TG1, TG2 and TG3 and were implanted with either 0, 1, 2, or 3 pellets of Revalor containing 17.5 mg trenbolone acetate and 2.5 mg oestradiol-17 beta per pellet. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals and were analysed for plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, non-esterified fatty acids and phospholipid. Plasma cholesterol concentrations appeared to exhibit a biphasic response to implantation. The magnitude of the response was directly related to the dose level of the implant. In comparison with group TG0, significant decreases in the cholesterol levels in all implanted animals were demonstrated one week after implantation. Between weeks 3 and 5 the cholesterol concentrations in groups TG2 and TG3 showed a considerable increase. At week 5 the concentration in group TG3 was 18% higher than group TG0. These changes coincided (1) with the initial rapid release and then the gradual decrease after week 2 in the concentration of trenbolone acetate in plasma and (2) with the more gradual release of oestradiol-17 beta which reached a maximum level in groups TG2 and TG3 between weeks 5 and 6. There were significant differences between groups TG1, TG2 and TG3 at weeks 1, 3 and 5. Plasma triglyceride concentrations in all implanted groups fell markedly by week 5 and remained well below control values until slaughter. The concentration of plasma non-esterified fatty acids decreased by approximately 50% in all four treatment groups. The differences between control and treatment groups were not significant.

What on earth does a study on cholesterol levels in castrated male sheep have to do with what we are discussing? Do you even read these studies or do you just search Medline for trenbolone and post what ever comes up? Absolutely ridiculous. Or "rediculous," if you prefer.

And your suggestion that I will want to see a link to a post on T-Nation is even more absurd.

Your inability to admit that you are wrong is proof that you have no interest in the truth. Your interest is only in providing misinformation to the uninformed in order to sell your snake oil.

Again, you should be ashamed of yourself.


Highlighted. Controversial eh? Estrogenic effects. So ya don't say ;)
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Contagion the advice your providing is about as antiquated as you are FOOL!

There is NO EVIDENCE progesterogenic AAS raise prolactin levels, period.

Do the labs DUMB ASS rather than arguing with someone like CBS whom knows better!

The reason some folks may experience gynecomastia on TREN is because the OTHER AAS they are cycling with raise E-2! Now that's a fact Clown.

Stop misleading people on this forum about medical issues which you have NO EXPERIENCE! Your only parroting lame bro science with your Tren-Prolactin connection.

Finally the reason many believed PROGESTEROGENIC AAS COULD raise prolactin was because it was THOUGHT they raised progesterone.

Ya know the problem with people like you who are BORN STUPID?

They are INCAPABLE OF LEARNING and that's you!!!

OP if you want PROOF what CBS and myself are saying get some labs such as TT, E-2, Prolactin and Progesterone.

Alternative you could follow this dumb asses advice and waste money buying aDopamine Agonists such as Gabergoline.

Or you could purchase an AI and watch your signs and symptoms resolve!!!

Personally I'd love for you to get the labs, to prove this idiot is indeed an IDIOT!

Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

The other TWO progesterogenic AAS do raise E-2, Nandrolone via a non-aromatase cytochrome mechanism and Bolo thru aromatase.

While Bolo's effects on E-2 are relatively mild, Nandrolone can raise E-2 considerably.
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Highlighted. Controversial eh? Estrogenic effects. So ya don't say ;)

Estrogenic effects? They gave the sheep estradiol!

Contagion, you have not only failed to prove your case, but you fail to even comprehend the literature. You might be able to fool the uninformed on the other forums you infect but Meso is different. When you come to Meso, you better be loaded for bear because WE ARE informed and will spot BS a mile away.

Now how about a deal. If you promise to go look for a citation showing trenbolone increases PRL and don't come back until you find one, I promise I won't talk about you while you're gone. Deal?

Informed (please obsess)
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Estrogenic effects? They gave the sheep estradiol!

Contagion, you have not only failed to prove your case, but you fail to even comprehend the literature. You might be able to fool the uninformed on the other forums you infect but Meso is different. When you come to Meso, you better be loaded for bear because WE ARE informed and will spot BS a mile away.

Now how about a deal. If you promise to go look for a citation showing trenbolone increases PRL and don't come back until you find one, I promise I won't talk about you while you're gone. Deal?

Informed (please obsess)

Go ahead with your pathetic chatter, I have other methods of influencing change.[:o)] ;)
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Go ahead with your pathetic chatter, I have other methods of influencing change.[:o)] ;)

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is game set match. Contagion is UNABLE to prove his horseshit.

You lose, Contagion. AGAIN
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

I took from your soul what was to be said, so people don't believe the bullshit from your mind. I took the deepest things that you don't want to admit, and have shewn them to all.;)
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

I took from your soul what was to be said, so people don't believe the bullshit from your mind. I took the deepest things that you don't want to admit, and have shewn them to all.;)

No, what you did is behave like a child having a temper tantrum because he can't have his way. And deflecting attention from your inability to back up your claims will not go unnoticed. You are a fool.

BTW, willfully attributing text to someone's quote that they didn't say is a violation of the rules.

And I wouldn't say you've made "good points" in this thread. You haven't made any points that are relevant to the topic of discussion. NOT ONE!
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

No, what you did is behave like a child having a temper tantrum because he can't have his way. And deflecting attention from your inability to back up your claims will not go unnoticed. You are a fool.

BTW, willfully attributing text to someone's quote that they didn't say is a violation of the rules.

All Claims were backed up, you Just don't know how to read logic.
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

The other TWO progesterogenic AAS do raise E-2, Nandrolone via a non-aromatase cytochrome mechanism and Bolo thru aromatase.

While Bolo's effects on E-2 are relatively mild, Nandrolone can raise E-2 considerably.

Well, nandrolone's effects are definitely well-documented, and complained about, and while e-2 conversion on aromatizable steroids contribute, what do you have to say about the guys who developed gyno while on Tren/Winny/Masteron stack?
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

You're out of your fucking mind. Completely delusional.

Not to mention that Tren is notable for causing the hardest shutdown, again, what mechanism does it do it Through? The mysterious exclusive pathway nobody knows about? Dude, your retarded, androgens CAUSE prolactin increase even themselves in high amounts, they inhibit the HPTA, so even if you make the argument that it's not a progestin, it still shuts down the HPTA!

..And what are the primary feedback regulators? Estrogen, Prolactin, and GABA-A circuitry co-localized with Androgens in the Hypothalamus. Oh and, what does GABA affect? PROLACTIN.

Complete Idiot, you have to actually KNOW this topic before attempting to compete with me, and do some research for yourself once in a while will ya!?

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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Not to mention that Tren is notable for causing the hardest shutdown, again, what mechanism does it do it Through? The mysterious exclusive pathway nobody knows about? Dude, your retarded, androgens CAUSE prolactin increase even themselves in high amounts, they inhibit the HPTA, so even if you make the argument that it's not a progestin, it still shuts down the HPTA!

Post evidence for the claim that "Tren is notable for causing the hardest shutdown."

..And what are the primary feedback regulators? Estrogen, Prolactin, and GABA-A circuitry co-localized with Androgens in the Hypothalamus. Oh and, what does GABA affect? PROLACTIN.

If it's as certain as you claim, it shouldn't be difficult to post ONE study showing trenbolone caused an increase in PRL. Yet you have FAILED to post one.

Come on, fool. This is your chance to embarrass me. There is a ton of research on cattle. Try that.

Complete Idiot, you have to actually KNOW this topic before attempting to compete with me,

Compete with YOU? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. You provide so LITTLE competition, I'm quickly losing interest in this pseudo debate, numbnuts.

A why would anybody need to "actually KNOW this topic before attempting to compete with you?" You CERTAINLY don't know it. You've made that abundantly clear.

and do some research for yourself once in a while will ya!?

Ah... no, I'm not doing your research for you and I'm not indulging your logical fallacies. Back your claims or shut your pie hole.

Expert (please obsess)
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

Post evidence for the claim that "Tren is notable for causing the hardest shutdown."

If it's as certain as you claim, it shouldn't be difficult to post ONE study showing trenbolone caused an increase in PRL. Yet you have FAILED to post one.

Come on, fool. This is your chance to embarrass me. There is a ton of research on cattle. Try that.

Compete with YOU? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. You provide so LITTLE competition, I'm quickly losing interest in this pseudo debate, numbnuts.

A why would anybody need to "actually KNOW this topic before attempting to compete with you?" You CERTAINLY don't know it. You've made that abundantly clear.

Ah... no, I'm not doing your research for you and I'm not indulging your logical fallacies. Back your claims or shut your pie hole.

Expert (please obsess)

What's really funny is your need to use insults in almost every sentence you type.
It shows that you are deeply offended and really are afraid of being wrong. I mean, something really got under your skin? I mean, do you have a scorpion living in your Spine?

As far as research, one has to use logic to understand, a study will not mean anything if you don't COMPARE and CONTRAST with other studies. I'm willing to be you didn't even read ALL of the links I posted before.

So again, these large responses, and horrible assertions you make, really have no bearing on the situation at hand. It is irrelevant bullshit itself to have 90% of your statements be an emotional conjugation here.
Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

What's really funny is your need to use insults in almost every sentence you type...

...It is irrelevant bullshit itself to have 90% of your statements be an emotional conjugation here.

Are you projecting, Contagion? LMAO

Go ahead with your pathetic chatter, I have other methods of influencing change.[:o)] ;)

All Claims were backed up, you Just don't know how to read logic.

Not to mention that Tren is notable for causing the hardest shutdown, again, what mechanism does it do it Through? The mysterious exclusive pathway nobody knows about? Dude, your retarded, androgens CAUSE prolactin increase even themselves in high amounts, they inhibit the HPTA, so even if you make the argument that it's not a progestin, it still shuts down the HPTA!

..And what are the primary feedback regulators? Estrogen, Prolactin, and GABA-A circuitry co-localized with Androgens in the Hypothalamus. Oh and, what does GABA affect? PROLACTIN.

Complete Idiot, you have to actually KNOW this topic before attempting to compete with me, and do some research for yourself once in a while will ya!?


Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

What's really funny is your need to use insults in almost every sentence you type.
It shows that you are deeply offended and really are afraid of being wrong. I mean, something really got under your skin? I mean, do you have a scorpion living in your Spine?

I'm not afraid of being wrong, Contagion. In fact, for a long time I believed your position was the correct position. I changed my mind (something of which you're not capable) after looking at the data. If there are studies showing an effect on PRL I want to know about it. I have NO interest in being right *just* for the sake of being right. My goal is always the truth.

I posted some studies below. The data is clear - trenbolone does NOT influence PRL. Granted these are animal studies but it's all we have - human studies on trenbolone are few and far between. Regardless, unlike the studies you posted that looked at the effect of trenbolone on cholesterol levels, mine actually looked DIRECTLY at tenbolone's effect on PRL.

As far as research, one has to use logic to understand, a study will not mean anything if you don't COMPARE and CONTRAST with other studies. I'm willing to be you didn't even read ALL of the links I posted before.

So again, these large responses, and horrible assertions you make, really have no bearing on the situation at hand. It is irrelevant bullshit itself to have 90% of your statements be an emotional conjugation here.

But posting a study on the cholesterol levels in sheep given E-2 does?

The difference between you and me is I seek the truth for the truth's sake. You are only interested in the truth if it furthers your own interests. It's always about selling that snake oil, isn't it Contagion?

Animal Production / Volume 30 / Issue 03 / June 1980, pp 389-394
The effect of trenbolone on acetate growth, blood hormones and metabolites, and nitrogen balance of beef heifers
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - The effect of trenbolone on acetate growth, blood hormones and metabolites, and nitrogen balance of beef heifers
H. Galbraith


Four animals from a group of eight Hereford × Friesian heifers weighing approximately 365 kg were implanted with 300 mg trenbolone acetate at the beginning of a 60-day trial period. Treated heifers grew more quickly (P<0·05) and converted food to liveweight gain more efficiently (P < 0·01) than untreated cdntrols. They had lower overall concentrations for serum albumin and plasma urea (P<0·01), the differences being maintained throughout the diurnal periods studied. No significant differences were recorded in the mean values for serum total protein, plasma glucose or free fatty acids. Similarly, the absence of significant differences in the mean values for serum growth hormone, insulin and prolactin suggested that these hormones did not mediate the response to trenbolone acetate. Implanted heifers had a significantly greater retention of nitrogen (P<0·01) which was mainly due to a reduction in the excretory products associated with total urinary nitrogen.

Res Vet Sci. 1981 Jan;30(1):7-13.
Growth hormone, insulin, prolactin and total thyroxine in the plasma of sheep implanted with the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate alone or with oestradiol.
Growth hormone, insulin, prolactin and total thy... [Res Vet Sci. 1981] - PubMed - NCBI
Donaldson IA, Hart IC, Heitzman RJ.


The mode of action of the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate (19-norandrost-4,9,11-trien-3-one-17-acetate) was studied through the endogenous hormonal response of castrated male sheep to subcutaneous implantation of 140 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg of oestradiol both separately and in combination. Radioimmunoassay of delta-4,9,11-trienic steroids and oestradiol-17 beta in plasma confirmed that simultaneous administration of trenbolone acetate with oestradiol led to a significantly greater persistence of oestradiol-17 beta residues in plasma (P less than 0.05) than with implantation of oestradiol alone. Oestradiol treatment increased concentrations of growth hormone and insulin (P less than 0.05; P less than 0.001 respectively) in plasma samples collected weekly. Trenbolone acetate by itself had no significant effect and the oestrogenic response was blocked on the simultaneous implantation of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol (despite higher plasma levels of oestradiol-17 beta with this treatment). Plasma total thyroxine was markedly depressed to 45 per cent of its basal level by trenbolone acetate, alone or with oestradiol (P less than 0.001) and depressed to 80 per cent of basal by oestradiol treatment alone (P less than 0.001). Plasma prolactin was unaltered by the above treatments.

Animal Production / Volume 38 / Issue 03 / June 1984, pp 385-390
Effects of trenbolone acetate and hexoestrol on live-weight gain, and serum hormone and metabolite concentrations, in steers
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - Effects of trenbolone acetate and hexoestrol on live-weight gain, and serum hormone and metabolite concentrations, in steers
A. R. Petersa1, D. G. Evansa1, D. J. Reada1, Janet M. Beebya2 and W. Haresigna2


Yearling steers, 39 Friesians on an 18-month beef production system (group 1) and 38 Hereford × Friesians on a 20-month beef production system (group 2), were weighed, blood sampled and then half of them were implanted subcutaneously with 300 mg trenbolone acetate and 30 mg hexoestrol. All steers were then weighed and blood sampled at 1-month intervals for a further 3 (group 1) or 4 (group 2) months. Serum was assayed for prolactin, insulin, growth hormone, glucose and blood urea nitrogen concentrations. Steroid treatment increased daily live-weight gain by 28 to 37% over the experimental period and the proportional response appeared to be correlated with the plane of nutrition. Neither prolactin nor glucose concentrations were affected by the treatment. However, in both groups 1 and 2, growth hormone concentrations were significantly higher in implanted steers, whilst urea-nitrogen concentrations were significantly lower. Insulin concentrations were consistently, although not significantly, lower in implanted than in control steers.

Animal Production / Volume 32 / Issue 03 / June 1981, pp 261-266
The effect of a combination of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17? on growth performance and blood, carcass and body characteristics of wether lambs
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - The effect of a combination of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17? on growth performance and blood, carcass and body characteristics of wether lambs
J. F. S. Coelhoa1, H. Galbraitha1 and J. H. Toppsa1


Nine Cheviot × Shetland castrated male lambs from a group of 24 of 28 kg initial live weight, were subcutaneously implanted with a combination of 60 mg trenbolone acetate and 12 mg oestradiol-17? at 105 days and again at 45 days before slaughter. Of the remaining lambs, nine were untreated and six were slaughtered at the start of the experiment as part of a comparative slaughter procedure. The lambs treated with the anabolic preparation grew significantly faster (P < 0·05), converted food to live weight and estimated carcass gain more efficiently, had heavier carcasses which were larger, and had greater estimated gains for protein, moisture and ash. Implanted animals also tended to have a smaller deposition of carcass and kidney fat, but significantly heavier kidneys and less wool when the latter three weights were related to empty body weight. The mean values for plasma urea and serum total protein as indicators of protein metabolism were significantly decreased and increased respectively in treated lambs, but no other significant differences in blood metabolites and hormones were recorded. A significant increase in teat length of implanted lambs indicated the oestrogenic nature of the anabolic preparation.
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Re: mild niple pain/tiny ammount of liquid comes out when I squeeze them.. what's to

I'm not afraid of being wrong, Contagion. In fact, for a long time I believed your position was the correct position. I changed my mind (something of which you're not capable) after looking at the data. If there are studies showing an effect on PRL I want to know about it. I have NO interest in being right *just* for the sake of being right. My goal is always the truth.

I posted some studies below. The data is clear - trenbolone does NOT influence PRL. Granted these are animal studies but it's all we have - human studies on trenbolone are few and far between. Regardless, unlike the studies you posted that looked at the effect of trenbolone on cholesterol levels, mine actually looked DIRECTLY at tenbolone's effect on PRL.

But posting a study on the cholesterol levels in sheep given E-2 does?

The difference between you and me is I seek the truth for the truth's sake. You are only interested in the truth if it furthers your own interests. It's always about selling that snake oil, isn't it Contagion?

Animal Production / Volume 30 / Issue 03 / June 1980, pp 389-394
The effect of trenbolone on acetate growth, blood hormones and metabolites, and nitrogen balance of beef heifers
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - The effect of trenbolone on acetate growth, blood hormones and metabolites, and nitrogen balance of beef heifers
H. Galbraith


Four animals from a group of eight Hereford × Friesian heifers weighing approximately 365 kg were implanted with 300 mg trenbolone acetate at the beginning of a 60-day trial period. Treated heifers grew more quickly (P<0·05) and converted food to liveweight gain more efficiently (P < 0·01) than untreated cdntrols. They had lower overall concentrations for serum albumin and plasma urea (P<0·01), the differences being maintained throughout the diurnal periods studied. No significant differences were recorded in the mean values for serum total protein, plasma glucose or free fatty acids. Similarly, the absence of significant differences in the mean values for serum growth hormone, insulin and prolactin suggested that these hormones did not mediate the response to trenbolone acetate. Implanted heifers had a significantly greater retention of nitrogen (P<0·01) which was mainly due to a reduction in the excretory products associated with total urinary nitrogen.

Res Vet Sci. 1981 Jan;30(1):7-13.
Growth hormone, insulin, prolactin and total thyroxine in the plasma of sheep implanted with the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate alone or with oestradiol.
Growth hormone, insulin, prolactin and total thy... [Res Vet Sci. 1981] - PubMed - NCBI
Donaldson IA, Hart IC, Heitzman RJ.


The mode of action of the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate (19-norandrost-4,9,11-trien-3-one-17-acetate) was studied through the endogenous hormonal response of castrated male sheep to subcutaneous implantation of 140 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg of oestradiol both separately and in combination. Radioimmunoassay of delta-4,9,11-trienic steroids and oestradiol-17 beta in plasma confirmed that simultaneous administration of trenbolone acetate with oestradiol led to a significantly greater persistence of oestradiol-17 beta residues in plasma (P less than 0.05) than with implantation of oestradiol alone. Oestradiol treatment increased concentrations of growth hormone and insulin (P less than 0.05; P less than 0.001 respectively) in plasma samples collected weekly. Trenbolone acetate by itself had no significant effect and the oestrogenic response was blocked on the simultaneous implantation of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol (despite higher plasma levels of oestradiol-17 beta with this treatment). Plasma total thyroxine was markedly depressed to 45 per cent of its basal level by trenbolone acetate, alone or with oestradiol (P less than 0.001) and depressed to 80 per cent of basal by oestradiol treatment alone (P less than 0.001). Plasma prolactin was unaltered by the above treatments.

Animal Production / Volume 38 / Issue 03 / June 1984, pp 385-390
Effects of trenbolone acetate and hexoestrol on live-weight gain, and serum hormone and metabolite concentrations, in steers
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - Effects of trenbolone acetate and hexoestrol on live-weight gain, and serum hormone and metabolite concentrations, in steers
A. R. Petersa1, D. G. Evansa1, D. J. Reada1, Janet M. Beebya2 and W. Haresigna2


Yearling steers, 39 Friesians on an 18-month beef production system (group 1) and 38 Hereford × Friesians on a 20-month beef production system (group 2), were weighed, blood sampled and then half of them were implanted subcutaneously with 300 mg trenbolone acetate and 30 mg hexoestrol. All steers were then weighed and blood sampled at 1-month intervals for a further 3 (group 1) or 4 (group 2) months. Serum was assayed for prolactin, insulin, growth hormone, glucose and blood urea nitrogen concentrations. Steroid treatment increased daily live-weight gain by 28 to 37% over the experimental period and the proportional response appeared to be correlated with the plane of nutrition. Neither prolactin nor glucose concentrations were affected by the treatment. However, in both groups 1 and 2, growth hormone concentrations were significantly higher in implanted steers, whilst urea-nitrogen concentrations were significantly lower. Insulin concentrations were consistently, although not significantly, lower in implanted than in control steers.

Animal Production / Volume 32 / Issue 03 / June 1981, pp 261-266
The effect of a combination of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17? on growth performance and blood, carcass and body characteristics of wether lambs
Cambridge Journals Online - Animal Science - Abstract - The effect of a combination of trenbolone acetate and oestradiol-17? on growth performance and blood, carcass and body characteristics of wether lambs
J. F. S. Coelhoa1, H. Galbraitha1 and J. H. Toppsa1


Nine Cheviot × Shetland castrated male lambs from a group of 24 of 28 kg initial live weight, were subcutaneously implanted with a combination of 60 mg trenbolone acetate and 12 mg oestradiol-17? at 105 days and again at 45 days before slaughter. Of the remaining lambs, nine were untreated and six were slaughtered at the start of the experiment as part of a comparative slaughter procedure. The lambs treated with the anabolic preparation grew significantly faster (P < 0·05), converted food to live weight and estimated carcass gain more efficiently, had heavier carcasses which were larger, and had greater estimated gains for protein, moisture and ash. Implanted animals also tended to have a smaller deposition of carcass and kidney fat, but significantly heavier kidneys and less wool when the latter three weights were related to empty body weight. The mean values for plasma urea and serum total protein as indicators of protein metabolism were significantly decreased and increased respectively in treated lambs, but no other significant differences in blood metabolites and hormones were recorded. A significant increase in teat length of implanted lambs indicated the oestrogenic nature of the anabolic preparation.

Well, ya made some good points there, but prolactin is still considered a negative feedback mechanism, so even that "weak progestogenic activity" can contribute while other aromatizable compounds initiate/amplify that response.

Either way, you reduce estradiol, you reduce prolactin. Simple enough.
Without ensuring E-2 is taken care of, its more difficult even for Dopamergics to take of the prolactin issue.