Minoxidil & RU58841 solution?

I'm not asking about displacement, I'm asking about solubility. Can I successfully dissolve 10g of powder in this solution or is that beyond its maximum solubility?
Minoxidil was not dissolving for me until I heated it to about 150ºF. On top of that I kept my magnetic hotplate on for like 20 min. It seems to have dissolved but we're currently testing the active ingredients, as that temperature could've killed the Minox active ingredient
Easiest thing is to just put RU powder into liquid minoxidil solution you'd buy from a store. May not be the cheapest but certainly most reliable solution for most home brewers.
I brewed another batch yesterday and let it mix rigorously while I worked and it did not dissolve; you're correct heat is required, it only dissolved after I turned on the hotplate. Please share the results of your testing after applying the heat
I brewed another batch yesterday and let it mix rigorously while I worked and it did not dissolve; you're correct heat is required, it only dissolved after I turned on the hotplate. Please share the results of your testing after applying the heat

i got strut health rx topical. 7% minox + 0.1% dut. Wonder how they blend it. It’s not overly greasy at all.
I just ordered 2 grams of KX-826 (Pyrilutamide) powder from a supplier (starts with a V ends with a Z). Since it has completed phase 3 & phase 2 in China/US respectively.

minoxidilmax claims that the nitrile group on KX-826 will hydrolyze in water, and a water free solution is needed. I'm thinking of getting some lab grade ethanol, maybe some butylene glycol to act as surfactant (help it stick to skin).
Hmm, I definitely want to order aome Pyrilutamide raws and CB-03-01 as well.

Mind shooting me a PM ? I wanted to start making my own Solution as well woth Trentanoin and Latanoprost.

I unfortunately can't use RU, at any dose it messes with my heart. Feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest.
I brewed another batch yesterday and let it mix rigorously while I worked and it did not dissolve; you're correct heat is required, it only dissolved after I turned on the hotplate. Please share the results of your testing after applying the heat
hey brotha

may i ask, what was the temperature you used to dissolve the raws?
did you heat the ethanol and PG already mixed?

i am asking this because i would like to attempt to brew %5 minoxidil , 5%ru and 1% finasteride
do you think this will dissolve?
hey brotha

may i ask, what was the temperature you used to dissolve the raws?
did you heat the ethanol and PG already mixed?

i am asking this because i would like to attempt to brew %5 minoxidil , 5%ru and 1% finasteride
do you think this will dissolve?

I don't quite remember the temperature on my hotplate but I know it was up there, my experience has been that it's hard to dissolve RU at higher temperatures. Yes I heat the ethanol and PG already mixed. You have to be careful and watch it because some of the liquid will evaporate and if enough does, it will cause the mixture to crash and the powder to fall out of suspension because the mixture will then be beyond maximum solubility.

As for will it dissolve - I don't know, but your recipe is the exact same as my successful one except the addition of 1g of Fin. I would say do it for science. If it crashes, add a touch more PEG and ethanol and just heat it again to get it to dissolve. You may have to do 4.5% RU 4.5% Min 1% Fin but you won't know until you try.

Good luck and please report back, I am curious if this would work
Where are you getting the RU powder?


Check the underground category here, huge thread. Ive been doing the cosco (kirkland 5% minox) as a carrier for crush fin tablets, prescription topicals that are like 2% fin or something crazy high (used to straigh minox %5 topical to water that down and spread out to about .04%) read the research done here.

Did however switch to the RU powder and the powder to carrier is several times greater, hence see the point of this question. It breaks down great right in the plastic minox bottle, capped it shook, let sit and shook, handful of times for few minutes and good to go. I shake before use but would do that even with a more thorough mixing device used at original time of making.
my minox keeps crashing no matter what I do. Brewed it at 7% or 8% plus 0.1% dut and 5% RU.

I have had it crash without RU. ru Mixes easily on its own so I’ve mixed it in a separate bottle for now until I figure out the minox.

Both I’ve done 30/70 PG and 200 proof ethanol. I’ve heated it stove top or microwaved it and it dissolves nicely but within days it crashes.

Should i use PEG 300 / gua/ EO? those are other solvents i have in my “kitchen “

Thanks for any tips guys

Or is my liquid ratio off ?
Hi everyone, I was looking for a recipe like this, it sounds great!
Have my raws ready to be brewed, but I've never used alcohol as a solvent (never needed to), so here it comes the dumb newbie question: do you guys use food grade or denatured alcohol or even bioethanol?
Not sure why one would choose topical minox anyway. It's significantly inferior in results to oral, sometimes being completely ineffective if you lack sufficient enzymes in the skin to convert it, and the only side effect the overwhelming majority ever experience is enhanced hair growth everywhere.

Funny that guys are drinking drops of commercial topical minox, and guys with the powder are making topicals lol.