Mint Anabolics - US Domestic Source

Changed the list up a bit, added HPLC history and Blood work history.

Also changed some prices. Basically going to make the Buy 3 Get 1 at least semi-permanent. I got rid of the 5+ prices, but lowered the base price on most test products.

Mention you are from Meso and I will wave shipping for all orders.

I remember when I first joined here, I also vouched for a source also setting up shop here from SST. I got crap from many people too, but I was just a customer and wasn't a shill.

I was very new to AAS then so could be the excitement of actually finding a source. Time usually tells people's motives on here.
One of my first posts was a gtg for 24k many years ago and got fucking flamed lol. I learned the ways here quick and also seen how many sources fuck people over on their exits. Just keep up with the threads and only spend as much as you’re willing to lose brother