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Been a while for me on this board. Just to touch on the subject for the guy trying to get misses pregnant. I had massive issue with it. I only used hcg 3 times a week at 300iu. If you smoke cigarettes or marijuana stop. Get a full vitamin and mineral test. I was deficient in 4 and until I fixed them hcg barely did much for me. After I did things really changed. Hope this helps. At 300 x 3 a week my nuts swelled up. So I don't see why more would be needed. My volume size went from 12.5 to 26(nuts). Top is around 30. Goodluck and hope this helps. I was on 200mg trt. I was a heavy tren user....8 years straight never came off.

dude 8 years straight tren?

not vitamin deficient but brain cell deficient
I respect your level of commitment, and you are correct that I don’t have stage aspirations someday. However, it would be incorrect to say that I don’t take my training seriously. Having a couple of days a month in my case when I am off the reservation is not indicative of a failure of commitment. I am just fully cognizant that I can achieve my goals without such rigidity so there would be little purpose in punishing myself needlessly

While my training routine is an important part of my life and who I am as a person, it’s not the only thing I have going either, so sometimes days that involve beer and wings with my friends on football days takes priority.

Well that’s the thing, you might see it as a chore and a means to progress but I really enjoy the mundane nature of it and how it’s made me physically and mentally feel. This is no shot at you or anyone who likes eating out and being lax with their meal planning, but as someone who’s had digestive issues in the past and wants to feel 100% at all times, staying on plan just really works for my lifestyle and it’s one less variable to worry about. From former fatass to anorexic to drug addict, I’m at the peak of my physique and mental health and I attribute it partially to my strict diet. Going from a more lax dieting style to robotic adherence is what made the biggest difference in my 2yr transformation

I don't avoid cheat meals because of anything to do with bodybuilding. I avoid them because they fuck up my stomach for days. My diet is boring which is a bonus for bodybuilding purposes.
yeah boring is right i've got several "versions " of good ol "Chicken&Rice" lmao thats as boring as you can get but if your creative it isn't bad,,, Spices are key
Same. About 95% of my dinners each night are chicken, rice, veg or chicken, quinoa veg or chicken, beans veg.

You could feed a small country from the number of bags of frozen chicken breasts from Sam’s Club I go through each month