Monster Labs

G.I. Bro

Well-known Member
We all know Monster Labs is Medlabs rebranded. That said, they've been running several years now under this new label and effort. I haven't seen much on them positive or negative. What's the recent concensus? I see no labs anywhere at Anasci or Anabolic Labs.

They're running a sale right now and prices are good. A have a few buddies who tried them. I've told myself so many times don't bite on cheap 50mg var from smaller UGLs because it's probably not var...
I remember on BOP one of their oils was under dosed. I can not recall now which one.
Bloods are not even accurate, I've had my TT come back all over the place off the same batch of test with the same amount of time between my injection and getting bloods pulled. You can't just say it's underdosed from one blood test unless it came back incredibly low.
Underdosed Anavar raws from China are pretty expected from UGL. Seeing primo or var that isn't full label claim isn't that shocking. What's more of a concern is when you see primo that's really npp or var that's winny or something else.

Appreciate the labs. I'm on Anasci but didn't see these way back.