My experience with tren cough

I think I dosed Tren incorrectly in my day and my prolactin shot up accordingly.
I had a date on Tren and even had to take antihypertensives because I just couldn't sleep and couldn't get any rest.
A very strong roid in my opinion.
But the aggressiveness in training and the focus - simply unbeatable!
I’ve ran tren several times at doses ranging from 150-350. I’ve only had tren cough a few times when I nicked a blood vessel and felt like I was going to choke to death, but also a few times I’ve pinned it and I just felt my throat get tight but no cough. Mostly acetate I’ve only ran enanthate once and would never again. Never had a persisting cough, on any gear….
Hit a vein or inject in one and jesus Christ your lungs will jump out your ass runaround the front b**ch slap you and climb back in honestly it is horrendous I lay there praying to the lord himself that this isn't the end apart from that tren is amazing at 50-100mg Ed or E2D depending if you can handle it but be warned it will f**k your life up relationships work friends but who needs that stuff it's about the gains.
Sometime a light cough for a few hours every few minutes, last week pinned the quad and must of hit some vein and felt like I was about to die, immediate flushing, sweating and coughing where I could taste it for about 5 mins straight.
for the vein thing, always do suction with the syringe, always. Don't inject this stuff in veins. If you see blood, take it out the needle a bit like 1cm or less, and suck again. If there is no blood now, just inject it (even with that few blood).
for the vein thing, always do suction with the syringe, always. Don't inject this stuff in veins. If you see blood, take it out the needle a bit like 1cm or less, and suck again. If there is no blood now, just inject it (even with that few blood).
Yeah, I always do this so I'm not sure if I moved a bit or if the oil seeped into a vein but. .. fuuuck it was intense.
so phil heath talked about it in one of his podcasts he said its because of high benzyl alcohol content because its so hard to keep tren stable
I started tren a couple weeks ago at 150mg a week. I have started noticing a cough like a consistant cough where I will have the urge to cough every 20 minutes or so. I havent been having a cough from the injection but a cough through out the day, sometimes with a metal taste. Idk wtf this is or means but its annoying as hell. Does anyone else get this kind of cough from tren?
This has been my form of “tren cough” I don’t drop too my knees and have this huge cough attack for 2 minutes straight. It’s a slow burn. Small coughs throughout the day, especially anytime I take a deep breathe.
Annoying .
Very annoying.
I usually get a really uncomfortable pressure feeling and am short of breath without coughing. It's really uncomfortable a minute or two and that's it. Happens very rarely with only the acetate Ester.