My Journey with Sarms


New Member
Let's dive deep into my SARMS journey, straight-up details comin' at ya.

Started off hittin' up Ostarine, keepin' it lowkey with a 10mg dosage for about 8 weeks, ya feel? Saw some sweet gains without feelin' like I was steppin' into the danger zone. Kept it smooth, no wild side effects, just gradual muscle growth.

Then, I flipped it to Ligandrol, bumped it up to 15mg a day, and rocked that for 'bout 10 weeks. Man, that stuff's no joke, serious muscle pump and strength gain. But hey, safety first, checked my bloodwork, made sure everything was chill before I moved on.

Rad-140, that's the real deal! Took that for a solid 12 weeks, 20mg a day, and dang, that's when the game changed. Muscles were poppin' like never before, and the strength gains? Crazy good, bruh!

But let me be straight with ya, it ain't all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta watch out for the sides, keepin' an eye on mood swings, maybe a tad bit of suppression, but nothing too wild. PCT after each cycle, 'cause gotta keep that body in check, ya know?

Consistency was key, fam. Cycle, take a break, hit it again. No marathon runs with SARMS, gotta respect that body.

Now, I ain't no doctor, and this ain't no guidebook, just sharin' my experiences. But here's the deal, gotta preach safety and responsibility. SARMS ain't a shortcut, gotta put in the work, eat right, and stay hustlin'.

So, that's my journey, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. But remember, research, stay safe, and keep grindin' towards them goals, fam!
I had my fun with sarms but the only one I actually use in my daily life is rad 140. Ostarine will wreck your natural test levels. Real gear has been studied and tried over and over so I will always trust that but rad I love. It gives me great strength and leans me out very nice. Not vascular but dry. It’s the only one I will continue to use over anavar or tbol. I’ve done several cruises with low dose test at 200 and rad at 25
Let's dive deep into my SARMS journey, straight-up details comin' at ya.

Started off hittin' up Ostarine, keepin' it lowkey with a 10mg dosage for about 8 weeks, ya feel? Saw some sweet gains without feelin' like I was steppin' into the danger zone. Kept it smooth, no wild side effects, just gradual muscle growth.

Then, I flipped it to Ligandrol, bumped it up to 15mg a day, and rocked that for 'bout 10 weeks. Man, that stuff's no joke, serious muscle pump and strength gain. But hey, safety first, checked my bloodwork, made sure everything was chill before I moved on.

Rad-140, that's the real deal! Took that for a solid 12 weeks, 20mg a day, and dang, that's when the game changed. Muscles were poppin' like never before, and the strength gains? Crazy good, bruh!

But let me be straight with ya, it ain't all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta watch out for the sides, keepin' an eye on mood swings, maybe a tad bit of suppression, but nothing too wild. PCT after each cycle, 'cause gotta keep that body in check, ya know?

Consistency was key, fam. Cycle, take a break, hit it again. No marathon runs with SARMS, gotta respect that body.

Now, I ain't no doctor, and this ain't no guidebook, just sharin' my experiences. But here's the deal, gotta preach safety and responsibility. SARMS ain't a shortcut, gotta put in the work, eat right, and stay hustlin'.

So, that's my journey, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. But remember, research, stay safe, and keep grindin' towards them goals, fam!
Ran a SARMS cycle for 3 months.

Rad 140 ,10 mg/day
Mk 677, 10 mg/day
Dianabol 40 mg/day for 1 month.then replaced it with LGD 4033 for 2 months.

Had decent gains in stregnt and mass,especially fir the first month,the effects immediate.

On the down side l felt tired and lethargic most of the times and some insomnia.
And of course l lost most gains once l came off.
Ran a SARMS cycle for 3 months.

Rad 140 ,10 mg/day
Mk 677, 10 mg/day
Dianabol 40 mg/day for 1 month.then replaced it with LGD 4033 for 2 months.

Had decent gains in stregnt and mass,especially fir the first month,the effects immediate.

On the down side l felt tired and lethargic most of the times and some insomnia.
And of course l lost most gains once l came off.
the lethargy is probably from crashing your endogenous test production, and not running test with the cycle, to be fair.

Never tried SARMS personally. Not saying they dont work, but why run SARMS when I could just run actual gear, with more studies and experience behind it?
Let's dive deep into my SARMS journey, straight-up details comin' at ya.

Started off hittin' up Ostarine, keepin' it lowkey with a 10mg dosage for about 8 weeks, ya feel? Saw some sweet gains without feelin' like I was steppin' into the danger zone. Kept it smooth, no wild side effects, just gradual muscle growth.

Then, I flipped it to Ligandrol, bumped it up to 15mg a day, and rocked that for 'bout 10 weeks. Man, that stuff's no joke, serious muscle pump and strength gain. But hey, safety first, checked my bloodwork, made sure everything was chill before I moved on.

Rad-140, that's the real deal! Took that for a solid 12 weeks, 20mg a day, and dang, that's when the game changed. Muscles were poppin' like never before, and the strength gains? Crazy good, bruh!

But let me be straight with ya, it ain't all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta watch out for the sides, keepin' an eye on mood swings, maybe a tad bit of suppression, but nothing too wild. PCT after each cycle, 'cause gotta keep that body in check, ya know?

Consistency was key, fam. Cycle, take a break, hit it again. No marathon runs with SARMS, gotta respect that body.

Now, I ain't no doctor, and this ain't no guidebook, just sharin' my experiences. But here's the deal, gotta preach safety and responsibility. SARMS ain't a shortcut, gotta put in the work, eat right, and stay hustlin'.

So, that's my journey, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. But remember, research, stay safe, and keep grindin' towards them goals, fam!
I’m guessing this guy is trolling from how he wrote this shit, either way why use sarms when you can use the real deal (whilst both cheaper better feeling and safer)? That’s like praising 5 hr energy while lookin at a big pile of uncut coke ahah I would venture to guess this was some sort of parody of how some of em yt people be talkin (n I can’t say shit cos I write in slang too but not to that level of cornyness)

Idk what’s up with the SARM hype like I understand the kids part cos ok they can’t aquire much else cos they dumb n impatient but with grown ass adults unless you have some specific reasons I’d not really understand using shit that just got invented like yesterday n being fkin Guinea pigs for an unregulated research chem that at the most shit at that point get em people who made the patent on one of em sarms (idk it was either LGD or another one that got a pharma trial n patent) to pay you to take that shit, some of em are even connected with messed up issues n others haven’t even been tested on larger animals than a mouse so if you must use them tread lightly I guess
Sarms are gay for the most part. It’s like trying to having sex with your underwear on. Step up to the plate and swing with AAS.
I love the analogy tbh it seems pretty similar like you might be rubbing enough to get an idea of maybe what it might be like but you ain’t n being so close it’s dumb not to as all it takes is literally one more step, if sarms were what they were hyped to be they would be very much used by those who would benefit the most (like pro bbers n athletes of all sorts), but they are not, they are mostly used by kids n peddled by YouTubers so idk that should give enough of an idea of tf we talkin bout ahah
the lethargy is probably from crashing your endogenous test production, and not running test with the cycle, to be fair.

Never tried SARMS personally. Not saying they dont work, but why run SARMS when I could just run actual gear, with more studies and experience behind it?
This. Wtf you doin no test base just cos someone on Reddit said it’s not necessary? Shits nuts some people will literally take sarms n use clomid or HCG as they ‘test base’ n at that point you already injecting too so idk mane people need to just be able to buy gear at the store cos shits getting ridiculous n will end up hurting the people more than if the gear was widespread n legal (well that would be better for everyone n in general safer etc…)
the lethargy is probably from crashing your endogenous test production, and not running test with the cycle, to be fair.

Never tried SARMS personally. Not saying they dont work, but why run SARMS when I could just run actual gear, with more studies and experience behind it?
Next cycle will be gear.
Sarms Was my first cycle ever.
Wont repeat for sur.
Liked the results,the insane pump and increase in strenght.
But the lethargic and insomnia was just too much for me
Next cycle will be gear.
Sarms Was my first cycle ever.
Wont repeat for sur.
Liked the results,the insane pump and increase in strenght.
But the lethargic and insomnia was just too much for me
If you like strength and pumps try a test/var cycle,

or test/mast/var

You'll have skin-tearing bicep pumps even washing your hair
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I’ll go test rad140 over test anavar any day. Been running gear for 13 plus years and while I agree most sarms are child’s play, rad 140 is not. My body reacts better to that than anavar, plus less side effects. Maybe that’s just me, but when I cruise I go 25/30 rad 140 test 200. When I blast I throw back in real compounds typically a dht, nandrolone, crank up my test to a blasting dose but I used to do proviron/test on a cruise and Now rad140/test.
I’ll go test rad140 over test anavar any day. Been running gear for 13 plus years and while I agree most sarms are child’s play, rad 140 is not. My body reacts better to that than anavar, plus less side effects. Maybe that’s just me, but when I cruise I go 25/30 rad 140 test 200. When I blast I throw back in real compounds typically a dht, nandrolone, crank up my test to a blasting dose but I used to do proviron/test on a cruise and Now rad140/test.
Does Rad140 affect lipids at all? What compound would you compare it to, if you had to compare it to something. you've peaked my curiosity
Does Rad140 affect lipids at all? What compound would you compare it to, if you had to compare it to something. you've peaked my curiosity
I’m sure it does but whenever I got my bloods last time my lipid panel wasn’t bad at all, like slightly elevated but not out of range. Nothing some nac can’t fix .Whenever I have ran var or oral winny, adrol I always got pretty bad heartburn, very elevated liver enzymes. Not with rad, and to be honest that’s one of the main reasons I run it, because of the very low side effects. My lipids were No worse than a mild anabolic oral. If I had to compare it to anything I guess I would say tbol. I get decent strength gains with it and literally after a few days of taking it, like4-5 I start to see its drying effect. My diet is never horrible but it’s not competition diet either so I know it’s not the diet. At the end of the day I choose it for its low side effect, mild strength gain and dryness. It’s fat burning effects too, I can see it in my face immediately.
Does Rad140 affect lipids at all? What compound would you compare it to, if you had to compare it to something. you've peaked my curiosity
Here is the most factual response you will get from anyone on the internet. Rad is going to increase strength via CNS drive to an extreme extent. Anabolic rating is like 90:1 so slightly weaker than testosterone as to nitrogen retention but 99 times less androgen. It feels like being on a stimulant but not being high. It absolutely trashed your lipids idk what the other guy is talking about I’m talking sub 25 HDL in 10 weeks. It makes you extremely fucking strong, and very flat you burn through carbs like crazy and your body temp will always be really high, sweating all the time. Energy and aggression are extremely high. It’s been shown to reduce the prostate size and risk of prostate cancer in men, as well as animals. It has also been shown to have nuero-protective properties, the downside is it can be kidney toxic due to extreme bp increase so having bp meds on hand is absolutely necessary. High blood pressure significantly increases strength; and this is one of the pathways rad hits the hardest. Compare it to a mix of Masteron dryness and Anadrol strength but not to the same extent, it’s not as strong as that combination.

The injectable version of rad will give you all these benefits at 10mgs a day. Orally need 30mgs to achieve the same result.

I personally prefer AAS, but rad and yk are no joke, idc what anyone says all of the sarm haters these 2 work very fucking well. I just think there are better steroids so why not just use steroids. This thread is making me want to pull out my inject YK tho I’ll say that.