My Journey with Sarms

I've been looking at SARM's purely to increase strength to see if there is anything effective out there to put alongside Test & NPP, bought some LGD 4033 after reading some good experiences on it.

Do you rate YK 11 above it for that purpose? If so I will try that instead. How would you say YK 11 compares to something like DBol?

you can not compare dianabol with yk-11, it's like comparing a race car with a monster truck :p

YK-11 is the most intriguing and fascinating SARM one can possible use. It is a steroidal SARM of the 19-Nor (Nandrolone) family that is also supposed to act as a Myostatin inhibitor. On paper, these properties make it an extremely powerful and versatile compound that can be used to destroy plateaus as well as erase one’s genetic limits.

I used yk-11 at the end of my last cycle, the last 5-6 weeks...the best of it --> MYOSTATIN INHIBITION!!! I'm not sure, but I guess it's the only sarm with these settings.....
you can not compare dianabol with yk-11, it's like comparing a race car with a monster truck :p

YK-11 is the most intriguing and fascinating SARM one can possible use. It is a steroidal SARM of the 19-Nor (Nandrolone) family that is also supposed to act as a Myostatin inhibitor. On paper, these properties make it an extremely powerful and versatile compound that can be used to destroy plateaus as well as erase one’s genetic limits.

I used yk-11 at the end of my last cycle, the last 5-6 weeks...the best of it --> MYOSTATIN INHIBITION!!! I'm not sure, but I guess it's the only sarm with these settings.....
So are you saying YK 11 is better than Dianabol for gaining size and strength? Not really understanding your answer there.
So are you saying YK 11 is better than Dianabol for gaining size and strength? Not really understanding your answer there.
Dbol will bloat u up, getting puffy face, 90% water retention (what u loose after) no benefits at all from opinion. Of course you've much more strength in that time of using dbol....but the question is, what is your goal? short term or long term?
Dbol will bloat u up, getting puffy face, 90% water retention (what u loose after) no benefits at all from opinion. Of course you've much more strength in that time of using dbol....but the question is, what is your goal? short term or long term?
Same as anadrol, deca and high doses of Testosterone. Dbol certainly has it's place, it's great for breaking through plateau. When you need that extra 10-15lbs on top of your bench press that's already speaks big numbers it comes handy. Temporary gains? Nothing is permanent apparently. You always lose that on look. Apart from the first few cycles it's a slow grind.
you can not compare dianabol with yk-11, it's like comparing a race car with a monster truck :p

YK-11 is the most intriguing and fascinating SARM one can possible use. It is a steroidal SARM of the 19-Nor (Nandrolone) family that is also supposed to act as a Myostatin inhibitor. On paper, these properties make it an extremely powerful and versatile compound that can be used to destroy plateaus as well as erase one’s genetic limits.

I used yk-11 at the end of my last cycle, the last 5-6 weeks...the best of it --> MYOSTATIN INHIBITION!!! I'm not sure, but I guess it's the only sarm with these settings.....
You think myostatin is a limiting factor for the rate at which YOU are gaining contractile tissue?

Are you a 300lb monster?

Then any supposed inhibition of myostatin is likely moot
Same as anadrol, deca and high doses of Testosterone. Dbol certainly has it's place, it's great for breaking through plateau. When you need that extra 10-15lbs on top of your bench press that's already speaks big numbers it comes handy. Temporary gains? Nothing is permanent apparently. You always lose that on look. Apart from the first few cycles it's a slow grind.
That's correct, that's why I asked "whats the goal".... depends on your goal everything changes....gear, dosage, training, diet......
Let's dive deep into my SARMS journey, straight-up details comin' at ya.

Started off hittin' up Ostarine, keepin' it lowkey with a 10mg dosage for about 8 weeks, ya feel? Saw some sweet gains without feelin' like I was steppin' into the danger zone. Kept it smooth, no wild side effects, just gradual muscle growth.

Then, I flipped it to Ligandrol, bumped it up to 15mg a day, and rocked that for 'bout 10 weeks. Man, that stuff's no joke, serious muscle pump and strength gain. But hey, safety first, checked my bloodwork, made sure everything was chill before I moved on.

Rad-140, that's the real deal! Took that for a solid 12 weeks, 20mg a day, and dang, that's when the game changed. Muscles were poppin' like never before, and the strength gains? Crazy good, bruh!

But let me be straight with ya, it ain't all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta watch out for the sides, keepin' an eye on mood swings, maybe a tad bit of suppression, but nothing too wild. PCT after each cycle, 'cause gotta keep that body in check, ya know?

Consistency was key, fam. Cycle, take a break, hit it again. No marathon runs with SARMS, gotta respect that body.

Now, I ain't no doctor, and this ain't no guidebook, just sharin' my experiences. But here's the deal, gotta preach safety and responsibility. SARMS ain't a shortcut, gotta put in the work, eat right, and stay hustlin'.

So, that's my journey, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. But remember, research, stay safe, and keep grindin' towards them goals, fam!
Not bad, ChatGPT. Captured the essence of a Gen-Z gym bro quite well.
That's correct, that's why I asked "whats the goal".... depends on your goal everything changes....gear, dosage, training, diet......
The Goal is what I asked in the question, is YK 11 a good SARM for gaining strength on - all I seem to have got is smart arse responses from members that appear to be bodybuilders who are more obsessed with how pretty they look and how bloated their faces are, as opposed to how strong they are.
Same as anadrol, deca and high doses of Testosterone. Dbol certainly has it's place, it's great for breaking through plateau. When you need that extra 10-15lbs on top of your bench press that's already speaks big numbers it comes handy. Temporary gains? Nothing is permanent apparently. You always lose that on look. Apart from the first few cycles it's a slow grind.
Good positive, constructive answer mate. Always makes me laugh how these guys bash things like Dbol saying its only temporary gains it provides - what do these idiots think will happen if you come off testosterone. Is that not a steroid?!!
Are you ever able to give any positive, helpful answers or do you just get off on acting like a Tosser.
That was a helpful answer. The mechanisms by which myostatin functions in humans is very poorly understood.
Artificial inhibition by a research chem with virtually zero research data even less so.
to end the topic, try it yourself. Take enough time. I, for example, quit dbol immediately after 2 weeks....I liked yk11 and var better (on different cycles). Someone else might prefer dbol, so make up your own mind.

Let us know.

Good luck
to end the topic, try it yourself. Take enough time. I, for example, quit dbol immediately after 2 weeks....I liked yk11 and var better (on different cycles). Someone else might prefer dbol, so make up your own mind.

Let us know.

Good luck
Different strokes for different folks. I know dudes that love anadrol because it makes them dry and massive, some people get really
Bloated on it and don’t like it. One time dbol fit perfectly in my cycle because of how lean I was before I started and my diet went perfectly with what dbol does, then I ran it again when I was heavier and it puffed me up way too much. I choose rad 140 over var anyday, after having run both several times on the same diet I know which one works better for me, may not be the same for someone else. Like you said, the only way one will truly know is by running it themselves
Different strokes for different folks. I know dudes that love anadrol because it makes them dry and massive, some people get really
Bloated on it and don’t like it. One time dbol fit perfectly in my cycle because of how lean I was before I started and my diet went perfectly with what dbol does, then I ran it again when I was heavier and it puffed me up way too much. I choose rad 140 over var anyday, after having run both several times on the same diet I know which one works better for me, may not be the same for someone else. Like you said, the only way one will truly know is by running it themselves
I do get that you have to try everything yourself to gauge your individual response to it - but surely asking the simple question of is YK 11 any good for strength gains is not that difficult question to answer if you are indeed one of the guys who has run it before on here? Isn't that what a steroid forum is partly about to ask other peoples experiences and opinions of a compound? I swear most guys in steroid forums these days see a question and see it as a challenge to be the biggest smart arse possible. Whenever people ask me for my help or opinion on something I do exactly that, not act like a dick with them for the sake of it.
I do get that you have to try everything yourself to gauge your individual response to it - but surely asking the simple question of is YK 11 any good for strength gains is not that difficult question to answer if you are indeed one of the guys who has run it before on here? Isn't that what a steroid forum is partly about to ask other peoples experiences and opinions of a compound? I swear most guys in steroid forums these days see a question and see it as a challenge to be the biggest smart arse possible. Whenever people ask me for my help or opinion on something I do exactly that, not act like a dick with them for the sake of it.
I gave u my answer mate. I was happy with YK-11, stack together with Test and it will make you stronger! After all, it is a 19-Nor derivative and such compounds are known for increasing strength, aggression and performance in the gym. I remember I took 15mg/day I guess (3x5mg). :cool:
I do get that you have to try everything yourself to gauge your individual response to it - but surely asking the simple question of is YK 11 any good for strength gains is not that difficult question to answer if you are indeed one of the guys who has run it before on here? Isn't that what a steroid forum is partly about to ask other peoples experiences and opinions of a compound? I swear most guys in steroid forums these days see a question and see it as a challenge to be the biggest smart arse possible. Whenever people ask me for my help or opinion on something I do exactly that, not act like a dick with them for the sake of it.
I agree with you. I can’t stand when dudes act like asses when someone asks a question. Wasn’t trying to make you feel that way. And I have tried yk-11. Put on some decent size. Stayed relatively lean but that was diet also. The reason most of them do act that way is because that’s what happened to us when we first started. You ask and you get told the answer do more research or you are retarded. I however don’t agree with that, if you have any questions regarding compounds pm me, I’ll gladly share my experiences with you
The Goal is what I asked in the question, is YK 11 a good SARM for gaining strength on - all I seem to have got is smart arse responses from members that appear to be bodybuilders who are more obsessed with how pretty they look and how bloated their faces are, as opposed to how strong they are.
yk 11 is extremely anabolic for me as well as strength increase. Up there in my top for most explosive gains.
So I ended up running Rad at 10 mg for 4 weeks. Mentally it made me "slower" relative to me without the Rad. I always had this head pressure that's hard to describe, might've been high BP idk never checked it. It felt very anabolic no significant increase in strength relative to LGD-4033. But I didn't bloat like I would've on LGD. Oh and my hairline got fucked on it.

LGD > Rad at 10 mg. If those mental sides weren't there Id pick Rad and run it at higher doses.

Gonna try S23 soon at 10 mg.
So I ended up running Rad at 10 mg for 4 weeks. Mentally it made me "slower" relative to me without the Rad. I always had this head pressure that's hard to describe, might've been high BP idk never checked it. It felt very anabolic no significant increase in strength relative to LGD-4033. But I didn't bloat like I would've on LGD. Oh and my hairline got fucked on it.

LGD > Rad at 10 mg. If those mental sides weren't there Id pick Rad and run it at higher doses.

Gonna try S23 soon at 10 mg.
S23 with no test base?
Rad will leave you with some test in your bldy but s23 will nuke your test and hairline more than rad