My Journey with Sarms

Here is the most factual response you will get from anyone on the internet. Rad is going to increase strength via CNS drive to an extreme extent. Anabolic rating is like 90:1 so slightly weaker than testosterone as to nitrogen retention but 99 times less androgen. It feels like being on a stimulant but not being high. It absolutely trashed your lipids idk what the other guy is talking about I’m talking sub 25 HDL in 10 weeks. It makes you extremely fucking strong, and very flat you burn through carbs like crazy and your body temp will always be really high, sweating all the time. Energy and aggression are extremely high. It’s been shown to reduce the prostate size and risk of prostate cancer in men, as well as animals. It has also been shown to have nuero-protective properties, the downside is it can be kidney toxic due to extreme bp increase so having bp meds on hand is absolutely necessary. High blood pressure significantly increases strength; and this is one of the pathways rad hits the hardest. Compare it to a mix of Masteron dryness and Anadrol strength but not to the same extent, it’s not as strong as that combination.

The injectable version of rad will give you all these benefits at 10mgs a day. Orally need 30mgs to achieve the same result.

I personally prefer AAS, but rad and yk are no joke, idc what anyone says all of the sarm haters these 2 work very fucking well. I just think there are better steroids so why not just use steroids. This thread is making me want to pull out my inject YK tho I’ll say that.
This was a great write-up. Thank you.

I'll probably stick to AAS as well, but it doesn't hurt to learn about some of the newer-tech compounds that are out, although I'd rather let someone else be the test trial at this point in time.
I’ll go test rad140 over test anavar any day. Been running gear for 13 plus years and while I agree most sarms are child’s play, rad 140 is not. My body reacts better to that than anavar, plus less side effects. Maybe that’s just me, but when I cruise I go 25/30 rad 140 test 200. When I blast I throw back in real compounds typically a dht, nandrolone, crank up my test to a blasting dose but I used to do proviron/test on a cruise and Now rad140/test.
Notice any hair loss with rad140?
Notice any hair loss with rad140?
No hair loss, maybe a little thinning. Even on mast or any dht derivirive it only gets thin, no shedding. I’m going to get bloods in a week or 2 to see what my levels for everything are because I’m cruising with it right now.
No hair loss, maybe a little thinning. Even on mast or any dht derivirive it only gets thin, no shedding. I’m going to get bloods in a week or 2 to see what my levels for everything are because I’m cruising with it right now.
I guess its genetics based. Do you find rad140 comparable with mast? Which one makes you drier?
curious did the sarms happen to grow you some balls so you can use real gear and be a man instead of a child using sarms? Just my opinion
I guess its genetics based. Do you find rad140 comparable with mast? Which one makes you drier?
No mast works way better, all real gear is going to work way better, rad 140 I use because of less sides my body gets with similar effect. It does have a drying effect that is definitely great but not as great as something like mast or winny. I use rad over var because I think var is a joke. I’ve ran it multiple times from high level sources and for some reason my body reacts better to this. At the end of the day though, I’m using rad for less sides, similar drying effect and fat burning. As I get older the side effects get worse, so I’m all about longevity as before it was about blast till death lol
No hair loss, maybe a little thinning. Even on mast or any dht derivirive it only gets thin, no shedding. I’m going to get bloods in a week or 2 to see what my levels for everything are because I’m cruising with it right now.
There is no such thing as cruising on Sarms, it isn’t a test replacement.
I've only ever tried SR9009 and my cardio was INSANE while running it. I felt like I could run forever and it took a lot more to make me feel winded.

After reading this thread I plan to give Rad140 a try at some point!

Thanks fellas
I ordered rad and s23. I'm going to run rad first at 10 mg and see how I feel. Did you have any mental sides?
S23 will shut you down without a test base. That’s the thing with sarms is that they are selective androgen receptor modulators so they don’t crank on your receptors all the way like anabolics but they partially do. Rad will suppress you also
I've been reading lots on Ostarine. Have you guys had good experiences with that? Is it worth adding to a cycle?

I am trying to add a bit more weight on before I cut for summer vacation Lol

Thanks in advance
I've been reading lots on Ostarine. Have you guys had good experiences with that? Is it worth adding to a cycle?

I am trying to add a bit more weight on before I cut for summer vacation Lol

Thanks in advance
I've ran ostarine by itself at 25mg a day for 80 days and didn't notice much. I'll probably never use it again but I've heard some people like to use it on a cut with cardarine. I mean you're hear on meso so I'm sure you can find something better. I liked s4 alot more than ostarine, it gave me a harder look but you have to deal with the weird vision sides. Once again if I wanted a hardener at this point in my journey I just use mast.
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I'm still interested in yk11 tho. I'm getting close to the point in my cycle when they suggest to introduce it. Myostatin peaks around week8 and I'm really tempted to try it but it feels like uncharted territory. I haven't seen much talk about it on here or shared experiences.
S23 will shut you down without a test base. That’s the thing with sarms is that they are selective androgen receptor modulators so they don’t crank on your receptors all the way like anabolics but they partially do. Rad will suppress you also
How did you find your perfect dose for rad140? I'm on 10 mg, might bump it up to 20 mg in a week or two.
the only sarm worth taking in my opinion is injectable YK-11 to break through a strength plateau or to rip your peck off the tendon. Because one of those two things is going to happen.
I've been looking at SARM's purely to increase strength to see if there is anything effective out there to put alongside Test & NPP, bought some LGD 4033 after reading some good experiences on it.

Do you rate YK 11 above it for that purpose? If so I will try that instead. How would you say YK 11 compares to something like DBol?