My next cycle will include nandrolone and testosterone, but I will avoid tren. What good alternatives can I add in?


New Member
I’m planning 400mg test a week with 300mg nandrolone decanoate, and 50mg Proviron.
I have run tren with these two before but I want to avoid it this time to protect my health and overall well-being.

What can I add to test, nandrolone and Proviron to jump start a cycle? I have tudca, NAC, liv52, injectable glutathione and injectable vit b6 for liver support.

I have had some kidney problems in the past and drinking a gallon of water per day keeps my kidneys healthy.

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol and I eat clean. I’m looking to seriously bulk this cycle.

Any advice on how I can modify this cycle or add to it would be appreciated. And I am interested in something that will increase libido/mood lift as well.

My libido has been in the toilet since my last cycle even with proper pct.

(or maybe I can run tren but at much lower doses maybe for six to eight weeks?)
Id say an oral. But given your “kidney problems” im not so sure. To be honest if you have a serious kidney condition you shouldnt be juicing at all, but you are kind of vague on what and how severe your kidney problem is.
Id say an oral. But given your “kidney problems” im not so sure. To be honest if you have a serious kidney condition you shouldnt be juicing at all, but you are kind of vague on what and how severe your kidney problem is.
I had one episode of kidney failure (indicated by high creatinine) about fifteen years ago when I was taking a blood pressure pill called lisinopril and I was also drinking five or six energy drinks per day with very little water intake. Combination of these things including the lisinopril lead to kidney failure which quickly and immediately resolved itself upon the Initiation of multiple lines of intravenous fluids. Not close to dialysis anything like that. No kidney problems since I drink a lot of water and eat cleaner than I used to, I avoid caffeine and stopped the lisinopril which can exacerbate kidney problems if dehydrated.
I no longer take blood pressure meds my bp is fine.
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Sounds like a one time event then, rather than a chronic condition.

Well if your comfortable with it consider an oral then, posdibly to kickstart the cycle or used as a pre-workout boost throughout the cycle (only taken on workout days i.e. 10mg dianabol pre workout).

You dont mention which testosterone ester you are intending to use? If you dont mind the pinning schedule propionate gets my vote, the benefits being it kicks in faster and if you have any kind of bad reaction you can get it out of your system faster, also you could continue to run it after you stop the nandrolone and waiting for blood levels to wind down before you start PCT. biggest drawback being more frequent pinning of course.
Sounds like a one time event then, rather than a chronic condition.

Well if your comfortable with it consider an oral then, posdibly to kickstart the cycle or used as a pre-workout boost throughout the cycle (only taken on workout days i.e. 10mg dianabol pre workout).

You dont mention which testosterone ester you are intending to use? If you dont mind the pinning schedule propionate gets my vote, the benefits being it kicks in faster and if you have any kind of bad reaction you can get it out of your system faster, also you could continue to run it after you stop the nandrolone and waiting for blood levels to wind down before you start PCT. biggest drawback being more frequent pinning of course.
I will be using test prop.
What about tbol instead of dbol? If I’m bulking which would be more effective I believe dbol hands down. What about dbol vs anadrol?

I think I will use tren ace at 50mg 3x-4x per week for a max of 14 weeks. I want to include 300-400mg mast per week with test deca and tren. I’m hoping mast plus Proviron will give me a libido boost which I need, my libido sucks. I will also use pt141 for sex drive.

I’m thinking tbol to kickstart my cycle and then using dbol/anadrol/winstrol on the tail end of my cycle to overcome plateaus.

If any of this sounds off please let me know.
I will be using test prop.
What about tbol instead of dbol? If I’m bulking which would be more effective I believe dbol hands down. What about dbol vs anadrol?

I think I will use tren ace at 50mg 3x-4x per week for a max of 14 weeks. I want to include 300-400mg mast per week with test deca and tren. I’m hoping mast plus Proviron will give me a libido boost which I need, my libido sucks. I will also use pt141 for sex drive.

I’m thinking tbol to kickstart my cycle and then using dbol/anadrol/winstrol on the tail end of my cycle to overcome plateaus.

If any of this sounds off please let me know.

If your going to add mast and tren in then i dont see the point of an oral. I mean how much gear overall does a guy need.

If running prop you really dont need a kickstart as the prop will come on fast.

Ive never used anadrol but im a big fan of dbol. Especially pre workout, dbol is awesome as a pre workout booster. Maybe have some on hand for the end of the cycle to, as you said, push past plateaus if needed. But im a fan of less is more mentality for gear, i mean the body can only synthesize so much muscke tissue in a given period of time no matter how much juice your running so i cant see much reasoning for running like 5+ different compounds in a cycle unless you just hate your health or your some top level competitor.
I’m planning 400mg test a week with 300mg nandrolone decanoate, and 50mg Proviron.
I have run tren with these two before but I want to avoid it this time to protect my health and overall well-being.

What can I add to test, nandrolone and Proviron to jump start a cycle? I have tudca, NAC, liv52, injectable glutathione and injectable vit b6 for liver support.

I have had some kidney problems in the past and drinking a gallon of water per day keeps my kidneys healthy.

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol and I eat clean. I’m looking to seriously bulk this cycle.

Any advice on how I can modify this cycle or add to it would be appreciated. And I am interested in something that will increase libido/mood lift as well.

My libido has been in the toilet since my last cycle even with proper pct.

(or maybe I can run tren but at much lower doses maybe for six to eight weeks?)
Mast or primo would be my choice to run with deca
I will be using test prop.
What about tbol instead of dbol? If I’m bulking which would be more effective I believe dbol hands down. What about dbol vs anadrol?

I think I will use tren ace at 50mg 3x-4x per week for a max of 14 weeks. I want to include 300-400mg mast per week with test deca and tren. I’m hoping mast plus Proviron will give me a libido boost which I need, my libido sucks. I will also use pt141 for sex drive.

I’m thinking tbol to kickstart my cycle and then using dbol/anadrol/winstrol on the tail end of my cycle to overcome plateaus.

If any of this sounds off please let me know.
I’m not using Tren for health reasons …. 3 posts later , I will be using Tren Ace for 14 weeks lol
I’m not using Tren for health reasons …. 3 posts later , I will be using Tren Ace for 14 weeks lol

Guy has as much willpower as a ruler has curves.

“Protect my health and well-being” then proceeds to come up with a cycle involving test, nandrolone, tren, masteron, and proviron. Massive overkill on AAS IMO unless this guys an IFBB pro or something.
Just finished a very similar 17-week cycle.

Kickstarted with 50mg TBol ED weeks 1-4

Finished with 50 mg Drol, pulsed 3x / wk on heavy days for final 3 weeks.
If your going to add mast and tren in then i dont see the point of an oral. I mean how much gear overall does a guy need.

If running prop you really dont need a kickstart as the prop will come on fast.

Ive never used anadrol but im a big fan of dbol. Especially pre workout, dbol is awesome as a pre workout booster. Maybe have some on hand for the end of the cycle to, as you said, push past plateaus if needed. But im a fan of less is more mentality for gear, i mean the body can only synthesize so much muscke tissue in a given period of time no matter how much juice your running so i cant see much reasoning for running like 5+ different compounds in a cycle unless you just hate your health or your some top level competitor.

Less is definitely more. I will never take more than a gram total of gear in a week. It's just not healthy in my opinion.

I think a less is more approach, in addition to a the-more-different-compounds-the-better approach, is best.

Add in small amounts of different compounds and let them work together in different ways.

DBol is great too. Joints get a good cushion. Strength shoots up. And appetite shoots up.
You’re correct I am already running too many compounds.
I am going to change what I said in the first post.
I’m going to use 300mg wk test prop. 250mg wk nandrolone decanoate. 50-75mg tren EOD.
I will run masteron enth

I will
Mast or primo would be my choice to run with deca
i will run mast as well. Prop or enth and how should I dose it with my Proviron, test, nandrolone tren, Hcg and aromasin?
Guy has as much willpower as a ruler has curves.

“Protect my health and well-being” then proceeds to come up with a cycle involving test, nandrolone, tren, masteron, and proviron. Massive overkill on AAS IMO unless this guys an IFBB pro or something.
I am still On the fence with trenbolone. I
Have had a love affair with it for many years. If you’ve used this compound or im sure you understand. I would like to avoid it or at minimum use the smallest doses I can get away with. I’d prefer it to harsh liver toxic orals in some situations.

I am thinking of a kickstart with tbol and keeping tren ace on hand just in case I decide to dose it minimally.
I am still On the fence with trenbolone. I
Have had a love affair with it for many years. If you’ve used this compound or im sure you understand. I would like to avoid it or at minimum use the smallest doses I can get away with. I’d prefer it to harsh liver toxic orals in some situations.

I am thinking of a kickstart with tbol and keeping tren ace on hand just in case I decide to dose it minimally.
What is a minimal dose? Is 10mg ED Ace worthwhile?