LowDoseNatty Summer Cut Log


New Member
I want to start a log for my summer cut, mostly for me to look back on to see what went wrong and what went right, but maybe I can help someone along the way. I'm not a massive dude (working on it) but I wouldn't say I'm small either. I'd describe myself as an intermediate in this lifestyle, I know a thing or two but I have a whole lot left to learn, and simply lack the years of experience to put the knowledge into application

I'm a pretty tall guy at 6'3, this makes filling out my frame a bit harder, but when I eventually do, I feel it'll make me look that much better.
Currently at 220lbs. Cheap scale says I'm ~15% body fat, but these are known to be very inaccurate so I could be give or take a few percent. I'm lean enough that I have nice visible abs, but I wouldn't consider myself shredded (yet)

I want to get lean, around 10% body fat. Not stage shredded or anything, but lean enough that when I start adding large amounts of food required for a guy my height to grow, I won't turn into a lard ass. My last bulk I did put on a good amount of size, but I got up to 18% body fat, and by my standards that's a fat ass. I want to be a bodybuilder not the average American.

For my height, I don't have a ridiculously fast metabolism, though I wouldn't say it's slow. Probably average. I carb cycle, so on my leg days I consume 200 calories more from carbs, and on my rest day I consume 300 calories less from carbs.

Normal Day: 2,300 calories, ~200g carbs, ~50g fat, ~250g protein.
High Day: 2,500 calories, ~300g carbs, ~50g fat, ~250g protein.
Low Day: 2,000 calories, ~100g carbs, ~75g fat, ~250g protein.

I eat almost the same thing every day, but the above numbers are just ranges, sometimes I eat more or less of a certain macro, though I almost always keep daily calories the same.

This is the part everyone loves to discuss.
1,050mg Test E
1,050mg Bold C
700mg Mast P
Last 6 weeks we will add:
350 Tren A
50mg Winstrol daily

7.5IU HGH daily, 2.5 IU pre fasted cardio, 2.5IU pre gym, 2.5IU pre bed
1,000mg Injectable L-Carnitine, 500mg pre fasted cardio, 500mg pre gym

I don't use AI even with the high test dose. The boldelone and master keep my E2 in the 30's. I think I'm lucky I don't aromatize heavily.

There's so many I might miss a few, but I'll try to get them all.
1200 NAC daily, 600mg morning, 600mg night
500mg TUDCA daily, 250mg morning, 250mg night
3g Psylium Husk night 200mg
Lamotrigine morning (for BPD, but helps majorly in keeping level headed on fat cycles)
1,000iu Vitamin D morning
2,000mg Vitamin C, 1,000mg morning, 1,000mg night
6mg melatonin night
100mg p5p night
ZMA night (10.5mg vitamin b6, 450mg magnesium, 30mg zinc) (will be switching this out for just p5p, magnesium glycinate, and zinc piconliate. Same things just better forms) 200mg L-Theanine night


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I take 20mg Yohimbine for the alpha 2 antagonization.
50mg Ephedrine for stimulation the beta receptors.
200mg caffeine pills
2.5 IU HGH
500mg injectable L-carnitine

Currently, I do 30 minutes, 7 days a week HIIT on the bike I have in my apartment. I would prefer a stair stepper or a treadmill but the bike is all I can fit into my tiny apartment. I do intervals of 3 minutes medium state, and 2 minutes of all out bursts. I find this makes me sweat and gets my heart rate up much more than when I did 1 hour of steady state.

I'm thinking of changing this soon to the split I did in my last bulk to give me an extra day of rest, but for now this is my current split.

Monday - Heavy Back and Biceps
This is mostly just heavy row movements and heavier bicep curl variations. I stick to a bit lower reps ranges here, usually 5-8 because they're all heavy lifts near my maximum. I also like to train abs on these days to bring the pump out of my low back.

Tuesday - Heavy Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
This is mostly heavy pressing movements near my max, and a few tricep exercises thrown at the end focusing on moving heavier weights and a good contraction and stretch.

Wednesday - Heavy Legs
This is my favorite training day of the week because it's my high carb day, and legs have always been my favorite to train. This is where I go as hard as I can on heavy squats, leg press, and hack squats. I also train calves this day.

Thursday - Pump Focused Back and Biceps
I'll train with medium weights, and stick to higher rep ranges, usually around 15. I also keep my rest times shorter, around 1 minute to make sure I'm really pumping the muscle full of blood. I do a few compound rows with medium weight and also more accessory lifts. For biceps, I go for higher reps, around 20 and try to pump them so hard it hurts. Abs again this day.

Friday - Pump Focused Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Same deal as above. I'll do one or two high rep free weight pressing movement, and then try to rep out as many as possible on the machines. I'll also do absolutely killer shoulder isolations in the 25 rep range. Occasionally I'll do quarter reps for delta with a very heavy weight for 40-50 reps. It was insane the first time I got a rear delt pump.

Saturday - Sumo Focused Legs
This is where I'll kill myself doing sets of 20 on hacksquats. This also when I do most of my machine work like leg extensions and hamstring curls. Calves again on this day

Sunday - Off
This is my low carb day, the only real physical activity I do is my cardio, and maybe you could count my work as I'm a bartender and I stand all day.
nice physic already. Have you run that high dose of test before?
Thanks brother

Yes over the winter I ran 1,050 test, 1,050 bold, and 600mg NPP. No growth then.

Got some big plans for the following winter but going to make that a separate log when the time comes.
keep it up and be safe
Surprisingly, the only thing out of range on my recent blood was my HDL was a bit off. And of course my testosterone is out of range lol.


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Never felt I was genetically gifted for aesthetics, but recently I’ve realized I am very resistant to sides. I’ve never had high e2, even my first cycle with 600mg test only and nothing like mast or bold to bring it down.

Even tren doesn’t seem to give me any sides besides poor sleep, which I strongly believe lack of sleep is the cause of the majority of the insanity people associate with tren.

Truthfully, I’m not looking forward to adding it in, but god damn, it does work really well.
I ment good genetics for being healthy with all that drug you are using. I am on my first cycle of test e and it is getting difficult to adjust my e2. Sometimes i get low e2 sides like extreeme pain in my joints. The other day i make my bed wet from sweating. Just on 375mg sustanon and anavar
Starting to be able to see lots of striations in my shoulders. Pretty happy with the results so far considering I’m not using tren or orals yet.


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Seeing changes daily, nothing has changed in the protocol so far.

Tomorrow I will up the cardio from 30 minutes HIIT to 40 minutes HIIT (6 bursts to 8 bursts)

The following week will start my final push. Calories will come down by 200. Tren will be added. I have some left over anavar and superdrol that I will run towards the very end just for the final cosmetic effect.


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