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My sarms post cycle exp: suppression and bloodwork


New Member
Hey guys,

I did my first PED cycle (ostarine + cardarine) and I wanted to share my post cycle experience. I know this is a steroid forum and this might not be the right place but anyways...

32 yo, 5'8", 165lbs, around 15% BF, 6+ years exp lifting. Just wanted to get ripped: keep my muscle and decrease my body fat % to see more abs. I decided to run a 12 weeks ostarine (15mg) + cardarine (10mg) cycle in calorie deficit (around 500).
Everything went well during the cycle. Up until week 10 I had great results: increase in strength, pump, cardio. I felt like nothing could stop me in the gym and workout for hours. My mood was excellent too. More alert/happy in general (no tiredness/ overall feeling) and feeling more horny than usual. The cycle worked and results were achieved (solid but nothing spectacular): muscle looking bigger/pumped and probably decrease BF by couple %: I now have clear abs and veins popping up next to the V shape abs obliques.

Anyway, now let me get to my post cycle experience which is clearly less rosy...

Unexpectedly I had to go 2 weeks abroad (for family reasons) 3 days before my cycle ended. I had a PCT on hand (Nolvadex) but I did not take it with me. I did not want to risk something at the custom. After few days abroad I had the typical suppression symptoms: lack of energy/strength, sleepiness, zero sex interest (could have several days without fapping or even have a boner). I felt like crap and I could not find a PCT where I was and did not do the bloodwork.

Now I am back home (still have suppression mood) and just did the bloodwork (so this is 3 weeks post cycle). Looks kind of bad but I don't know what is my pre cycle base. I did not do blood test before my cycle (yes I am a freakin moron).

- LH, serum 1.90 mIU/mL (1.7 - 8.6)
- FSH, serum 3.50 mIU/mL (1.5 - 12.4)
- Estradiol, serum 16.52 pg/mL (7.6 - 43)
- Albumin (S), serum 4.4 g/dL (3.5 - 5.2)
- SHBG, serum 16.00 nmol/L (18 - 54)
- Testosterone (total) 213.00 ng/dL (280 - 800)
- Free Testosterone 0.057 ng/mL (0.090 - 0.30)

Total and Free test below range as expected. SHBG too. LH FSH and Estradio in range but low.

First feeling is to obviously start Nolva which I did 3 days ago as soon as I came back. Will run 20/20/10/10 as it is the most often recommended.

What do you think of the blood test? Particularly the SHBG LH and FSH? And is my PCT on Nolva the appropriate one?

Thanks for the reco.
Do 40/40/20 for pct and don't ever mess with sarms again. They are just as suppressive and much weaker than AAS
Thanks for your answers and suggestions.

I will up Nolva dosage (as I don't have any side yet) and have a look at HCG.

I chose SARMs because they were supposedly not suppressive... Needless to say that I was wrong. During the cycle I was like, wow this is cool I want to try other SARMs. Now I'm like, what's the point of being suppressed and feeling like shit with an unknown research chem to get mild result. I'd rather go only natural or on test...
I chose SARMs because they were supposedly not suppressive...

You and everyone else.

It doesn't help that sarm suppliers downplay how much they shut you down. That shit is all over Facebook. People will ask "do I need to PCT?" and they'll be all like "nah bro, you're good."

Even ostarine, the mildest of the sarms, will wreck your test levels with a vengeance. The whole sarm industry is scummy as hell.
But guys, the intetion of the sarms is get a supressed HTP that becomes back online faster...
If the owner of topic used 500mg os test e, the values of LH and FSH isn't exist, and that's the point....
With SARMs you can go back of an shutdown so more quickly
But guys, the intetion of the sarms is get a supressed HTP that becomes back online faster...
If the owner of topic used 500mg os test e, the values of LH and FSH isn't exist, and that's the point....
With SARMs you can go back of an shutdown so more quickly

But the gains are crap
You bounce back faster... but you really havnt gained much.
You bounce back slower from Test, but you're still up at the end ..... also...SARMs are not proven for human use.
Test is a reasonably safe compound

Better Safety
More Gains
Test is King