
New Member
Hey everyone,

I have a question that I have not seen posted/discussed - are there any big pharma companies still producing nandrolone (I'm in EU, so that region would be of more relevance for me), but still, regardless of region? I'm in Eastern Europe and there appears to be no nandrolone advertised in pharmacies whatsoever (google searches pop up Retabolil, however, it is discontinued and impossible to purchase directly from pharmacies).

Retabolil by Gedeon Richter was big in Europe, but seems like it has been discontinued a few years ago or so, unfortunately.

Aspen Nandrolone - discontinued.

Organon Holland Nandrolone products still seem to be circulating, but that is also highly faked and numerous reports read, that Organon Holland does not produce Nandrolone anymore, however, some posts on reddit indicated otherwise.

Would appreciate a discussion regarding this and any insightful info!
"Organon Holland Nandrolone products still seem to be circulating" despite a press release about fifteen years ago saying they had stopped production worldwide, I suppose there's a slim chance they relaunched them for aids wasting.