Nandrolone phenylpropionate


New Member
I'm wondering what people think of the short acting Nandrolone and how they've used it.

It has some benefits for injuries, etc.

I'm wondering what people think of the short acting Nandrolone and how they've used it.

It has some benefits for injuries, etc.


I would suggest you use Deca, 400-600mg per week. NPP is similar but you should pin e.o.d.

and I would much rather use a longer lasting Deca and pin less, each his own. NPP should be pinned

as I said e.o.d. at 100-200mg per pin.
Love npp,made great gains off it better then deca but I am sure its all in my head because they are opretty much the same.
They are the same just the carbon chain esterification. I am not planning on using it in this cycle but was just
wanting to hear of people's opinions and use.

NPP is better in many way...Faster acting, less to no water retention and mg for mg more effective...The only downside I see is the eod pinning but I pin ed anyway so not a prob for me...:D
NPP is better in many way...Faster acting, less to no water retention and mg for mg more effective...The only downside I see is the eod pinning but I pin ed anyway so not a prob for me...:D

Yeah, I've done the EOD thing many times. What would you recommend to reduce scar tissue? I know this has
been discussed before but it would be cool to hear any new developments in this regard.

Also, who is administering finasteride for prostate? I've always just supplemented Saw Palmetto for the prostate
and Milk Thistle for liver function.

I love npp i run it with prop and love it 200mg prop / 100mg npp eod does me justice and i get great gains of of it with little bloat. Last 4 weeks run var ....and there ya have my favorite cycle....i also prefer npp over deca for various reasons kicks in fast..barley any water retention and pretty much the same benefits as deca
Nandrolone Esters

The following information is useful in understanding the time course of various nandrolone esters. Also, the article includes the time course for the recovery of serum testosterone after nandrolone esters injection. After a single 100 mg injection of NPP, recovery takes 10+ days. After ND, recovery takes 15+ days. It is important to note these are single administrations of 100 mg. Can you imagine just how long recovery is with repeated doses of 200+ mg? It is long!!!!

In addition to the chemistry of the side-chain ester, both injection site and volume can systematically influence blood nandrolone levels after i.m. injection of nandrolone esters in an oil vehicle formulation. Corresponding to the patterns of blood nandrolone concentrations, pharmacodynamic indices reflecting androgen-induced inhibition of pituitary-testicular function, namely blood testosterone and inhibin concentrations, are also systematically influenced by these factors.


Minto CF, Howe C, Wishart S, Conway AJ, Handelsman DJ. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nandrolone esters in oil vehicle: effects of ester, injection site and injection volume. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1997;281(1):93-102.

We studied healthy men who underwent blood sampling for plasma nandrolone, testosterone, and inhibin measurements before and for 32 days after a single i.m. injection of 100 mg of nandrolone ester in arachis oil. Twenty-three men were randomized into groups receiving nandrolone phenylpropionate (group 1, n = 7) or nandrolone decanoate (group 2, n = 6) injected into the gluteal muscle in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle or nandrolone decanoate in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle injected into either the gluteal (group 3, n = 5) or deltoid (group 4, n = 5) muscles. Plasma nandrolone, testosterone and inhibin concentrations were analyzed by a mixed-effects indirect response model. Plasma nandrolone concentrations were influenced (P < .001) by different esters and injection sites, with higher and earlier peaks with the phenylpropionate ester, compared with the decanoate ester. After nandrolone decanoate injection, the highest bioavailability and peak nandrolone levels were observed with the 1-ml gluteal injection. Plasma testosterone concentrations were also influenced (P < .001) by the ester and injection site, with the most rapid, but briefest, suppression being due to the phenylpropionate ester, whereas the most sustained suppression was achieved with the 1-ml gluteal injection. Plasma inhibin concentrations were also significantly influenced by injection volume and site, with the lowest nadir occurring after the nandrolone decanoate 1-ml gluteal injection. Thus, the bioavailability and physiological effects of a nandrolone ester in an oil vehicle are greatest when the ester is injected in a small (1 ml vs. 4 ml) volume and into the gluteal vs. deltoid muscle. We conclude that the side-chain ester and the injection site and volume influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nandrolone esters in an oil vehicle in men.

Bagchus WM, Smeets JMW, Verheul HAM, De Jager-Van Der Veen SM, Port A, Geurts TBP. Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Three Different Intramuscular Doses of Nandrolone Decanoate: Analysis of Serum and Urine Samples in Healthy Men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90(5):2624-30.

The pharmacokinetics of nandrolone in serum and urine were investigated in healthy young men after a single im injection of 50 mg (n = 20), 100 mg (n = 17), or 150 mg (n = 17) nandrolone decanoate. Blood samples were collected before treatment and for up to 32 d after dosing. In addition, in the 50- and 150-mg groups, 24-h urine samples were collected before treatment and on d 1, 7, and 33 after treatment; in the 150-mg group, additional samples were collected after 3 and 6 months. Serum concentrations and the area under the curve of nandrolone increased proportionally with the dose administered. The peak serum concentration ranged from 2.14 ng/ml in the 50-mg group to 4.26 ng/ml in the 100-mg group and 5.16 ng/ml in the 150-mg group. The peak serum concentration was reached after 30 h (50 and 100 mg) and 72 h (150 mg), whereas the terminal half-life was 7-12 d. In urine, pretreatment concentrations of 19-norandrosterone (19-NA) and/or 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE) were detected in five of 37 subjects (14%). In the 50-mg group, 19-NA and/or 19-NE could be detected at least until 33 d after injection in 16 of 17 subjects (94%). In the 150-mg group, who were presumed to have not previously used nandrolone, nandrolone metabolites could be detected for up to 6 months in eight of 12 subjects (67%) for 19-NE and in 10 of 12 subjects (83%) for 19-NA.


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Re: Nandrolone Esters

Great post. Good info in this study and love the Bayesian predictions.

Happy Holidays Doc! :)