NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

I don't know why everyone always give naps such a hard time. Ive always had good results, good labs and usually get package in a reasonable about of time.
If you don't know why they are given such a hard time, then you haven't done enough reading/ research. ....
Geneza comes with free fuzzy shit in the vials, Beligas/Avogen comes with free cellulitis, alpha and euro pharm comes with EO which jacks your c-reactive proteins too high, dragon comes with knots and paralyzing pip, ODIN has dark ass bottles to hide their floaters…yea SUCH HIGH QUALITY there boys.
Geneza comes with free fuzzy shit in the vials, Beligas/Avogen comes with free cellulitis, alpha and euro pharm comes with EO which jacks your c-reactive proteins too high, dragon comes with knots and paralyzing pip, ODIN has dark ass bottles to hide their floaters…yea SUCH HIGH QUALITY there boys.
Not to mention that some people may be allergic to EO like I am and that might cause potential medical issues depending on severity of the allergy.

Also much of this stuff the tests show as rather underdosed unless that has changed.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shane on me. Tried a dbol only cycle (I know, stfu) from Naps' odin labs, and it was severely underdosed or just total garbage. Put 5 lbs on in 5 weeks. That was probably just working out harder and eating right when anticipating the gear to kick in. Considering all the other reviews on other boards that I found Naps on, I figured maybe it was just Odin so out of frustration and wanting to bulk this fall, I decided to try Biomex Sust and Nandrolone. Cleaned with Hibiclens in the shower and appropriately after with alcohol pads. Experienced some of the WORST pip I've ever had in my quads. Developed a lump on both quads. Then redness and heat started setting in. I dont have an Dr visit to say it was infection, but I know one when I see one. So I started antibiotics that I had on hand which seem to be calming things down. Won't ever buy naps again and now I'm out a lot of money. Wish I had found this forum and thread before ordering.
Fool me once, shame in you. Fool me twice, shane on me. Tried a dbol only cycle (I know, stfu) from Naps' odin labs, and it was severely underdosed or just total garbage. Put 5 lbs on in 5 weeks. That was probably just working out harder and eating right when anticipating the gear to kick in. Considering all the other reviews on other boards that I found Naps on, I figured maybe it was just Odin so out of frustration and wanting to bulk this fall, I decided to try Biomex Sust and Nandrolone. Cleaned with Hib8clens 8n the shower and appropriately after with alcohol pads. Experienced some of the WORST pip I've ever had in my quads. Developed a lump on both quads. Then redness and heat started setting in. I dont have an Dr visit to say it was infection, but I know one when I see one. So I started antibiotics that I had on hand which seem to be calming things down. Won't ever buy naps again and now I'm out a lot of money.
Live and learn...
Title: Anavar

Description: Finally I received my anavar. I am saving this for my summer cycle. The delivery took about a week.Thanks Naps!


Anavar 10 (Pharmago Labs)

Title: Get swole

Description: Look at Naps!! Always on time. If you didn't know know you know. Salute to Naps


Supersus 400 (Pharmaqo Labs)

Title: Intex te 300

Description: Intex super fast and very discreet shipping as always!

INTEX TE-300 (Intex Pharma, Europe (UK))



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: First time buy not bad

Description: Super excited just got my order in less than 3 weeks for international. Will update once I start taking product, and see how it actually works compared to other brands I have taken.

Winstrol 50 (Pharmago Labs)
Anavar 10 (Pharmago Labs)
Tamoxifen 20 (Pharmaqo Labs)
PCT (Pharmaqo Labs)
Clenbuterol (Pharmago Labs)
Winstrol 10 (Pharmaqo Labs)









Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Sustanon 250 euro pharmacies

Description: Euro pharmacies sustanon 250 !!! Fast shipping-perfect product!

Sustanon 250 (Euro-Pharmacies, Europe)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shane on me. Tried a dbol only cycle (I know, stfu) from Naps' odin labs, and it was severely underdosed or just total garbage. Put 5 lbs on in 5 weeks. That was probably just working out harder and eating right when anticipating the gear to kick in. Considering all the other reviews on other boards that I found Naps on, I figured maybe it was just Odin so out of frustration and wanting to bulk this fall, I decided to try Biomex Sust and Nandrolone. Cleaned with Hibiclens in the shower and appropriately after with alcohol pads. Experienced some of the WORST pip I've ever had in my quads. Developed a lump on both quads. Then redness and heat started setting in. I dont have an Dr visit to say it was infection, but I know one when I see one. So I started antibiotics that I had on hand which seem to be calming things down. Won't ever buy naps again and now I'm out a lot of money. Wish I had found this forum and thread before ordering.

Quid pro quo is the name of the game on source boards. Naps and all the other junk dealers pay the board owners to source there and in return they get the ability to delete posts like yours so that unsuspecting victims only see positive reviews.

With time you begin to recognize red flags. This thread is a red flag. There's very few actual user reviews. It's mainly filled with cut and paste reviews written by the same few people in an effort to hide all the negative posts.
Title: Deca300

Description: So far, all of the Dragon Pharma products have been top shelf. Packaging, the viles, everything is outstanding, very little to no PIP so far. I would definitely recommend and will buy again.

GP Deca 300 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)




Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Naps always comes thru!

Description: Not only is naps the premier source for anabolics. They carry other great, reliable medications as well! Thanks naps.

Pain-O-Soma 500 mg (Hab Pharmaceuticals ltd)
Ventolin Inhaler 100 mcg (GSK) Doxt SL (Dr.Reddy's)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: 26 days

Description: Received my order in 26 days, naps is definitely my go to. Made over 40 orders with no issues

Artvigil (Signature)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Love to get extra Pharmaqo

Description: Came within two and half weeks! I love to keep this stuff as part of a bulking cycle or just blast and cruise. This has become a solid new fav in the last year and delivers every time.

Supersus 400 (Pharmago Labs)
Testoviron-E 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Excellent sale had to jump on it

Description: After in delay with the Stan 10 a quick reshiomemt of the product was done and received promptly. GP is a sold brand and wont disappoint.

GP Bold 300 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Superdrol (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Clomiphene (Clomid) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)







Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Is it me or do your "customers" not proof read their gag inducing reviews before puking them up? Seems like a bunch of rush job reviews.

Was it Slobster or Sellout Smi that wrote these reviews for you? You can tell us. It's not like telling the truth is going to hurt your business here any worse than that idiot naps did by threatening someone's freedom with a hot pack.

"Oh crap, they're on to us. Slobster, write 14 reviews in broken English so i can bury that last post and throw them off the trail."
Title: Beligas NPP 100mg - 10 days delivered!

Description: Super fast delivery! Can't wait to try NPP. Using Deca now at 100mg per week for therapeutic. Once that runs out will up the dose using NPP.

Pheno-NPP (Beligas)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.