Neck pain that radiates to left shoulder/arm

Haven't even touched weights in like 3 months due to busy schedule so I can't say its a recent injury but I have had problems for years. Pain starts in the neck and radiates to left side through the shoulder and arm. any of you experience this before? anything that helps?

I have the same c4-c7, with disc degeneration. I think the pinched nerve is between 5 and 6 How is the pain/ recovery for that?
I just got ACDF surgery for degenerative discs C5-C6. Unfortunately my condition required it as a disk slipped and was hitting the spinal cord. I have a narrow spinal canal.

Tried PT and some medications didn’t help. What really helped was a cortiscoid shot similar to a epidural in the spine. Was pain free but was just a bandaid. If your pain isn’t alleviated after a week or two I strongly suggest seeing a doctor and getting an MRI and try the cortiscoid shot.
Degenerating disc are pretty common with the way most people posture is from the dr.s i spoke with. PC's cell phones anything where people are rounded shoulder looking more downward etc. causes the neck to bend the opposite direction it is designed to.
I just got ACDF surgery for degenerative discs C5-C6. Unfortunately my condition required it as a disk slipped and was hitting the spinal cord. I have a narrow spinal canal.

Tried PT and some medications didn’t help. What really helped was a cortiscoid shot similar to a epidural in the spine. Was pain free but was just a bandaid. If your pain isn’t alleviated after a week or two I strongly suggest seeing a doctor and getting an MRI and try the cortiscoid shot.
It was so bad at the time I couldn't finish the mri , I have another 1 scheduled, but I already talked to the spinal specialist , it's between the shot and surgery.

How was the surgery/ recovery, That's the fusion right? I heard the neck injection can last between a few weeks to 24 weeks, just a bandaid like you said.
It was so bad at the time I couldn't finish the mri , I have another 1 scheduled, but I already talked to the spinal specialist , it's between the shot and surgery.

How was the surgery/ recovery, That's the fusion right? I heard the neck injection can last between a few weeks to 24 weeks, just a bandaid like you said.
The shot lasted minimum 2 months for me and then I did the surgery but was still pain free. My doc said could be 2 days or forever pain free after the shot.

If you are getting paralysis I’d say to do the surgery. If it’s just pain it’s not worth it imo and can cause more surgeries. Definitely seek a second opinion as I feel I was kind of scared into it. I spoke to another doctor and he recommended against it if there is no more pain and no paralysis as the disc can and will shrink. I also had bone spurs poking at the cord too that needed to be cut off.

As for the surgery it really wasn’t painful I was up and about on the second day. I had 1 level fused. Although my doctor was very strict on weight restrictions and not removing the hard collar for 12 weeks. I still was pretty decently active. Just was mindful. I was reading that most people can remove the collar after 4 weeks max and go back to normal things. I got my collar of last week and all restrictions were lifted so 3 months total. I still have some lingering pain that I believe is from the surgery. As the day of the surgery I had no pain from the shot and then afterwards my arm was hurting again. Though I was experiencing paralysis and my arm could barely curl 20lbs prior to surgery while my left arm was easily doing it. Now I am working my way back up and seems there is no more paralysis. The other day I worked out shoulders and felt a zap to my thumb multiple times. Which would be the nerve where the surgery was performed. So not great but make sure to talk to multiple doctors.
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Degenerating disc are pretty common with the way most people posture is from the dr.s i spoke with. PC's cell phones anything where people are rounded shoulder looking more downward etc. causes the neck to bend the opposite direction it is designed to.
You would be surprised how many folks FUBAR their necks just looking left sneezing or coughing. Anyone is suspect after 30. Happened to me and my discs were not herniated yet and had all the symptoms of c4-c7 damage after one event and fukked my right side to hell and back. I didn't believe it but its haunting me now.

PEOPLE SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL HOW THEY POSTURE THROUGHOUT THE DAY. @buck , AGREED BIG TIME - And then make cautious efforts to stretch and decompress. Be CAUTIOUS Considering chiropractors. One of my ortho surgeons quoted me "yea, I think chiros are great, i get plenty of business from them every year,..." :oops: At the same time a chiro was the only one to get me out of pain when it first happened at 30... I had a workout bro tell me NO he does not have neck issues but believed it was because the way he racked his dumbbells after doing shrugs. Go figure..

PEOPLE SHOULD BASICALLY X-NAY all sources of highly absorbable calcium such as milk. IMHO.. When they say milk is not for adults, I believe it. I used to drink a shit ton of skim...

Cause I am sure mine was the result of some bone overgrowth near the spine cracking and basically damaging nerves, at least at first. STENOSIS is the term and SPURS.. They don't know what the fuck is going on and you will be hard pressed to get an MRI if in early 30's they will blow you off. Don't matter they are doing you a favor you don't want the surgery and they are doing you a favor if not promoting surgical intervention short of non-stop pain past 3 weeks.

If it happened to me at 30 I would recommend a chiro to give it a twist of two. But I never regained innervation of those muscles which tells me the nerves were indeed partially severed. And they will tell you the same when older considering disc fusion with cadaver bone. Will stop the progression of failure to innervate, and hopefully stop the pain, but you most likely wont get back function in the muscles affected by the initial event..

While they will promote you getting cortisone spinals because the cunts wont write opioids any more. (And while opioids wont fix it they will eventually synergize the body to move thru it). But I have read stay away from cortisone blocks as they degenerate cartilage and even read the the max injections one should receive is one per year tops. But ask them at pain management these days and they will go silent pretty quick. Bunch of SOLD OUT CUNTS...
It was so bad at the time I couldn't finish the mri , I have another 1 scheduled, but I already talked to the spinal specialist , it's between the shot and surgery.

How was the surgery/ recovery, That's the fusion right? I heard the neck injection can last between a few weeks to 24 weeks, just a bandaid like you said.
Just got the MRI same thing as
As u c5 c6 herniated hitting my spinal cord and other nerves, it's looking like surgery said the injections are to risk so i get the opiates lol , did u loose strength and atrophy in 1 arm?
The shot lasted minimum 2 months for me and then I did the surgery but was still pain free. My doc said could be 2 days or forever pain free after the shot.

If you are getting paralysis I’d say to do the surgery. If it’s just pain it’s not worth it imo and can cause more surgeries. Definitely seek a second opinion as I feel I was kind of scared into it. I spoke to another doctor and he recommended against it if there is no more pain and no paralysis as the disc can and will shrink. I also had bone spurs poking at the cord too that needed to be cut off.

As for the surgery it really wasn’t painful I was up and about on the second day. I had 1 level fused. Although my doctor was very strict on weight restrictions and not removing the hard collar for 12 weeks. I still was pretty decently active. Just was mindful. I was reading that most people can remove the collar after 4 weeks max and go back to normal things. I got my collar of last week and all restrictions were lifted so 3 months total. I still have some lingering pain that I believe is from the surgery. As the day of the surgery I had no pain from the shot and then afterwards my arm was hurting again. Though I was experiencing paralysis and my arm could barely curl 20lbs prior to surgery while my left arm was easily doing it. Now I am working my way back up and seems there is no more paralysis. The other day I worked out shoulders and felt a zap to my thumb multiple times. Which would be the nerve where the surgery was performed. So not great but make sure to talk to multiple doctors.
Sorry I was trying to reply to u.
The shot lasted minimum 2 months for me and then I did the surgery but was still pain free. My doc said could be 2 days or forever pain free after the shot.

If you are getting paralysis I’d say to do the surgery. If it’s just pain it’s not worth it imo and can cause more surgeries. Definitely seek a second opinion as I feel I was kind of scared into it. I spoke to another doctor and he recommended against it if there is no more pain and no paralysis as the disc can and will shrink. I also had bone spurs poking at the cord too that needed to be cut off.

As for the surgery it really wasn’t painful I was up and about on the second day. I had 1 level fused. Although my doctor was very strict on weight restrictions and not removing the hard collar for 12 weeks. I still was pretty decently active. Just was mindful. I was reading that most people can remove the collar after 4 weeks max and go back to normal things. I got my collar of last week and all restrictions were lifted so 3 months total. I still have some lingering pain that I believe is from the surgery. As the day of the surgery I had no pain from the shot and then afterwards my arm was hurting again. Though I was experiencing paralysis and my arm could barely curl 20lbs prior to surgery while my left arm was easily doing it. Now I am working my way back up and seems there is no more paralysis. The other day I worked out shoulders and felt a zap to my thumb multiple times. Which would be the nerve where the surgery was performed. So not great but make sure to talk to multiple doctors.
Got it I'll talk to multiple drs, u did have the same arm pain as me an atrophy, i have the same numb thumb and for finger mostly thumb.
You would be surprised how many folks FUBAR their necks just looking left sneezing or coughing. Anyone is suspect after 30. Happened to me and my discs were not herniated yet and had all the symptoms of c4-c7 damage after one event and fukked my right side to hell and back. I didn't believe it but its haunting me now.

PEOPLE SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL HOW THEY POSTURE THROUGHOUT THE DAY. @buck , AGREED BIG TIME - And then make cautious efforts to stretch and decompress. Be CAUTIOUS Considering chiropractors. One of my ortho surgeons quoted me "yea, I think chiros are great, i get plenty of business from them every year,..." :oops: At the same time a chiro was the only one to get me out of pain when it first happened at 30... I had a workout bro tell me NO he does not have neck issues but believed it was because the way he racked his dumbbells after doing shrugs. Go figure..

PEOPLE SHOULD BASICALLY X-NAY all sources of highly absorbable calcium such as milk. IMHO.. When they say milk is not for adults, I believe it. I used to drink a shit ton of skim...

Cause I am sure mine was the result of some bone overgrowth near the spine cracking and basically damaging nerves, at least at first. STENOSIS is the term and SPURS.. They don't know what the fuck is going on and you will be hard pressed to get an MRI if in early 30's they will blow you off. Don't matter they are doing you a favor you don't want the surgery and they are doing you a favor if not promoting surgical intervention short of non-stop pain past 3 weeks.

If it happened to me at 30 I would recommend a chiro to give it a twist of two. But I never regained innervation of those muscles which tells me the nerves were indeed partially severed. And they will tell you the same when older considering disc fusion with cadaver bone. Will stop the progression of failure to innervate, and hopefully stop the pain, but you most likely wont get back function in the muscles affected by the initial event..

While they will promote you getting cortisone spinals because the cunts wont write opioids any more. (And while opioids wont fix it they will eventually synergize the body to move thru it). But I have read stay away from cortisone blocks as they degenerate cartilage and even read the the max injections one should receive is one per year tops. But ask them at pain management these days and they will go silent pretty quick. Bunch of SOLD OUT CUNTS...
I think I agree with some? Not sure wtf u said. Opioids ain’t the answer and the cortisone is a band aid. Never goto a chiro they aren’t real doctors and can easily make you worse while you feel better momentarily. Doubt milk is the cause of bone spurs which I have too. It’s genetics. Everyone would have spurs then. Steroids will easily cause bone growth though. I’m early 30s and got my mri free but I have good insurance to each their own. Either way surgery should be your last option.
Got it I'll talk to multiple drs, u did have the same arm pain as me an atrophy, i have the same numb thumb and for finger mostly thumb.
Yea it started out neck pain then whole hand and arm went numb picking up a pencil after sitting for hours I could barely do. Sitting actually made it worse if the chair wasnt good and I couldn’t rest my neck. I couldn’t even curl 10lbs without major effort when I was curling 50 the day before my right went shot. I’m 4 months post surgery working out 1 month and my right arm is lagging behind significantly in growth even though I’m doing isolations. The strength is catching up but the size difference is very noticeable between my two arms. Not sure if it’s nerve damage is slowing growth - but I was badly atrophied in my right even though my left was slightly numb here and there depending on the day. I got two opinions - the main doctor said it was necessary. The second said if pain is gone after the epidural shot and no paralysis then don’t do it, 2nd doc also said he would let my first doctor do surgery on him as he knew him and praised him. So I went with the first docs opinion.

Physical therapy didn’t help only made it worse. Just imo try to avoid the surgery unless you have to and make sure your spinal cord isn’t being frayed cause eventually it will give out whether it hurts or not. To have pain is actually good. Some ppl have none and 10 years later go full on paralyzed. Depends on how fast your brain can rewire. If it can’t rewire fast enough and delicate the other spinal cells then it will cause pain. Once their dead they don’t regenerate so that is something to take in to consideration.

P.s a chiro can paralyze you if they move your neck wrong. Never go.
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I bought an inversion table for my back problems. I think it can help, it helped me and my wife to get rid of back and neck problems. Almost pain free now.