You would be surprised how many folks FUBAR their necks just looking left sneezing or coughing. Anyone is suspect after 30. Happened to me and my discs were not herniated yet and had all the symptoms of c4-c7 damage after one event and fukked my right side to hell and back. I didn't believe it but its haunting me now.
@buck ,
AGREED BIG TIME - And then make cautious efforts to stretch and decompress. Be CAUTIOUS Considering chiropractors. One of my ortho surgeons quoted me "yea, I think chiros are great, i get plenty of business from them every year,..."
At the same time a chiro was the only one to get me out of pain when it first happened at 30... I had a workout bro tell me NO he does not have neck issues but believed it was because the way he racked his dumbbells after doing shrugs. Go figure..
PEOPLE SHOULD BASICALLY X-NAY all sources of highly absorbable calcium such as milk. IMHO.. When they say milk is not for adults, I believe it. I used to drink a shit ton of skim...
Cause I am sure mine was the result of some bone overgrowth near the spine cracking and basically damaging nerves, at least at first. STENOSIS is the term and SPURS.. They don't know what the fuck is going on and you will be hard pressed to get an MRI if in early 30's they will blow you off. Don't matter they are doing you a favor you don't want the surgery and they are doing you a favor if not promoting surgical intervention short of non-stop pain past 3 weeks.
If it happened to me at 30 I would recommend a chiro to give it a twist of two. But I never regained innervation of those muscles which tells me the nerves were indeed partially severed. And they will tell you the same when older considering disc fusion with cadaver bone. Will stop the progression of failure to innervate, and hopefully stop the pain, but you most likely wont get back function in the muscles affected by the initial event..
While they will promote you getting cortisone spinals because the cunts wont write opioids any more. (And while opioids wont fix it they will eventually synergize the body to move thru it). But I have read stay away from cortisone blocks as they degenerate cartilage and even read the the max injections one should receive is one per year tops. But ask them at pain management these days and they will go silent pretty quick. Bunch of SOLD OUT CUNTS...