Need Advice For Restoring Sperm Production On Trt.


New Member
Sorry for the wall of text but I’m in need of some help.

Goal - Get wife pregnant.


I just turned 34.

My wife and I have gotten pregnant once which resulted in a miscarriage (2009). Three years ago (2011) I had a major bout of anxiety which manifested into pretty bad OCD. I had previously dealt with a severe bout of anxiety and OCD in 2001 while in college. This bout lasted for a year and I was able to bring myself out of it with some cognitive behavioral therapy but the anxiety persisted in a manageable form until my crash in 2011. One theory is that when I get stressed I get adrenal fatigue and all my hormones go out of whack.

After my crash in 2011 I saw a doctor who ordered a blood panel. The results came back with Low T. 200 (ng/dl) on a scale of 300 to 900. First attempt to fix this was Androstenedione which plummeted my T to around 100. Second attempt was HCG which brought my T up to 390. Doc said that proved it was secondary hypogonadism and ordered a scan of my pituitary. The scan came back with a partially empty sella basically showing my pituitary had been damaged/shrunk over the years. Probably from years of playing sports (football through high school and wrestling through high school and college). I think years of cutting weight improperly may have contributed to this.

I went off everything for a few months and had a semen analysis and my levels came back a little lower than optimal but not low enough to inhibit pregnancy.

Shortly after the semen analysis I went on Axiron which did not work. I should mention that my estrogen levels always get checked with my T and they are always high. I then went on shots of T and have been on them 18 months (at 900 now). I feel much better mentally and physically. Periodically I take Arimidex but I have a hard time dosing it so it doesn't cause partial erectile dysfunction. I know my sperm count is very low. Testes have shrunk to grapes.

We just found out my wife has had endometriosis and they just removed it today. We have a small window of time to get pregnant before the endometriosis can come back.

My ultimate question to the experts here is; What is my quickest course to restoring my sperm count? My research leads me to believe it is HCG. My doc says Cialis will also help as it can raise LH or FSH, I forget which one. Is there anything else I should consider? I will get off T if necessary but can this be done while on TRT? How long on HCG and before I will get back to pre TRT levels of sperm?

I have read that this can vary greatly from person to person. I'm hoping for any info, whether it is just a guestimate or personal experience.

My DOC is upfront about this being a subject not well understood in the medical community. He says the best information has come out of the Body Building community. Thanks for any info you can provide.
You can have a low sperm count and still be good as long as you dont have low morphology (retarted swimmers), then you really reduce your chances. You can take zinc, selenium, b vitamins. Also, you need to know the perfect time your wife releases her egg, very small window. Im no expert but coming from a guy that had the same problem. Took over a year but finally did it. Good luck. Btw I had sex every single day.
HCG is good... HCG with HMG is Fantastic. HCG works mainly on LH stimulating the testes to produce more Test and consequently some sperm production is elevated. HMG acts on the FSH side of things. It increases follicle formation and maturation which is what sperm really is. A follicle. It will take 8-10 wks to see optimal results. HCG at 250ui's EOD or E3D with 75iu's HMG. Get prescription clomid and take 50mg daily.

I am speaking from experience and have been researching male health and fertility for 2 years. I took what was a meager semen analysis of 25 million total sperm with sub par morphology and motility and elevated it to 396 million with fantastic morph and motility in 10 wks. My fertility specialist took notes needless to say. It's a shame so many doctors have no real idea how to treat patients for their own specific field of "expertise"

The analyst said she had never seen a total count even close to that. Complete disbelief and I was called a "rock star"

Good luck
I would think hcg (LH) and hmg (FSH) as a one- two punch may show to be effective.

I hope he can get his levels up...I can only say good luck bro and don't give up!
HCG is good... HCG with HMG is Fantastic. HCG works mainly on LH stimulating the testes to produce more Test and consequently some sperm production is elevated. HMG acts on the FSH side of things. It increases follicle formation and maturation which is what sperm really is. A follicle. It will take 8-10 wks to see optimal results. HCG at 250ui's EOD or E3D with 75iu's HMG. Get prescription clomid and take 50mg daily.

I am speaking from experience and have been researching male health and fertility for 2 years. I took what was a meager semen analysis of 25 million total sperm with sub par morphology and motility and elevated it to 396 million with fantastic morph and motility in 10 wks. My fertility specialist took notes needless to say. It's a shame so many doctors have no real idea how to treat patients for their own specific field of "expertise"

The analyst said she had never seen a total count even close to that. Complete disbelief and I was called a "rock star"

Good luck

So your saying 250iu hcg and 75iu hmg E3D along with 50mg clomid?

Reason I asked I come of a lonnng course in sep and expirencing ed and low libido. (Not good considering we are trying for a kid atm)

Followed scallys protocol but don't think it's helped.
So your saying 250iu hcg and 75iu hmg E3D along with 50mg clomid?

Reason I asked I come of a lonnng course in sep and expirencing ed and low libido. (Not good considering we are trying for a kid atm)

Followed scallys protocol but don't think it's helped.
Exactly- I have found more frequent injections of HCG at lower dosages works better. At least for me. If you have a decent doc, getting a script for clomid should be no problem. Wasn't clear on your post but take the 50mg clomid everyday. PM me if you have any other questions friend. (there are a lot of natural remedies that help as well, but if it's a time concern this is your most direct route)