Need An Opinion On Pct


New Member
Hello. im on my first cycle and currently taking 1,15ml of Test e 250 every five days.
my question is... would it be enough for me to just use Arimidex as pct? and how much and how long should i take it after my last pin.

Also.. Should i be taking arimidex while on cycle if i don't get any acne, sensitive nipples or any estrogen side-effects?

The answer is no. You need Clomid and or Nolvadex. It appears that you should've done a little more research before you started the cycle. I just now got off work and getting ready to drive 45 minutes to home so I don't have time to go into detail. In the meantime if no one else chimes and go look up Clomid and Nolvadex profiles and read. Also look up Adex. It will definitely benefit you to read up on them seeing how you've already started your cycle.
Do you answer your other question real quick yes you can keep it on hand the Adex that is. You probably won't see any estrogen side effects from such a low dose but there's always a possibility so bloodwork should be considered. This is all I have time for right now, go read brother.
The answer is no. You need Clomid and or Nolvadex. It appears that you should've done a little more research before you started the cycle. I just now got off work and getting ready to drive 45 minutes to home so I don't have time to go into detail. In the meantime if no one else chimes and go look up Clomid and Nolvadex profiles and read. Also look up Adex. It will definitely benefit you to read up on them seeing how you've already started your cycle.
Do you answer your other question real quick yes you can keep it on hand the Adex that is. You probably won't see any estrogen side effects from such a low dose but there's always a possibility so bloodwork should be considered. This is all I have time for right now, go read brother.
Thank you for your reply. i did do some research before and i have on hand arimidex but it looks like all nolva is gone atm all my dealers are out...
Thank you for your reply. i did do some research before and i have on hand arimidex but it looks like all nolva is gone atm all my dealers are out...

You should never begin any cycle without first having all your accoutrements on hand - in your hand.

Adex is an AI and not used during PCT. You clearly are unprepared educationally speaking, and without proper and necessary compounds to successfully execute this cycle.

How far along are you on this cycle?
You should never begin any cycle without first having all your accoutrements on hand - in your hand.

Adex is an AI and not used during PCT. You clearly are unprepared educationally speaking, and without proper and necessary compounds to successfully execute this cycle.

How far along are you on this cycle?
im 3 weeks in.
You need to get nolva & clomid asap. The longer you run gear and do not have the proper AI & SERMS, the more your gonna hurt yourself.

Although Adex boost testosterone some and inhibits estrogen, it's done differently than nolvadex & clomid. This why you can't use Adex on pct.

Now Aromasin is different. You can use it on pct with nolvadex & clomid.

So like my man BM said.... do your research now.....

Like NN says...go ahead and stop this cycle before it's too late.

Unless you can get the proper ancillary now!

Good luck

Btw....what was your pct protocol had you had everything?
Also I would like for you to tell us what kind of research you've done.

How you plan to run your cycle with pct included. What is your stats? Years lifting, age, bf%, bloods, etc....

This will indeed help you

Good luck
Well be waiting for your reply
My plan with this cycle was to take test e 400mg/ml a week for 12 weeks. and on the 15, 16 week i would take 40mg Every Day of nolvadex and week 17 20mg Every Day of nolva. i had arimidex on hand if i would need it during the cycle.
Im 20Y old
lifting for 4-5 years
Bench press 265lb
Squat 419lb
Deadlift 463lb
Youre too young. A few more years for your endocrine system to mature and fully develop, then you can look at this option. Spend this time focusing on and developing a solid diet and exercise routine that will reflect your hard work, should you decide to head down this road.
Youre too young. A few more years for your endocrine system to mature and fully develop, then you can look at this option. Spend this time focusing on and developing a solid diet and exercise routine that will reflect your hard work, should you decide to head down this road.
Thank you for your reply, i have heard that im too you many times before, i chose to do it now. but thank you very much for your opinion, im very pleased with your help :)
My plan with this cycle was to take test e 400mg/ml a week for 12 weeks. and on the 15, 16 week i would take 40mg Every Day of nolvadex and week 17 20mg Every Day of nolva. i had arimidex on hand if i would need it during the cycle.
Im 20Y old
lifting for 4-5 years
Bench press 265lb
Squat 419lb
Deadlift 463lb
eh, your not to young at all. Your body, your choice, end of story.

Run a standared clomid/nolva pct 4 weeks after last injection, take 250mg test e monday morning and thursday night.
EAT, fuck bodyfat, and train smart and hard.
I would stop this cycle and begin when you have everything you need to run this cycle properly, which includes a proper PCT.
how do i know witch pct to use i will start test-e and whanted to know if i need it and witch to use. ill be taking 500mg a week thanks
eh, your not to young at all. Your body, your choice, end of story.

Run a standared clomid/nolva pct 4 weeks after last injection, take 250mg test e monday morning and thursday night.
EAT, fuck bodyfat, and train smart and hard.

No disrespect intended, but i feel your advice is reckless and irresponsible given the vast amount of medical data available indicating the importance of postponing AAS use by an otherwise immature endocrine system and prematurely interrupting the growth plate development.

how do i know witch pct to use i will start test-e and whanted to know if i need it and witch to use. ill be taking 500mg a week thanks

I recommend you dig deeper into your research and educate yourself on the difference of SERM's and AI's and their associated roles. Your lack of knowledge will most certainly cause more issues down the road if you continue without proper education and knowledge of each compound you choose to include on any given cycle. Having someone spoon feed you numbers will not help you in the long run. Do you homework and work towards developing at least a fundamental understanding of various compounds and potential side effects in order to arm yourself with information on how to combat these issues should they arise on cycle. Then return and ask questions based on your research. You'll thank us later, trust me.
i dont whant to start a cycle befor knowing all i have to know i dont whant to have to stop training because i fuc.. up thanks
Continue training, but i would simply halt this cycle until youve done enough research and gained enough knowledge to successfully execute a properly researched cycle.
i dont cycle i just tryed two injections of t400 and my arm went bad so i got afraid and stoped. i just whant to know were im heading befor starting so i can be heading in the right direction thanks for the advice.
No disrespect intended, but i feel your advice is reckless and irresponsible given the vast amount of medical data available indicating the importance of postponing AAS use by an otherwise immature endocrine system and prematurely interrupting the growth plate development.

I recommend you dig deeper into your research and educate yourself on the difference of SERM's and AI's and their associated roles. Your lack of knowledge will most certainly cause more issues down the road if you continue without proper education and knowledge of each compound you choose to include on any given cycle. Having someone spoon feed you numbers will not help you in the long run. Do you homework and work towards developing at least a fundamental understanding of various compounds and potential side effects in order to arm yourself with information on how to combat these issues should they arise on cycle. Then return and ask questions based on your research. You'll thank us later, trust me.

Of course man.
My advice may come off as irresponsible, BUT I'd rather give someone the most info possible because if hes going to do steriods, hes going to do them. period.
As far as the growth, debatable.